The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1743: Yula's Conjecture

What Yura said was right or wrong.

I was indeed blown by the speed of Phoenix comprehending combat skills.

But I was not angry, but thinking.

I am puzzled. Since they are combat skills, they should have combat capabilities, but these two **** of light are indistinguishable from ordinary lights and shadows, and they have no lethality at all.

Could it be that it is specifically used to deter opponents?

I am deeply puzzled about this.

Yula glanced at Phoenix's aggrieved face, then glanced at me, bit her lower lip, and seemed to have made up some plan, leaning in my ear, and whispered: "You are so dull and silent Phoenix feels sad."

Of course I know that not speaking will make Phoenix feel uncomfortable, but once I explain the truth, Phoenix will probably be more than sad.

Imagine, besides being able to see, you will definitely be laughed at for any combat skills you don't use. By then, I can't even find a reason to speak for her.

"Hey" Yura's tone became a little unhappy, she gave me a hard blow, and it hurt me to take a breath.

Yula said with a sullen face, displeased: "Phoenix has always been obedient to you. It's good for you. Not only do you not say anything, but also like a boring gourd. The person watching is in a hurry. I can tell you. If you want to be like this, I will encourage Phoenix to ignore you for a year."

"Don't make trouble," I whispered softly, while thinking about how to ask Phoenix about her combat skills.

"Hurry up!" Yura slammed my weakness again.

Being pushed so tightly by Yura, I really didn't know what to do, so I had to sigh softly and said, "Phoenix, I ask you, does your combat technique have any other effects besides looking good?"

"Yes." Phoenix immediately became happy when he heard me ask. She pointed to the spinning ball of light, and said, "It can induce electricity."

"Electricity?" I said with a question mark: "What is that?"

"It's just a... effect" Phoenix pursed his lips and thought for a while, then slowly said, "Similar to electric magic."

"Really?" I stretched out my hand again and touched the ball of light, but it still felt like touching the void. I couldn't help frowning, and said, "But I can't feel anything."

"Huh?" Phoenix was also confused. She squatted down, resting her chin, thinking hard for a long time, but she couldn't think of a reason.

Yura thought for a moment and whispered, "Could it be that your combat skills are only effective on monsters?"

Phoenix's eyes brightened, and he nodded and said, "Well, it must be."

I also think that Yula's words are very reasonable, so I nodded and said: "When you go back later, you will find a monster to try."

"Don't be so troublesome!" Phoenix waved a small fist: "I can show it to you now!"

After speaking, she yelled and rushed towards a sand scorpion not far away.

"What a reckless girl" I muttered and followed quickly.

Yura followed me with a smile.

When the phoenix rushed to the sand scorpion, the sand scorpion also happened to notice the fearless little human girl, so he waved a pair of big ao and rushed towards the phoenix.

Although Phoenix's agility value is not high enough, it is still very easy to avoid attacks of normal speed.

Even if she couldn't escape, with her strength, she could catch the pair of big Ao smashed down.

However, this time, Phoenix's behavior was beyond my expectation. Not only did she not hide, she did not reach out to block it.

This is very bad.

Do you think you have practiced a golden bell iron jersey?

Even if you have practiced, it is no use. It is no exaggeration to say that the pliers of the sand scorpion can dent the armored vehicle, not to mention your fragile little head.

Thinking of this, my heart was very anxious, and I had to draw a knife to block Sand Scorpion's tongs.

Unexpectedly, the arm was pulled. Turning to see, Yula's pair of catkins just took my arm and kept shaking his head at me.

Yula's relationship with Phoenix is ​​pretty good on weekdays, and she shouldn't intentionally harm her, and she is still in front of me.

Since she made a deliberate move to stop me, that is to say, she should have discovered something that I overlooked.

Yula stopped, took a breath, and whispered: "Don't bother her, she doesn't seem to be looking for death on purpose. She shouldn't make fun of life."

"That's because you don't understand her" I said anxiously: "Once she becomes impulsive, she won't be able to take care of that much. These pliers are so powerful, if they hit her in the head..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a crisp sound a few steps away, like the sound of a plastic bag being rolled into a ball.

Turning my head hurriedly, I saw Sand Scorpion holding a pair of tongs, frozen in the air, its huge body and flexible scorpion tail trembling at the same time.

I was dumbfounded and muttered, "This...what's the situation?"

"Electricity" Fenghuang Nuonuo said, "This is the effect, very powerful."

I glared and took a step closer, only to see clearly that on the huge body of the sand scorpion, there was a hair-like electric arc flowing continuously, making a slight crisp sound from time to time.


I only said these two words, and didn't say much.

It is indeed a very good combat technique, but unfortunately, it can only be used on monsters. If it can also be used on people, the effect will be outstanding.

Imagine that a group of enemies rushed over, ignoring the two white **** of light, and none of them were spared.

Thinking about this scene is exciting, but it's a pity, hey...

Yula stared at my face for a while, then suddenly turned to ask Phoenix, and said, "Apart from Xiao Yi, have you tried this combat technique on anyone else?"

Phoenix shook his head: "Xiao Yi is the first audience."

"That's it" Yola nodded and said, "Then when you released combat skills on Sand Scorpion, did you have any special thoughts, for example... I kept saying in my heart, "It must be effective." 'some type of."

"Um...Yes" Phoenix nodded and said, "I want to fight it with combat skills and show it to Xiao Yi."

"I understand." Yula turned to me and smiled: "The effect of the Phoenix combat technique is mostly related to her fighting will."

"You mean, only when the Phoenix wants to fight, the effect of this combat technique will be reflected?"

"It should be like this" Yula nodded, turned to Phoenix, and said, "Wait later, you will show Xiaoyi your combat skills. Remember, you have to show it with a fighting mood, understand?"

"But..." Phoenix said, "I don't want to do something to Xiaoyi."

"It's not easy." Yula spread his hands, turned to me, and said: "You can figure it out by yourself. I will first solve this obstructive sand scorpion."

As she said, she stretched out her magic wand, aimed at the sand scorpion, and chanted a spell.

Behind the phoenix, the sand scorpion that had just recovered and was about to attack the phoenix again, suddenly felt a strong wave of magic. It panicked and looked around with eight eyes. Finally, after ten seconds, it found it. The source of magical fluctuations-Yura.

However, it was too late. Yura's magic had already been chanted. With a wave of her stick, the magic light group was like a dazzling star, bypassing the phoenix and slamming on the sand scorpion.

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