"The above is the most glorious deed in the life of Buwanga, one of the Four Swordsmen." The fairy queen sipped a sip of tea and continued: "But I don't think Raphael admired him because of this incident. , But another thing."

"Another one?" I couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

"When Buwanga completed the investigation task and returned to Wannian Snow Mountain not long after, several human tribe patriarchs who had persecuted him, heard the news from nowhere, and even learned that Wannian Snow Mountain is the truth of the cave world, for Having obtained this precious land, they resolutely united together and launched an aggressive attack on the Wannian Snow Mountain."

"This battle lasted a total of more than ten days. Not only did the coalition fail to nibble an inch of snow in the ten thousand years of snow-capped mountains, but they also lost more than 100,000 soldiers. This is a typical shame in the war of aggression."

Speaking of this, the fairy queen sighed with a smile, and whispered: "Although the Bantu side has not lost an inch of land, they also lost a lot of soldiers and soldiers, even the deputy chief of the Bantu tribe, the younger brother of Buwanga. Erka, unfortunately died in this battle."

"Orka is the younger brother of Buwanga and the next patriarch of the Bantu tribe. He shouldn't have died in the rear, but in order to save the subordinates besieged by the enemy, he resolutely turned around. , They launched another charge. In the end, they defeated the enemy, but Orka was too injured to recover."

"Bouwanga deserves to be a great individual. After learning that his brother was killed, he did not lose his mind and launched a general offensive. Instead, he continued to defend the city and waited for reinforcements. He knew that it was because he could not defend the city now that the enemy would take it. He has nothing to do. Once he rashly leads his army out of the city, he will surely suffer a disaster. Moreover, he believes that his king will not abandon him, let alone these hundreds of thousands of innocent Bantu people."

"The ancestor learned the news that the Wannian Snow Mountain was under siege only the day after Orka's death, Xiaoyi, do you know why those humans fear our fairy royal family and even the reigning fairy king?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

"That's because the Fairy King became angry and bleeds, and it will take more than ten thousand steps." She stroked the moonlight scepter, her skinny fingers slowly brushed over the beautifully dazzling pattern, and then whispered: "I heard the news. The ancestor was very angry. On the third day, he carried the artifact and personally visited the locations of several tribes. There were originally huge mountains with countless green and dense vegetation, and countless birds and beasts. However, When the ancestors left the second day, some troubadours who passed by here found that the mountains were gone, and the trees were gone, leaving only the endless scorched earth and fragmented remains, that is, the wrath of the fairy king."

"Later, the ancestors announced that they would remove the coalition’s national identity and classify it as an enemy of the fairy kingdom.” At this point, the fairy queen smiled exaggeratedly: "Xiaoyi, do you know that the world at the time was the fairy’s The world, except for the forest of elves and the vast sea, every piece of land, every inch of soil, belongs to my fairy clan, you said those coalition forces that have been removed from their status, where can they go? Where can they be accommodated? This is not culling. The decree of identity, this is the decree for them!"

"After the decree was announced, the ancestors ordered Buwanga’s friends, the other three swordsmen, to bring weapons and pawns to support the Wannian Snow Mountain. After the quartet armies merged, they hurriedly annihilated the coalition forces. Jia led the tribe out of the Wannian Snow Mountain, and together with three friends, re-established the tribe in the scorched earth."

Having said that, the fairy queen stopped and watched me quietly, until she saw that I was a little unnatural, she continued: "You may not be familiar with the Bantu people, but the city they built , I believe you are no stranger to it. It is the prototype of the town under your army—Yorkham City."

"Huh? York City?" I was stunned, and at the same time all kinds of complicated feelings appeared in my heart, with emotion, and want to laugh...

"If it is the prototype of York City, wouldn't Buwanga..."

"Yes, he is the first city lord of York Seoul."

Hey, this is interesting!

Dasai City and York Seoul are enemies of the country. The idol of Dasai City’s current monarch will turn out to be the founder of York Seoul.

I laughed and asked the fairy queen: "Does the orc king know about this?"

"Know" the fairy queen said: "If he doesn't know anything about it, is it necessary to keep this ideal in his heart and keep it silent?"

I was overjoyed: "It seems that your father-in-law is very embarrassed about this."

"You are wrong" said the fairy queen: "He is not a person who is easy to be embarrassed. The reason why he regards Buwanga as his idol is that he hopes that one day, like Buwanga, riding a bear and standing on The highest point of the city wall overlooks the entire York City."

I tilted my head, thought for a moment, startled, and lost my voice: "He is going to swallow York Seoul?!"

The fairy queen did not nod or shook her head. Instead, she stroked the top of my head and said in a deep voice, "Remember, there are some things that can be said without saying it. life."

My pupils shrank slightly and nodded again and again.

The fairy queen wouldn't kill me, she couldn't bear Remy's sadness, nor would the orc king kill me, he couldn't bear to be my son-in-law, but it didn't mean that everyone would not kill me.

Once I talk a lot and say something that shouldn't be said, which offends some people's bottom line, I am afraid that endless assassinations will once again come to my head.

I have had countless times of near-death escape experience, so I am not afraid of assassination, but I can't hurt my family because of it.

Let's... converge.

The Orc King and his wife left Moonlight City three days later.

When they left, they only took the little black bear.

This playful bear cub may not yet know what kind of bear will be born waiting for it.

It just habitually placed the bear's paw, and the bear's eyes were full of reluctance and yearning for the unknown distance.

Phoenix was very reluctant. She held my arm and asked me sadly: "Will the little black bear come back again?"

I stared at the magical airship that was going away, and muttered: "Yes, it will definitely be."

"Then... when is it?" Phoenix asked again, his little face full of expectation.

"When it becomes strong enough and brave... when it becomes a great bear like its father" I squeezed her cheek indulgently, and said with a laugh: "Okay, don't be sad Now, it’s not a farewell to life and death. When one day is free, we will go to Dasai City to visit it together."

Phoenix smiled, sweet and happy, eyes full of expectation and yearning.

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