The moment I saw the figure of the black shadow, the first thought that flashed through my mind was-a crocodile?

But in an instant, I dispelled the idea, no, impossible, how could there be such a big crocodile?

The little black bear has inherited the fine lineage of the black bear couple. Although they are still young, they are not as small as I am. Standing up straight, they can at least be 1.7 meters.

However, even so, compared to the thing with only a shadow behind it, it is still like a kayak facing a medium-sized cruise ship.

This is only calculated based on the shadow part of the monster above the water.

God knows how huge its underwater part is!

The monster didn't seem to be in a hurry to devour the little black bear, it just dragged the little black bear's hind legs playfully to keep it away from the deep water area.

This behavior is like a cat, playing with its prey to exhaustion, and then eating it in one bite.

Or use the little black bear as a bait to lure the black bear couple to rescue, thus swallowing the couple together.

No matter what the monster thinks, in short, the situation at this moment is like a tight string, and the little black bear may kill his life at any time!

Damn, the decision must be made immediately, and it must not be delayed for a moment!

I turned my head and looked at the black bear couple.

The black bears looked sad, but they didn't mean to save their children!

Are they going to give up this little black bear? !

"Survival of the fittest" said in a heavy tone: "The black bear is doing it right. Underwater combat is not what bears are good at. Once buried under the water, the child loses his father, his wife loses her husband, and the family loses status. The king's position must be handed over, sweet honey, and full of fresh meat, these will all be in vain."

"You're right," I murmured, while silently taking off my jacket, step by step towards the lake.

"Xiao Yi, what are you doing!" The orc king was shocked.

The black bear couple on the side also roared, the black bear even rushed over and clasped my arm firmly with a huge paw.

"I want to go into the water, I want to save the little black bear" I said lightly: "As you said, the survival of the fittest, yes, on this continent, only the fittest can survive, but nature has no rules. I don’t believe in the survival range of the fittest. Why can it be the king and hegemony in the water, and why can it control the life and death of the little black bear!"

"If I didn't do anything today, I would be very painful, sad, and even thought I was incompetent. I lost my confidence and destroyed my adventurer's will." I shook my arm and broke free from the black bear's claws. Yi jumped: "I have to work hard today to let this turtle grandson know who is the fittest!"

Holding my breath, feeling the deserted water of the lake, while condensing the killing intent, I quickly swam towards the center of the lake.

I know my behavior is impulsive, but I have to.

If I switch to other animals, I may choose to watch or ignore it. After all, it is nature’s survival of the fittest and has nothing to do with me.

But the little black bear is different. It is the child of the black bear, and the black bear is my brother and my family. I can't just watch my family's children be ruthlessly eaten.

This is not a matter of losing face, but a responsibility!

This kind of responsibility is called friendship and trust!

After several consecutive breaths, I had already swam to a place more than a dozen meters away from the center of the lake. Through the clear water, I could see the monster's appearance.

It was a monster with dozens of tentacles, but it was not an octopus, because its head was similar to a crocodile, but it had many eyes.

The eyes are large and small, they are all vertical pupils, but they are all shining with cold light. As I stare at it, it is staring at me coldly.

"It's...not good," I said inwardly.

Suddenly, a torrent surged, and a tentacles full of spikes came straight to me.

This spike... doesn't look much like a spike, more like a fang!

After seeing it, I was stunned, very puzzled-what does it mean that the tentacles are full of fangs? Is it possible that the tentacles are chewing food?

With the current of the water, I pushed hard and passed by the stabbing tentacles. The guards with the killing intent grabbed forward and directly touched between the two fangs. Then I used my five fingers to force and buckle.

After a slight but elastic touch, a large piece of meat on the tentacles was forcibly buckled by me.

Blue liquid dripped from the wound. Is that monster's blood?

Once I succeeded, I didn't hesitate to throw away the meat in my hand, then bullied me up again with another buckle.

When I deducted the second piece of meat, the monster finally pulled out the second tentacles and launched an attack on me.

The speed of the tentacles whipping in the water is still quite fast. With one tentacle, I can deal with it freely for the time being, but it is a bit difficult to deal with two at the same time.

In a violent attack, I was scratched by dense fangs, causing several wounds around one finger. The wounds were deep, and blood spurted out immediately, staining the lake around me light red.

Gee! It hurts enough.

I secretly said in my heart.

At this moment, I finally understood how powerful fangs are, just like daggers, which can cause multiple damage to the body instantly.

But just this little injury will not make me surrender.

I don’t know that when we were fighting against the tauren boss, we suffered multiple fractures all over the body and cracked skin. Only one breath was still there. But even so, I crawled out of the dungeon stubbornly, and finally fell into a coma in Father Taylor’s hospital. Before, the father was dragged back from the line of life and death.

Glancing at the slowly healing abdominal wound, I jumped up suddenly and out of the lake. After a change of breath, I dived again and launched a new round of attacks on the monster.

At the same time when I launched the second round of attack, all the eyes of the crocodile head monster shot at me at the same time, and the cold light was like icy rays, which made my scalp numb.

But I still bite the bullet and swam forward, and danced with my hands, intending to give it an evil heart, and deducted a few round eyes, and saw it dare to stare at me again!

Before approaching the crocodile's head, he was attacked by four tentacles at the same time.

I sucked in air, this is really troublesome.

One tentacle is easy to deal with, two tentacles are barely possible, and three tentacles can't be blocked by me, let alone four!

Although two fists are hard to match four tentacles, but now that this situation has arrived, if you want to do it, you have to bite the bullet if you don't. If you don't beat your strange-looking lake monster, I can't sleep at ease!

The murderous intent bloomed all over, and the black-red light was even higher.

I waved my fist, faced the four tentacles, and rushed over.

The instant collision of the fist and the tentacles aroused bursts of torrents, blowing some smaller fish around.

Immediately afterwards, the other fist also slammed into another tentacle that was stabbed on the face, and the power erupted from the collision, like a small shock wave, swayed around.

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