Said it was a discussion, in fact, it was the orc king, the old duke, and the prime minister Leista each expressing their opinions or arguing with each other.

As for the orc queen and me, they sat quietly and said nothing.

The orc queen doesn't like to participate in politics, but I don't know what to say.

It was really boring to hear, I dismissed the waiter, and personally poured tea for the three masters and the orc queen.

After eliminating the fourth pot of tea, the topic finally came to an end.

It's not that they have nothing to say, but the amount of four pots of tea forced them to be respectful, but the topic was chatting at the time, and no one was willing to leave their seats, so the three of them held their urine one by one and forced them to bear it. To accelerate the progress of the topic.

Finally, before peeing on his pants, he finished the last sentence, and then the three of them stood up and ran towards the toilet.

They ran to the toilet very slowly, because they would pee when they ran fast, but they didn't dare to be too slow, too slow to hold back.

Ever since, the three people walked awkwardly all the way and disappeared at the end of the imperial garden.

The orc queen snickered, smiled, and said to me: "Xiaoyi, you must never learn from the three of them, it's shameful."



Leaving the palace, it is already dusk.

I wandered back to the New Heroic Guild. Almost all the adventurers were off work, and there were only a few night workers left, chatting quietly while being vigilant around.

Before I entered the gate, I was stopped by the night watchman. After careful identification, it was determined that I was the fiancé of President Jin Siqi and was only released.

All the way to the door of Jin Siqi's office, through the crack of the door, I saw a bright light seeping out.

After tapping the door twice, Jin Siqi's voice came out: "Please come in."

Pushing the door and entering, I heard Jin Siqi ask in a plain, watery tone: "What's the matter?"

I scratched my hair and said, "Nothing, just come and see you."

She was startled, and slowly raised her head. Seeing that it was me, a comfortable smile immediately climbed onto her cheek, and said relaxedly: "I'm back."

"Well, it's a bit late, sorry."

"It's okay" Jin Siqi said: "I also happen to be working."

"You continue." I closed the door and sat on the sofa beside me with a smile: "I was a little tired just walking, so I just sit and rest."

She glanced at the magic clock, and said with a slight surprise: "It's already this time, have you eaten it?"

"not yet."

"Or... you go to eat first, and when you finish eating, I'm almost done."

"I'm not hungry yet" I smiled and said, "Also, I like to see you working hard."

Seeing that I was sure not to leave, Jin Siqi smiled apologetically and continued to get busy at the desk.

I stared at the girl in front of me carefully. Compared to her a while ago, she was slightly plump, but she was still a lot thinner compared to when I first met.

Although she is the same president as Emily, Emily is much more relaxed than her.

It's right to think about it. The Rose Legion is the National Guild in Moonlight City. Except for leading the guild members to spawn monsters and upgrade, many big things and small affections don't need Emily's action.

The New Heroic Guild is different. It is a private guild, Jin Siqi's own guild. Even if Jin Siqi knows how to use it, there will always be something she needs to worry about.

There are too many places to worry about, it will consume a lot of her energy, and as an adventurer at the same time, she often needs to lead a small team to go deep into the dungeon to fight monsters. After living in such an overloaded environment for so long, Jin Siqi has not Depression or collapse, I can only say that this girl's willpower is far beyond my imagination.

While admiring it, I sympathized with her, but I couldn't help much, because I still have my own guild to take care of and more family members to take care of.

I only hope that Jin Siqi can figure it out as soon as possible, let go of all this, come back to me, and live a relaxed life with everyone.

But this hope seems to be impractical in the short term, because Jin Siqi once said that unless one day, the new heroic guild climbs to the same height as the five major guilds of the Hefeng Continent, otherwise, she will not let go!

I watched her quietly, quietly meditating, always feeling that this goal is really out of reach.



After the busy schedule, it is already nine o'clock in the evening.

Fortunately, this is Dasai City, the nightlife is quite colorful, and most of this colorful nightlife comes from barbecue and wine.

I randomly selected a barbecue restaurant, and Jin Siqi and I sat down opposite each other, and ordered two large glasses of wine and two catties of barbecue. The wine should be low, and the barbecue should be fully cooked.

Fully cooked roasted meat is also sold here, but the serving speed is relatively slow.

While waiting for the barbecue, Jin Siqi and I talked about topics related to the adventurer's guild, and told her the general plan discussed by the three orc kings.

After hearing this, Jin Siqi said in a slight surprise: "If it is really like that, it would be dangerous."

She thought for a moment, and then said, "Or, I'll expel them from the guild."

I shook my head: "It's too late. If you do this, it will only make the situation worse. I think the best way to do so now is to wait for the information from the boss of Rennes."

Jin Siqi hesitated for a while, sighed slightly, and said: "It can only be this way."

During the meal, I asked Jin Siqi, "Did boss Renn not come to you today?"

Jin Siqi swallowed the barbecue in her mouth and said, "No, I haven't seen him for a day."

"Just checking the information of a few people, does it take so long?" I muttered to myself in a daze.



When I got home, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Pushing open the door, I saw an envelope slipped down and landed at my feet.

I picked up the envelope and read it over and over again, without a signature.

Jin Siqi glanced at me and asked me: "Whose letter?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" She immediately became alert and guessed softly, "Could it be a prank by some guy?"

"Unlike" I shook my head and said: "Even if it is really a prank, they will not choose to be in the villa area. There are inspections here. Once caught, there will be criticism and education."

Hearing what I said, Jin Siqi's face turned ugly in an instant, she swallowed, and said, "That would be..."

She didn't go on, but I already understood what she wanted to express—that shouldn't be the means used by the assassins to assassinate, or shouldn't it be a threat or threat letter.

After thinking about it, I tore open the envelope without hesitation.

Jin Siqi was shocked and said, "No, Xiaoyi, wait..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw a neatly folded note slipping down from the opening.

I leaned down, picked up the note, confirmed that there were no unknown substances such as powder, and opened it carefully.

There was only a few words on the note: their identities are not simple and need to be confirmed.

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