Whether the fairy queen will wake up as Father Taylor said, I don't know, nor do I have any expectations.

Anyway, as long as the old man is on my side.

I believe that with the strength of his old man and his past feelings, the Fairy Queen will not easily tear her face and kill me.

But this is only when the old man is still alive.

Therefore, I can only pray that the old man will live a thousand years, or at least live longer than the fairy queen.

But the same sentence: With the help of external forces, it can only be decided temporarily.

The key is to improve your strength and accumulate strength.

After Yura reached level 11, we finally had the confidence to fight the man-eating tree.

However, even so, we still chose to give up challenging the man-eating tree, and instead returned to the twenty-first floor, once again began the killing of sand scorpions.

However, this time the lineup of the sand scorpion is different from before, and I deliberately brought the other members of the guild together.

Although the likes of Lily and Loki cannot become effective combat power, letting them as bystanders watch our battle with Sand Scorpion is also a way of improving combat experience.

Moreover, they can also gain experience at the same time, just like the most common phenomenon in the game of Drop City and Warriors-a large with a trumpet.

As a result, on the second day of the decision, Moonlight City had the most bizarre combat combination ever.

Not only are levels different, but even professions are diverse. There are the most common warriors, wizards, and archers, as well as relatively rare summoners, extremely rare qigong masters, and one of the only two imperial fairies in the world. .

Our weird team is moving among countless elves and goblin adventurer squads, like a red-crowned crane, which is as eye-catching as it is between many chicken cubs.

When passing through the portal on the 20th floor and entering the 21st floor, Loki exclaimed his first sentence after entering the 21st floor: "Wow, what a big scorpion, boss , Let’s grab one and cook it back!"

Lily also agreed: "Yes, Brother Xiaoyi, I want to take one back and keep it as a pet!"

Xiao Zhi on the side heard Lily's words, very unhappy, and squeaked out of jealousy.

I carried my hands on my back and said solemnly: "We are here to farm monsters and upgrade, not to catch pet game!"

As I said, I looked at Loki and said solemnly: "If you want to eat, grab one yourself, eat if you can, or squint if you can't!"

Rocky narrowed his neck: "Boss, you are difficult for a strong man, where am I its opponent, I think it eats me almost."

Glancing at him, I turned to Lily again. Seeing Lily's nervous and pitiful appearance, I paused for a while, and my tone slowed down, saying, "These sand scorpions are different from Xiaozhi. They have no wisdom beyond human beings, and they are more fierce. It’s too strong to be a pet."

Hearing what I said, Lily let out a disappointed ‘oh’.

Xiao Zhi squeaked with satisfaction.

When I passed by Xiao Zhi, I held its head and said in a low voice: "See you, our little loli already thinks you are meaningless, don't hurry up and stretch out your hand to make yourself more powerful and charming , If I remember correctly, you seem to be able to shed your shell and transform, how long it has been, I haven't seen you shed your shell a second time, fight, Xiao Zhi, don’t shed your shell and transform quickly, you are afraid I will lose all Lori's love for you."

Xiao Zhi squeaked.

Godot approached and explained: "It said that you don't want to shed your husk, you have to accumulate enough experience and improve your strength."

After listening to Godot’s translation, I was very happy at the time. I forgot about it. Xiaozhi now has experience bars just like us.

When faced with the first sand scorpion attack, I took the lead on the stage as a demonstration of combat.

In order to show the battle more clearly to everyone, I did not use the killing intent, but only confronted it with a bare knife.

Every time the blade collides with the sand scorpion carapace, it will cause a dull sound.

"Hear these sounds?" I dodged and explained, "Is it very similar to the sound of sand being cut by a knife? Yes, the sand scorpion's carapace is made of condensed sand, but it is condensing. In the process, the earth element magic was mixed into the sand. Because of this, this layer of carapace appears so strong that it can even be immune to some magic effects, but—"

I stretched my voice and condensed the killing intent. I slashed the sand scorpion carapace with a single knife, splitting a gap in the carapace in an instant, and then several knives in succession to split the cracks bigger and bigger. Finally, I only heard a click. Cut a gap tens of centimeters long and tens of centimeters wide.

Then I jumped out of the sand scorpion's attack range and motioned for Yula to take a shot.

Yura did not hesitate to chant magic. While she was accumulating magical elements, I dodged the angry attack of the sand scorpion while continuing to explain: "When the sand carapace is broken open, its true body is revealed to us. In front of him, the real body is very fragile compared to the carapace. Even without the power of fading, it can still cause a certain amount of damage, but it is difficult to kill it with one blow."

Lily, sitting on Xiao Zhi's back, raised her hand and asked, "Can't the Qigong bomb of the big sister's head be too?"

"Yes," I said: "Phoenix's Qigong bombs can't kill in one hit, but the charged Qigong bombs are not counted."

After dozens of seconds, Yura finished singing, and with a wave of her hand, the bright red magic light ball floating on the head of the magic wand was thrown out by her.

When the magic ball of light hit the sand scorpion, a heat wave spewed out and spread out, instantly enveloping the sand scorpion.

Then, bursts of flames rose up, wrapping the angry sand scorpion into a huge fireball.

When the fireball extinguished, the sand scorpion climbed up from the ground tremblingly. We clearly saw that the position wrapped in the carapace did not suffer much damage, and there were bursts of white smoke in the opening that I broke. Floating out.

No, it's not white smoke, but heat. It's the heat with the smell of barbecue.

Yes, in the magic attack just now, the exposed parts of the sand scorpion were already familiar.

I stabbed the sand scorpion into its big mouth and killed it directly. I bent down, picked up the silver coins left over when the sand scorpion disappeared, and said in a deep voice, "Come on, the sand scorpion’s biggest support is the carapace. The sand scorpion is just an ordinary big scorpion, but the crux of the problem is how to break its carapace."

After everyone talked in a low voice, Kagali said, "I think it needs enough destructive power to break its shell."

"Completely correct" I snapped my fingers and nodded: "As long as it has absolute destructive power, the sand scorpion's carapace is a piece of white paper. If you want to clean it, you can clean it, but the same question is how to have it. What about the absolute destructive power?"

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