The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1722: Sand python with strong self-esteem

He Feng Ji, June 30, 4115.

This is the last day of June.

The temperature in Moonlight City is gradually rising. By mid-July, the scorching sun can even soften the masonry.

In other words, from today until early July, it is the last period when we can enjoy the peaceful scenery.

I originally wanted to give everyone a vacation, and the reason is very good: I'm about to enter the hottest Futian, if I don't enjoy the pleasant and peaceful life now, I won't have to enjoy it!

After listening, Kagali gave me the back of my head and said: "The temperature of the dungeon does not change with the changes in the outside world. It is a system of its own, not to mention... what is meant by no enjoyment! Your words are weird, as if our guild can’t survive in mid-July. When you get past Futian, it will be a pleasant year again, so you should not make any excuses for your laziness. Blame, upgrade well, don't you still have to prepare for the war that may break out at any time!"

I reprimanded and dragged me into the dungeon.

When I entered the door of the 22nd floor, Yula smiled and asked me: "Don't you usually like killing monsters? Why are you so resistant today?"

With my head down weak and a deep sigh, I said: "Man, there are always a few days of discomfort every month..."

Aside, Godot's eyes lit up: "I understand."

"You know what a fart!" Yula directly exploded, she turned to me, grabbed my cheek, and pulled it out for a long time, and said angrily: "When you are a woman, you feel uncomfortable for a few days every month. You are a man, man—human!"

"It hurts..." Her cheeks had been torn out to an exaggerated degree, and the pain made my tears come out.

It wasn't until Phoenix came to persuade him to fight, that Yula just let go of his hand angrily.

"It's all purple." Phoenix touched my cheek heartily, and moved me stunned. She looked at it, it's better than Phoenix. She is a caring little padded jacket, warm heart...

Two minutes before he was moved, Phoenix suddenly burst into laughter. While laughing, he pointed at me and intermittently said: "Face, your face, it's so funny...Ahahahaha."

She was referring to the place where Yura had pinched so hard.

Damn, why did I forget, this little girl likes to watch jokes the most, she has used Xiaozhi to tease me before.

Really, hey, forget it, self-pity will only add to the joke.

After thinking about it, he stood up and went straight to the sand python.

When you are in a bad mood, just do a fight.

In order to relieve my depression, I not only chopped with a big sword, but also kicked, beat with my fist, and bit with my teeth. In the end, the sand python didn't die from a serious injury, but chose to self-decision-instead of succumbing to death, it is better. Heroic self-decision.

In the second half of the day, within ten meters of me, I could not find a sand python anymore. They all hid away like a mouse hiding a cat, or they chose other adventurers nearby. Be my opponent.

This makes me depressed.

If you can’t get out of anger, it’s not only easy to suffocate, but it’s easier to explode more anger.

This is one of the taboos of adventurers.

After all, the body possesses extraordinary abilities and has its own weapons. Once the reason collapses, it will cause death.

For the safety of the innocent residents of Moonlight City, and to improve my physical and mental health, I decided to go to the next level.

Don't keep your master here, you have your own master!

Ah, the sand python ran away from me, won't we fight with stronger monsters on the next level!

Anyway, it is already ten levels. Although it will not lose its power, the power of killing intent is not too much.

When I said the idea of ​​the next level, Yula shook his head and expressed disapproval: "The twenty-third level is an eleventh level monster, one level higher than you, maybe we can play it?"

"Hmm...It stands to reason that although the possibility of fighting is not great, there is still" I said: "As long as Bai Yunying assists..."

A burst of light snoring, soft as a mosquito scream, intermittently passed into my ears.

Looking sideways, Bai Yunying shrank in the white fox's cloak, sleeping soundly.

"...Well, you're right, we are probably not the opponents of the twenty-third level monsters." I sighed lightly, and said, "But I'm fiercely fighting now, so I can't hold on forever. ."

"If it doesn't work, take the initiative," Yula suggested: "Sand pythons can hide from you, and you can chase them and fight."

"Is that really good?" Looking around, apart from the very far away, there are still idle sand pythons wandering. Within nearly two hundred meters, all the sand pythons are fighting with adventurers, and the fighting is quite fierce, and no intervention is allowed.

My eyes twitched, and I subconsciously said, "Don't you pay attention to the outcome of the match. As for the means, it is the business of the two sides of the match. Why should I care too much? I don't understand it. It's just scratching, kicking. Why don't these sand pythons refuse to fight with me anymore?"

"It's not easy." Yula chuckled and said: "Scratching, kicking, kicking and punching are all means of street fighting. They are not open and upright ways of fighting. The sand pythons with more advanced minds are naturally more willing to die in uprightness. In the duel, not under a crooked way."

I curled my lips and said uncomfortable: "Really, it's just a monster, so much attention to detail."

"You can't underestimate them. The more advanced monsters, the higher their minds. Some are even far beyond human beings, reaching a level that we can't understand." Yula explained: "But only the best adventurers have it. Qualified to come into contact with monsters of that level."

I didn't speak without speaking.

Standing up, dragging the knife, I walked straight in the direction of the 23rd floor portal.

"What are you going to do?" Yula stretched out her hand, grabbed my arm, and said, "Do you want to go to the 23rd floor alone?"

"I just went shopping," I said: "Just like shopping, don't worry, I won't do it easily. After all, for me now, it is still a bit difficult to clean up higher-level monsters."

Yura hesitated for a moment, released her hand, bit her lip, and whispered softly: "Don't do stupid things, or you die, none of us will be a widow for you!"

"Ha, I see, I won't be impulsive." I bared my teeth and said with a smile: "Besides, I'm a person who has crawled all the way over, I won't hang up so easily."

Entrusting the Phoenix to Yula's care, I passed through the fighting adventurer and sand pythons to the 23rd floor portal.

Stop and stare, carefully observe the lines on the portal, and at the same time give yourself courage to accumulate luck-in other words, what is the monster on the twenty-third floor?

I vaguely remember that there was a note on the new version of the Adventurer’s Manual, saying that it was a vegetation monster.

I have seen one kind of vegetation monster-walking piranha.

However, the walking piranha is slightly inferior to other monsters in terms of combat and hunting.

In other words, the monsters on the twenty-third floor should not be the same.

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