The old duke still didn't hesitate to say anything, hearing the orc king coughing and practicing, but he was helpless.

I restrained my smile, shook my head, and said solemnly: "Dare to ask, do you know why the little black bear has only three legs left?"

"It was wanted by the beast," the old duke said.

"Do you think there will be wild beasts daring to attack the cubs of the Forest King at will?" I curled my lips and shook my head and said: "Even if it is me, I dare not easily provoke the Forest King, because I can't beat it."

The old duke raised his brows and turned his gaze to the orc king. The orc king nodded slightly and said, "Xiao Yi is right, even me, I am not sure."

After hearing the words of the orc king, the old duke couldn't help but wonder, and asked: "The king of the forest is so powerful, so what kind of attack has its cubs been attacked, and thus the disabled?"

I pondered for a few seconds, and slowly said, "I wonder how much the old duke knows about the Fairy Forest?"

"Not too much, but not too little," the old duke said: "The Fairy Forest is divided into two parts: the inner periphery and the outer periphery. There are countless exotic flowers and grasses on the periphery, which breed countless rare birds and beasts, and the inner periphery is said to be strange. Flowers and weeds, wild beasts are more rare, but because there are terrible monsters wandering in them, even the local fairies and elves dare not take a step."

"What you said is absolutely correct" I said: "That day, the king of the forest took our young son and walked with us in the woods. Unknowingly, he walked into a deep pool. The young bear was excited when he saw the water and threw himself into the water to play, but he didn't realize it. In the depths of the pool, there was a water monster that escaped from the Fairy Forest. The little black bear's hind leg was bit by the water monster."

"No wonder" the old duke sighed: "However, this little guy must have an extraordinary ability to escape, otherwise he would not escape the water monster."

"That's because the king of the forest and I went into the water for rescue."

"Oh?" The old Duke looked at him with a solemn expression, glanced at the orc king, and said, "What about your majesty?"

"Your Majesty is watching us rescue from the shore."

The old duke's complexion was a little slow, and he nodded slightly, very satisfied in his expression.

Seeing his old man turned his gaze to me again, I continued: "Regardless of whether your Majesty participated in the rescue, he never showed the slightest panic because of the appearance of the monster. Instead, he calmly stopped the other cubs with the mother bear. It made us relax and try our best to rescue."

"After that, in order to appreciate your majesty's help, and to save the little black bear's life, the forest king entrusted the little black bear to his majesty's care. This is the whole story."

I paused, and then said: "Old Duke, although you have a very high status, in the eyes of this black bear, you are no different from other strangers. Only your majesty who has helped him and entrusted by the forest king, Really qualified to ride a little black bear."

"Then what about you?" The old prince glanced at me and asked.

I shook my head and said: "Although I am its savior, I am not the one entrusted, so I am also not qualified, but because we are all people close to your Majesty, all of us are qualified to be friends with the little black bear, or Become a comrade-in-arms, other than that, don't ask for more."

The old duke's expression changed after hearing this. He sighed slightly and said, "What a pity."

Seeing that the old duke was temporarily lost in thought, the orc queen grabbed the subject and smiled indifferently, and said: "Xiao Yi, you are here now, besides seeing my husband and me, is there anything else? All present here are my own. People, you might as well speak up."

I lowered my head slightly and said, "Since your mother-in-law said so, I won't hide it anymore. Actually, this time I came here to solve a thing that has troubled me for a long time."

Next, I will talk about the adventurers' guild that has newly joined the new heroic guild.

After listening, everyone fell into a brief period of contemplation.

A little bit, Leistazzi spoke first, saying: "You suspect that those adventurers were instigated by someone to sneak into the new heroic guild, with the intention of taking the opportunity to seize power of the guild?"

I nodded and said, "After all, it is no longer a secret that the New Heroic Guild is my property, and I am the common enemy of York, Seoul and Eretown. They want to subvert my power. I have to start with my various industries. The first among them is the new heroic guild, which is already large. As long as the regime of the new heroic guild is overturned, they can cut off the connection between many guilds and even create conflicts by surprise. Weaken the strength of some guilds, such as the Iron Wolf Guild, Dasai City Rose Legion and Dwarf Guild."

"Once the strength of these three guilds is weakened, or they are in the same situation due to contradictions, it is very likely that the status quo of Dasai City will be affected by the melee, breaking the original stable and united situation, making Dasai City in a short time There is no unity within."

Without waiting for me to finish, the old duke's eyes burst into a cold light, and he said coldly: "These little boys, they want to disturb the peace in the city of Da Sai. It is really sinister."

Prime Minister Leista's eyes flickered, a little, and he said, "I'm afraid that may not be the case."

I turned my head to look at him, very puzzled, and said, "What do you mean?"

"They don't necessarily want to disrupt the three major guilds, and then bring disaster to the city of Cyberjaya." Leista raised his head, glanced at the orc king, and the old duke, and said, "I wonder if you still remember, Xiaoyi once mentioned two people, one is Bone Prison Breath, the other is Skassa, the former mutated into a stiff walking corpse, the latter mutated into a dragon, but before both died, they were ordinary. Adventurers are no different from ordinary adventurers."


The old duke and the orc king breathed in cold air at the same time.

I looked at the two of them blankly, wondering why they reacted this way, but when I connected the two of Bone Prison Breath and Skarsa with the newly settled adventurer’s guild, I suddenly felt chilly. Can not help but shudder.

I twisted my eyebrows, and said solemnly: "If this is the case, it would be terrible!"

The old prince nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice: "If those people are scattered around the imperial city, choose a specific time, or besiege the imperial palace, or commit suicide one after another, mutate into monsters, it will cause a very heavy blow to Dasai City! "

He paused, looked at the orc king, and said gravely: "This is the capital of the country!"

I frowned, and said solemnly: "What should I do, should I arrest those people directly, or lead them to an uninhabited wasteland to kill them?"

"Shaoan, don't be restless" Prime Minister Leista patted me on the shoulder, and said, "You have done very well so far. You haven't made any publicity or show any sensuality. I think those people don't know yet. We have already noticed this matter about them. This is the best situation. We can secretly investigate them before anything has happened. After we find out the truth, we will consider how to deal with them. Before that, we can first Discuss the response plans for various situations, so as not to happen suddenly and without preparation."

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