Everyone looked at each other, some with doubts, some with thoughtful eyes, and some funny comparisons, and wiped the corners of their mouths.

After a moment of silence, Billy spoke first: "Should you say that if you want to have absolute destructive power, you have to change first?"

Pursing lips, I said: "You are right, I really mean that."

"It's too vulgar..." Billy pouted, disdainfully.

But immediately, he felt the threatening gaze from Kagali, and he was so frightened that he did not dare to speak again.

"Vulgar... well, it's a bit vulgar, but this is also something that can't be helped. After all, there are very few adventurers as talented as Phoenix."

At this time, Phoenix was staring blankly at a sand scorpion not far away hesitating to rush to kill him. He suddenly heard me calling her name, turned his head subconsciously, and looked at me with a blank expression.

"Uh..." I grabbed my hair awkwardly, sighed, and said, "In short, there are two situations, either with an unusual talent or breaking through level ten, mastering the power of fading, absolutely There is no third way to choose."

"Sneer" Billy showed disdain, and said, "So stinky, don't you have the power to change."

Kagali was about to kick it right away, but fortunately I was stopped in time.

I condensed the killing intent on the palm of my hand, and the frightening black-red light was like purgatory filled with darkness and hellfire.

"I already want to understand." Looking at the black and red light in my hand, I said lightly: "It is my power of fading. Although it is different from other adventurers, it is a unique power that belongs to me only. So ooh—"

I looked at Billy with a sneer at the corner of my lips: "Your ridicule is invalid. If you are not convinced, let me show you the power of transformation. As long as you condense it out, we will convince you. "

"Humph!" Billy said unconvincedly: "Isn't it the tenth level? If you look at it, I will be there soon!"

I am not disgusted with Billy's ridicule, disdain, or unconvincing attitude. There must always be an unruly guy in the team to be interesting. If they are all good babies, then it is boring.

After demonstrating the process of killing the sand scorpion, it is time for everyone to play freely.

I am not worried that those guys with insufficient level strength will be killed. First of all, although the toxin of the sand scorpion is fierce, as long as it does not directly penetrate the heart and head, there is still hope of salvation, and the hope is great.

After all, Susan is a priest who specializes in purification.

By the way, there is also Belle, who has recently started to move on the road of purification.

Their idea is very simple. Compared with healing magic, they are better at purifying magic. Rather than being a priest who is good at everything but not good at everything, it is better to specialize in purification and become a great master in purification. Godot alone is enough.

When the sand scorpion is highly poisonous and can no longer become a killing weapon, its threat to adventurers will drop by a big margin.

As long as they cooperate with each other tacitly, and always pay attention to the thorns that come from the tail, even a group of people who have not changed can also be able to fight the sand scorpion heartily.

A group of people in the Fearless Guild, consciously divided into two groups, and each found a sand scorpion and started a fierce battle.

To be honest, I don't have any hope that they can kill Sand Scorpion.

Among adventurers who don't have the power of fading, I have only seen Phoenix possess the ability to kill sand scorpions in seconds, and there are no two other than her.

Although the possibility of killing the sand scorpion is slim, I still require everyone present to participate in the battle with the sand scorpion, because I found an interesting phenomenon-the greater the disparity in strength, the more you get after you win. The higher the experience value.

Even if you don't win, the experience points you get are higher than those of the same level monsters for a day.

Anyway, there are purifying priests and healing priests, so let them make trouble. As long as they don't die, the harvest will be great.

The battle is going on like a raging fire. Everyone has their own strengths to add strength to the team. Even Duan Muyu, who can only summon a blue stickman, also commands a half-armed stickman, throwing himself into the fierce Go in battle.

Speaking of which, the biggest change in the guild is the little girl Duan Muyu.

Once upon a time, when I first met her in the dungeon, Duan Muyu could summon a stickman at most the size of a palm. If he didn't pay attention, he would become a piece of paper when he stepped down.

Whenever the little stickman makes a heroic sacrifice, Duan Muyu can't help crying, the sad crying, let alone, it is simply sad for the hearer and tears for the listener.

After more than a year of tempering, the little girl has successfully suppressed her urge to cry, which is gratifying.

Many of the acquiescence rules of Hefeng Continent are based on a certain basis as a reference, rather than slurs.

'Monsters of the same level require several adventurers of the same level to conquer.' This is one of the many tacit rules of the Hefeng Continent. It is the truth verified by countless ancestors with blood and tears. It applies to all those who are not gifted. adventurer.

This includes everyone in the Fearless Guild except Phoenix.

I say this because the first injured person has already appeared.

At this moment, less than five minutes had passed since the battle began.

The injured person was Kagali.

She was stabbed in the calf by the sting of a sand scorpion, and the thick black venom left a round black spot on her calf. Before it could spread, she was cleaned and killed by Susan.

"Your fighting style is too bold." I smiled bitterly: "This is a sand scorpion, it has a tail stab. You just stand upright and slash it against it, how could you not be hit."

Kagali didn't take this little injury seriously, she said calmly: "This little injury is nothing, anyway, as long as it doesn't hurt the head and heart."

"What you said is simple." I held her calf and gently stretched it twice. Seeing nothing unusual, I felt relieved and said, "But you are hurt, I feel distressed."

Kagali's cheeks flushed suddenly, her expression changed from the boldness she had before, and she became twisted, like a shy little girl.

I smiled, touched the top of her head, took the opportunity to squeeze the little horn on top, and said with satisfaction: "Go, pay more attention when fighting, don't hurt yourself anymore, you know?"

Kagali nodded shyly, raised the warhammer, and went straight to Sand Scorpion.

I was ashamed, how could she still be more cautious in her attitude?

Ashamed, but this time, she was a lot more careful, especially focusing on the tail spines of the sand scorpion.

While dodging, while using the heavy warhammer, he kept aiming at the sand scorpion's big mouth and double claws, smashing indiscriminately.

Seeing that her condition is still intact, I finally feel relieved, but before I can breathe a full breath, another team is also injured.

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