Without memorizing the strategy, stepping into the unknown, this situation is no different from pioneering.

Extend the index finger and lightly touch the surface of the portal, the black and white whirlpool-like floating shadow on it, suddenly forming a layer of water ripples.

Floating light and glimpsed shadows, flashed, and then returned to a calm and regular vortex state.

My mood, like a whirlpool on the door, gradually eased.

The stubborn momentum also dissipated a lot.

Still continue to challenge the twenty-third floor?

Anyway, the unpleasant enthusiasm has been reduced a lot, how about turning back?

But I always feel a bit unwilling.

I stopped on the spot, frowned slightly, hesitated, asking and answering myself.

A little, turned back and looked at Phoenix and them.

At this moment, Yula was cooperating with Phoenix, launching an attack on a sand python that was approaching quickly.

Charged Qigong bombs and some fancy magic constantly bombarded the sand python's head, blasting it to pieces, and its whole body was wounded.

On the side, Bai Yunying was still dozing off, only Godot, looking at me with scorching eyes, a bright smile on his face, as usual.

However, at this moment, I think this smile is a bit dazzling.

"Sure enough, you have to do it when you say it, otherwise you will always feel uneasy."

He whispered to himself, then took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes, he took a step directly and stepped into the twenty-third floor.



This is a completely different world from the twenty-second floor.

This is a world full of dead trees and stalagmites.

If there are no active elf adventurers fighting, this is a cold, cold wasteland.

Taking a few steps along the rock wall, I came to a corner, and I looked sideways to observe the fighting situation of the elf adventurer team.

Judging from their skill, coordination, and dazzling power of fading, these adventurers are all powerhouses above level 10.

Fighting with them are strips of gray-brown vines.


Embracing my arms, I leaned against the rock wall, thinking carefully.

I vaguely remember that walking piranhas also rely on vines to fight. They usually entangle the adventurer with the vine first, then throw it into the flower tray, relying on powerful corrosive liquid to digest the adventurer.

Although it is not yet certain whether this monster is the same, but according to the vines, I am afraid it will be like this six or seven out of ten.

Be careful.

I secretly reminded myself, and at the same time moved lightly, walking towards the group of dead trees.

I walked this way very carefully, every time I passed a dead tree, I would first stretch out my hand and break off a branch to see if it reacted.

Fortunately, until now, no dead tree suddenly came alive and attacked me.

Even so, we still cannot relax our vigilance.

The damp ground is covered with countless dead branches and fallen leaves. When stepping on it, there will be a constant clicking sound. If this sound is sounded in a quiet and empty space, it will be very permeating.

In the ears, the sound of weapons colliding, the rage of adventurers, and the low shouts were heard constantly.

These sounds, like tides, covered the cracking sound of dead branches, eliminating its grim sound.

"Fortunately there are them" I murmured: "Otherwise I would not dare to set foot here easily."

Just at this moment, my left ankle tightened, and I lowered my head subconsciously, and saw a gray-brown vine with the thickness of my fingers wrapped around my ankle, like a snake that kept tightening!

Without even thinking about it, the Odachi was taken out of its sheath and slashed on the vine.

The sharp Odachi cut the vines in two without any accident. The broken vines seemed to be very painful. First, they turned a few circles on the spot, and then retracted at a very fast speed, leaving a sip of juice.

"Is this to escape?" Posing my lips, I disdainfully said: "Cut, fight the five scum."

As soon as the voice fell, I found that the stones at my feet kept making light noises. However, I looked around carefully and found no abnormalities.

"What's the matter?" I had a question mark on my face.

Without warning, a loud bang sounded behind me, and I turned around hurriedly, and when I saw it, I was immediately taken aback.

In front of me, there is a gray-brown tree man more than three meters high. The reason it is called a tree man is because it has a face somewhat similar to a human face, but it is definitely not a human face. There is no human face. So weird!

In the two irregularly shaped tree holes, a pair of red and white eyeballs were born out of thin air. The red ones are the pupils and the white ones are the whites of the eyes.

This pair of eyeballs is different from the flexible eyes of human beings. They are immobile, like two glass **** embedded in a tree hole.

Under the eyes, there are a pair of small black holes, which are... nostrils?

Below, there was a big mouth full of fangs, a scarlet tongue, constantly scrolling between the fangs, looking disgusting.

In addition to that terrifying face, the tree man has a pair of branches that look like arms, and countless vines that vary in thickness and are very flexible.

Those vines, as thin as fingers and as thick as arms, swayed up and down, and some of the thickest and longest ones were swimming towards me about to move.

Seeing the vines swimming over like a python, my scalp was numb, and without hesitation, I spread my feet and ran straight to the portal.

My instinct tells me that those vines as thick as a python are not something I can easily deal with now.

However, before I ran ten steps, I was tripped by something. The chassis was unstable and fell to the ground. I hit four or five rolls, making my head and embarrassed.

I can't care about the image problem at all. I just got a firm foothold here, and I continue to run away with my feet, just want to escape the twenty-third floor quickly.

Facts have proved that the speed of the vine is much faster than the speed of the adventurer. Two steps away from the portal, my right ankle was firmly held by something powerful, and then my body was thrown away. Up in the air.

When I was in the air, I could see clearly what was entangled with my ankle. It was a vine with the thickness of a wrist and a rough surface. It was very flexible and powerful.

I stared slightly, and estimated the height of my current position—about six meters. It was completely fine to fall.

Now release the killing intent, focus on the blade, and aim at the vine, which is a vicious cut.

Something unexpected happened to me!

With a burst of earth-yellow light shining, the vine, except for the gray-brown epidermis, was slightly damaged, its flexibility and strength were not affected at all!

"Oh, it's really strong!" I praised to myself, and at the same time slashed.

As in the previous situation, the slashed place once again lit up with an earthy yellow light, and the blade that had accumulated killing intent was hard to resist.


This earthy yellow light...what is it?

I was puzzled, but the Odachi in my hand still kept cutting.

I would like to see how long the vines can last!

Just as I cut the seventeenth cut, my wrists suddenly tightened-awful, if I didn't pay attention, I was caught by the vine and got my wrists entangled!

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