With a muffled sound, the magic ball of light burst, and a small tornado like a knife broke out, cutting the head of the sand scorpion.

Eight pale red eyes were the first to be wounded, and all of them were cut blind. Then the big mouth and the hard pliers were the first to be attacked. They were chopped up by small tornadoes that were as fast as sharp blades, and then came rows after rows. The sharp fangs, under the agitation of the whirlwind, were chopped loudly.

Blessed with the power of fading, the power is several times more powerful than ordinary magic. Just a small, ordinary tornado can have such power.

Sure enough, there is a world of difference between fading and not fading.

After a little sigh, I found a place far away from the sand scorpion with Phoenix, and tried her new combat skills.

Soon, everything is ready, only one is full of fighting mood.

However, Phoenix was hesitant to do anything to me.

It was me who persuaded her in every possible way. Phoenix still refused to obey her orders, but kept staring at me with those big, innocent, watery eyes.

In desperation, I had to change my strategy and called Godot over.

At present, in the guild, besides me, he is the one who resists the most combat. Since Phoenix refuses to take action against me, he will take it for him.

Sure enough, after changing the target of battle to Godot, the Phoenix immediately ignited a flaming fighting spirit.

The combat skills were released in an instant, and the two **** of light circled her body, constantly rotating and staggering, but they could always avoid each other very cleverly, and there would never be even one collision.

Godot stared at the light ball for a few seconds, then suddenly turned his head and asked me: "Captain, can you not play?"

"No" I said: "This is an order."

Godot still had a sunny expression on his face, but his tone was very heavy. He said, "Captain, is there really no room for maneuver?"

I nodded solemnly and said, "No, you don’t need to worry about it. As long as it’s not serious injury, I won’t blame you. After all, she hasn’t faded yet, and she is still very weak in terms of strength. , Injuries are inevitable."

"No, Captain" Godot shook his head, "I'm afraid you have misunderstood, my perception of magic is very keen, I can clearly perceive the magic power contained in the light ball, I'm sure, touch it , It will definitely make me very painful."

"How can you know if you don't touch it?" I encouraged him: "Well, you do as I tell you, I will give you and Billy a day off, and tomorrow, you don't have to follow the crowd to blame. Do whatever you want, how?"


Under the so-called reward, there must be a brave man.

Although a one-day holiday is not a great reward, it is extremely precious to Godot. After all, he can spend a day with his loved ones.

The battle will rise instantly.

Godot, like a sturdy bear, went straight to the Phoenix.

Phoenix did not show weakness, raised his fist, and rushed towards Godot.

When the two of them were less than two meters apart, Phoenix's ball of light drew a strange arc, centered on Godot's shoulder.

With a crisp sound, Godot froze in place, convulsing all over, like an electric shock.

For a moment, I thought a lot, one of the strongest was: I wiped it, this thing can really hurt people!

After that, when the arc dissipated, I asked Godot about the feelings of the trick. Godot gave a shock and said: "It hurts, numb, and then the brain is blank. It is clear that the phoenix is ​​close at hand, and you can touch it as soon as you reach out. No matter how hard you try, your arms just can’t be lifted, it’s almost that much."

According to Godot’s narrative and the time he continued to stand still, I have determined one thing: once an eleventh-level adventurer with Godot’s physique as a template, once he is hit by a combat maneuver, he will be unable to do so for at least two seconds. move.

Don't underestimate the short two seconds, the master duel can decide life and death in an instant, let alone the long two seconds!

After confirming the effect and power of the Phoenix combat technique, I asked her the name of the combat technique. Phoenix said that it is called Nianqi Surrounding.

At night, I held a party as usual to celebrate the Phoenix comprehending the powerful new combat skills.

After the party, I was sitting in the yard looking at the sky. Just at this moment, the call crystal quivered slightly, and when it was connected, a familiar voice came from the crystal end: "Are you surprised?"

This is Jin Siqi's voice!

I was stunned and surprised, and said: "How did you contact me? I remember there is no contact information in the call crystal book of the adventurer base?"

"Hehe" she said mischievously: "Guess?"

"Uh..." I was speechless for a while, how can I guess?

After a few seconds of silence, I surrendered: "I don't understand, I surrender."

"Stupid!" Jin Siqi laughed and said, "Godfather gave it to me!"

"Godfather?" An unpleasant thought came to my mind for an instant.

Godfather, this creature was originally synonymous with adoptive fathers, but at some point, it was taken crooked and became unsuitable for children.

On the crystal side of the call, Jin Siqi wondered: "What's the matter with you, why are you suddenly silent?"

My mouth was dry, and I said, "When...when did you recognize the godfather?"

"Huh?" Jin Siqi was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly said quietly: "You don't even remember your godfather, Master Dewey! Isn't he your godfather?"

For a moment, I really wanted to slap myself.

What am I thinking about? This is not the blue planet, but the Hefeng Continent. Here, godfather means foster father, and doesn't have other messy meanings.

With a lightly embarrassing cough, I said: "Ha, why don't you remember? I just said that casually, haha."

Jin Siqi snorted and said, "Fortunately, the godfather is not there. If his old man hears you say this, he will definitely scold you."

After that, Jin Siqi and I put aside the question of the call crystal and started to chat enthusiastically.

We talked about each other, we looked at each other late at night, but neither of us would hang up the call.

After exchanging a few nasty words, Jin Siqi suddenly changed the conversation and said: "Today, another medium-sized guild has joined us."

"This is a good thing," I said: "As long as you are interested in joining our guild, we welcome it."

"Well, I think so too" Jin Siqi said: "There is only one thing that I have a little concern about."

"what's up?"

"This newly joined guild is a bit too low-key, so low-key that it makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Low-key..." I thought for a moment, and said, "Maybe they have any unexplainable secrets."

"Well, I think so too" Jin Siqi said: "But I just think something is wrong, maybe I think too much."

After listening to her, I was silent for a moment and whispered: "Since you have concerns in this regard, let me tell you what they are doing that makes you feel wrong. If possible, I will help you too. Analyze and analyze, but don’t hope too much. I’m just an adventurer and I’m not good at guild management."

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