The orc king didn't comment on my words.

The topic ends here, and we continue to stroll along the forest path.

The path is so narrow that he can't even walk shoulder to shoulder, but the orc king is very interested, stopping to listen to the birds from time to time, instead of leaning over and sniffing the fragrance of flowers, he even hums two small tunes when he is content.

Regardless of the king's affairs, he is still a middle-aged uncle who travels around.

After returning for a hundred meters, there was a sudden noise in the thick bushes, which was a special sound when the branches and leaves were broken.

I was shocked. Could it be the one who came to assassinate me?

Thinking of this, I walked two steps quickly, blocking in front of the orc king, and at the same time stretched my arms, folded them together, protected my head and neck, held my breath, and looked at the source of the sound.

There was another clicking sound, and then, the thick branches and leaves were separated by a arrogant force, and a large black head protruded out. On both sides of the head, a bright light was shot out, and it was fixed on my face.

In an instant, my pupils shrank suddenly.

In the next second, a huge group of black shadows whizzed and rushed towards me.

I was taken aback and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. I was immediately pressed under my body by what was thrown, and then, a slippery tingling sensation spread across my face.

"Hey, hey, I said, stop, stop, stop licking, lick your bald skin again!"

I struggled hard, but the object size on my body was too large and the weight was too large to allow me to break away at all. I had no choice but to lick it. When I licked enough, I got up again.

On the side, the Orc King embraced his arms, leaned against the tree, smiled and squinted at the things on my body, his eyes showed infinite love.

This behemoth lying on my body and licking around my face is the overlord of the outer forest of the Fairy Forest, the king of the forest, and the black bear.

After the intimacy, the black bear climbed up from me, cleverly like a pet dog.

I carelessly wiped the drool from my face, rubbed the black bear again, and then grabbed the black bear's neck and introduced: "This is the forest king of the forest outside the Fairy Forest. This is my buddy."

The orc king showed his affection, nodded repeatedly, and said: "Kong Wu is powerful and extraordinary in mind. He deserves to be the king of the forest. He has been admiring him for a long time."

After all, the orc king saluted the black bear.

The black bear uttered a clear cry, and the person stood up, with a pair of feet and claws overlapping, and he also delivered a funny-looking big gift.

The next road is no longer a mess.

At the invitation of the black bear, we went to the black bear's lair, a huge old tree.

How big is this tree?

Let's put it this way, the diameter of the ancient tree is more than 100 meters. As for the height... God knows how high it is, anyway, looking up to the top.

The ancient tree has many tree holes, the largest and most spacious one is the black bear's den.

I walked side by side with the black bear and entered the tree hole at the same time. As for the orc king, his old man is looking at the appearance of the old tree at the moment, and it is difficult to extricate himself.

As soon as I entered the tree hole, I was surrounded by a group of black bear babies, all of whom were children of black bears.

Not far away, the black bear wife was carrying a jar of sweet and delicious honey with a pair of giant claws.

After playing with the baby black bear, I sat opposite the black bear, and the orc king also walked in and was surrounded by the baby black bears.

The Feng honey jar was held up to the tree stump, and the fragrance immediately filled my mind, which made me feel refreshed. Regardless of the fact that there are bee corpses in the honey, I took it directly and licked it vigorously after it was covered with the palm. Makes his face all over his body.

The black bear looked at me and let out a weird smile.

I gave him a blank look and said with disdain: "Why, I don't think I look good? You are not any better than me."

The black bear showed a scornful look, and his claws were all over, and the black bear's wife handed a wooden spoon over in an extremely tacit understanding.

As I was dumbfounded, the black bear expertly scooped a spoonful of honey from the jar and put it in his mouth slowly, without a drop of honey dripping outside.

"Peat!" I was upset: "When did you learn to eat honey with a spoon!"

The black bear looked contemptuous, his eyes seemed to say to me: idiot.

Honey is delicious, but this big meal makes me very unhappy.

Meowing, he was actually laughed at by the black bear!

After dinner, the black bear and I accompanied the orc king for a walk.

In other words, although the black bears do not speak out, their minds are far superior to the human boss.

Almost every word the orc king said to them, they could understand instantly, and after a little thought, they responded with gestures.

Occasionally, they will use objects such as pebble and tree branches to make more complex explanations.

Every time the black bear couple explained, the Orc King’s eyes lit up, and from time to time he would beat his hand and whisper, revealing an expression of great enlightenment.

I was bored looking around, climbed onto the black bear's back, and teased a few little black bears.

After walking for several kilometers, it took more than two hours to walk. There was a lake just not far away, so we stopped, sat down next to the lake, drank the water first, and then washed our hands and feet with the lake water.

The lake is so deep that there is no bottom in sight.

I have a lot of scruples about the deep waters of the Hefeng Continent, and I always feel that there is something terrible lurking in it, such as a big fish with fangs and sharp teeth, or a monster that kills humans.

The reason for this idea is not that I have a deep prejudice against deep waters, but it is really unfriendly to me. Although I have only been in the deep sea once, it almost killed me that time.

But this time, I didn't have a scuba, nor a weapon that could overcome the enemy. Once in danger, it was difficult to resist and I had to escape.

Just thinking about it, she heard a low roar from the mother bear, and then there was a fluttering sound, and when she raised her eyes, she saw that the little bears had already swam far away and were about to reach the center of the lake.

No wonder female bears are excited. Is the center of the lake a place where little things like them can play casually!

Immediately I stood up and waved my hand while calling out the little bears to come back quickly. If anyone dares to be disobedient, I will tell the black bear to beat them up!

Don't look at the young bears, but their minds are almost the same as those of teenagers. When they heard that the bear father was going to punch them in their ass, he was so scared that he was frightened and swam wildly. After going ashore, one by one he bowed his heads, not fainting. The language is pitiful.

Is this arousing the sympathy of their parents?

I was amused secretly, and suddenly heard a low growl from Xiong Ma.

"Huh?" I frowned: "Is there still a problem?"

Thinking of this, I glanced at the shrinking little bear, counted the number subconsciously, and my heart immediately became tight!

Why is one missing!

I stood up, looked towards the lake, and instantly saw a looming figure, the little black bear that was missing!


This is my first thought.

However, in just an instant, I overturned this idea.

Because in the waters behind the little black bear, I saw a group of dark things.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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