The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1741: Does your conscience hurt?

The injured person this time was Loki.

He lay on the sand with a look of nostalgia for the mundane world, and said to himself affectionately: "Ah, what a beautiful sky, what a dazzling sand, but at this moment, I want to leave it and let go Ren Huan, returning to the side of the God of Creation, can no longer stare at the sky, can no longer touch the sand, let alone touch your beautiful face with my hands, ah, Lily, I am going to die, please Don't be sad, please don't be sad. With a wise leader like the boss and a beautiful and powerful shelter like the big sister, I believe you will be happy, ah..."

Rocky's head tilted and stopped moving.

Lily was crying with her nose and tears a lot, shaking Loki while calling his name.

I stood a few steps away, black lines all over my head, and my face bursting.

After ten seconds, I finally couldn't stand it and shouted: "Xiao Zhi!"

Xiao Zhi rushed to my side, waiting for the order.

I pointed to Loki, and said, "Isn’t this guy saying he died himself? If he’s dead, he’s just a bunch of fresh meat. Go and eat him. Eat it clean. Don’t even have bones. Leftover."


Xiao Zhi was so fierce that she drew closer to Loki.

When he was two steps away from Loki, the guy suddenly jumped up and looked around. When he met Lili’s pitiful eyes, he yelled and fell to his knees, embracing Lily and crying. Weeping, she said: "Ah, Lily, the benevolent God of Creation missed your love for me, and returned my soul to resurrect me again. All this is because of you, Lily!"

After the hoarse roar, he hurriedly stood up, waved his hand at Xiaozhi again and again, and said, "I'm already alive, so you don't want to eat me anymore. Besides, I'm not good. I have ribs and teeth."

Xiao Zhi gave a contemptuous ‘squeak’, then turned around and came back to me leisurely.

Seeing Xiao Zhi retreating, Loki just felt relieved, patted Lily's hair, wiped her tears, hehe said: "Okay, let's continue to clean up the blame, otherwise the boss will be annoyed!"

Lily nodded obediently, and followed Loki in the direction of Sand Scorpion.

Before taking two steps, I immediately shouted: "Stop!"

Rocky shivered, turned around, and said: "Old, boss."

I smiled and said: "Okay, Loki, the talent of the drama is full, you just got hit by the sand raised by the sand scorpion, how could you be dead on the spot? The God of Creation expressed his gratitude to Lily for his nostalgia for you, so he resurrected you. Well, since you can be resurrected, then you will be resurrected to show me.

With that said, he strode forward, picked up Loki, and threw it to Sand Scorpion: "I will throw you to feed Sand Scorpion now, and see if you can resurrect."

"Don't, boss!" Rocky hugged my arm tightly, and said with a look of horror: "Boss, I was wrong, I was really wrong, you let me go, I just wondered how boring it is to behave like this. I want to add some ingenuity."

"Hahaha, it's great" I grinned and said, "Your idea is great, but ingenuity is not as interesting as performance art, so let me entertain you, I will throw you sand scorpion in front of you, and you will perform a scorpion mouth. What about escape?"

"Forgive me, boss" Rocky was crying and begged: "With my strength, when you get to the sand scorpion, it's not time to give him a meal."

I turned to Lily and asked, "Lily, do you want to see the scorpion mouth escape?"

Lily wiped her eyes blurred by tears, flattened her mouth, and said, "Brother Xiaoyi, have a good show, where is it?"

"Boss, no boss, please let it go!" Rocky hugged me tighter, and followed the koala on the branch.

"Lily, the boss is going to throw me to feed the sand scorpion, please help me plead!"

This time Loki begged with tears and nose.

When Lily heard it, she panicked immediately, stepped forward and took her arms around my thigh. The tears that had just been wiped came out again, and she trembled: "Brother Xiaoyi, don't feed Rocky to Sand Scorpion, please. "

With a light sigh, I threw Loki to the ground and screamed: "In the future, you are not allowed to play treasures in the battle, and you will pretend to be dead. Look at how Lily is crying."

Loki, who was smashed with a grin, rubbed his butt, glanced at me carefully, then looked at Lily, oh, and said timidly: "I know it's wrong, boss."

"Wipe your tears and nose, and continue fighting" I said: "If you can't get rid of a sand scorpion today, you can live here tonight."

Loki shivered, looked around, and saw that there were still a few sand scorpions not far away. He couldn't help but tremble, and said, "Forgive me, boss, stay here for one night, I will definitely become a sand scorpion. Feces."

"Then go and fight," I said: "Find a way to unite the power of everyone to kill a sand scorpion."

In order not to live in this dangerous place, Rocky pulled Lily and ran back to the team.

As soon as he entered the squad, Billy sneered and sneered: "Yeah, when will this hero who has sacrificed heroically come back? It won't work, you better rest in peace."

Loki said with a bitter face, "Don't ridicule me. Just now, I was thinking about acting and enlivening the atmosphere. I was almost thrown away by the boss to feed sand scorpions."

Billy sneered sarcastically.

Just at this moment, Sand Scorpion's tail spur turned a corner and directly pierced Billy's lower abdomen.

Billy was turning his head to mock Loki, not paying attention to the tail spur at all, so he got the trick.

During the treatment, Loki covered his mouth and snickered, his smile was extremely evil, quite gloating.

I covered my forehead and sighed deeply: Why is there always such an abnormal guy in my team?

After the end of the day, the harvest was quite fruitful.

The richness here refers to the gains made by me, Yura and others.

As for the two teams, they only killed two sand scorpions separately, and they were exhausted and paralyzed collectively.

Among them, Susan and Belle both worked particularly hard.

People who were stabbed by sand scorpions appeared one after another in the team. Some people were stabbed seven or eight times in a row, causing two priest girls who specialize in purification to run around and complain.

To commend the girls for their hard work, I specially bought a large cake to comfort Susan Belle.

When the two girls who love to eat sweets saw the cake, it was as if they had seen their relatives after a long absence, regardless of their image. They used both knives and forks to feast on them and ate away the small half like a wind.

When the two girls were full and drunk, they lay on the sofa and patted their stomachs while complaining that the cakes I bought were too big and delicious. This time they must have gained a few kilos.

This grievance in my heart: When eating cakes, why don’t you both dislike the big cakes I bought, and they kept asking me to buy a two-meter-diameter one next time. I'm going to feed you fat.

Will your conscience hurt when you say this?

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