The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1751: The unabashed old duke

I thought for a while, and said seriously: "In the early days of taking over the guild, I did ask my foster father several huge sums of money to use for the operation of the guild. But now, I have my own property and I can be completely self-sufficient."

"Your property?" The old prince smiled and said, "What are your properties? Tell me for the old man to listen to."

Feeling a little embarrassed, I glanced at the orc king, and saw that the orc king still had the helpless expression, but he was nodding slightly.

After thinking a little, I said, "There are three businesses in my industry, the jewelry store in Balan City, the coffee shop in Balan City, and the new multinational restaurant in the capital city of Dasai."

After listening, the old duke smiled and said: "I know cafes and restaurants in many countries. I didn't expect your kid to open a jewelry shop. That kind of shop sells precious jewelry. No wonder you have the confidence to be self-sufficient. ."

I chuckled, not talking.

The orc king shook his head and directly explained the truth: "Old Duke, you really guessed wrong this time. Although the jewelry store has a good income, it is far less than the restaurants and cafes of many countries, especially the cafe, which has long been used by the people of Dasaicheng. In Fengruo Holy Land, a huge amount of money flows in every day. A rough estimate is that the daily income of the cafe is comparable to the total daily income of several branches of the Iron Wolf Guild."

"So much!" The old prince's eyes lit up, then he looked at me up and down, and said: "I didn't expect that, your boy is already a rich man. I blame your clothes for blinding my eyes, I said , Since you have so much money, why do you still wear a stall?"

Seeing that his old man was very puzzled, I shook my clothes, and twiddled the corners of my clothes, and said, "It's really a knowledgeable old man. I saw the doorway at a glance. That's right, this is indeed a dozen copper coins. It’s a street stall, but it’s light and comfortable to wear, and it’s very durable. The most important thing is that it’s cheap!"

I said with a serious look: "As an adventurer, injury is the most common thing. Once more injuries, the clothes will be scrapped. If you buy branded clothing or more expensive customized clothing, one piece is required. A dozen or even dozens or hundreds of gold coins. Although I can afford such consumption, I feel distressed. In order not to cause discomfort, I finally decided to continue to sell the goods to my heart."

After listening, the old duke pouted his lips and said, "Then what about our little princess' clothes? Wouldn't it be the same as you, wearing stalls?"

"I don't know the price of her clothes" Tan Tan Shou, I said innocently: "She always chooses her clothes by herself. I never interfere. The only thing that can be related to me is that she finishes choosing her clothes. My clothes will always ask me "how is it?" I usually only answer "awesome"."

"Isn't this hypocritical?" The old prince frowned, "You are perfunctory our little princess!"

"Is it okay not to be perfunctory!" I was excited for a while, and lost my voice: "You don't know if you haven't lived with her, but whenever she asks me about my clothes, as long as I have some similarities and differences, she will immediately ask me what is not good , If I can answer it, it’s okay. If I can’t say it clearly, it’s just a chatter when I go home. It’s not unpleasant to hear, but it’s annoying to be silent, and she’s silent, you still have to listen. Get up, it’s even worse. In the next few days, she promised that as long as she sees you, she will talk about the same thing in silence, unless she let it go, or forget about it."

These words of almost complaining made the Orc King and Orc Queen very embarrassed.

The old prince didn't have any embarrassment on his face, but was quite astonished. Then he laughed and stroked his beard while laughing, and said: "This little Kagali has the style of my old lady when she was young!"

Prime Minister Leista also couldn't help laughing, and echoed: "Who said no, the old lady was not only a heroine, but also a strong-mouthed king."

When talking about his old wife, the old duke said angrily: "That woman, hey, there is no one in Dasai City that she dare not say!"

After he finished speaking, he patted the table again, looked at the orc king, and said, "You said, why is she so courageous!"

The corner of the orc king's mouth twitched, speechless.

The orc queen also responded with a wry smile.

Prime Minister Leista pursed his lips, not daring to laugh.

I sighed deeply, and said in my heart: "Your status in Dasai City is already at the highest point, but your wife still catches you and curses you, not to mention other people whose status is less than yours."

After hearing the old duke's complaints, he changed the subject.

And the next topic changed was the three-legged black bear brought back by the orc king.

The old prince said: "Xiao Yi, your father-in-law is stingy, I just want to borrow that bear to ride for two days and he won't let it."

"Maybe your Majesty is worried that you will be hurt by the bear."

The old prince curled his lips and said with disdain: "Just the black bear less than two meters away?"

Huh? Why does the old duke sound so awkward to me?

What is the bear that is less than two meters away?

I remember that little black bear was just over a meter.

Thinking of this, I turned to the orc king and cast a puzzled look.

After a moment of incomprehension, the orc king understood what I meant, and he whispered, "That little black bear is almost two meters tall."

"Huh!" I exclaimed: "This one grows too fast! What do you feed it?"

The orc king pondered a little, and said, "It's just some ordinary meat and goat's milk."

"Very ordinary" I murmured.

Immediately, I thought of a reason.

Although the Fairy Forest is rich in resources, the black bear family still has to find ways to hunt down all kinds of prey if they want to be full.

Therefore, the family of the kings of the forest, which eats a lot of food, cannot be full with meat every day. In order to ensure that they are full, they have to eat more undigestible vegetation.

Therefore, the little black bear does not grow rapidly in the Fairy Forest.

But Dasai City Palace is different.

The meat is available for a few meals a day, and the meat is diverse and delicious. Coupled with the love of the orc king and the orc queen for the little black bear, it is changed to feed it, and wants to stay the same. It's difficult to get fat and strong.

I didn't directly respond to the old duke's complaint, but bitterly, asked the orc king, "Is it okay now, isn't it already a waste bear?"

The orc king nodded and said: "Don't worry, it is stronger than you think. It is trained every day. Now it can single out the fifth-level adventurer, but it still can't stand."

I was relieved: "That's good."

Then I said to the old duke: "You old man still don't care about the bear. Don't look at it as it has only three legs, but it is a child of the Forest King. He is very proud in his bones. Not everyone can ride it. "

"Why" the old prince said displeased: "Your Majesty, I can't do it? You kid, you have to know, your Majesty even peeed in my arms back then!"

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