As long as you find the right way, smuggling is not difficult, but the process is difficult.

Thinking like this, I jumped through a puddle of dirty water, and my toes happened to step on the carcass of a recently dead mouse. With a snap, a dozen fat and tender maggots were crushed into soy milk.

Slightly frowned, raised my foot on a dirty bag and rubbed a few vigorously. After roughly cleaning the maggot's internal organs, I took a deep breath and sniffed the peculiar smell of corruption in the sewer, staring into the distance. Muttered: "Why are there so many dead mice?"

With the faint gleam of the sewer, there were mutilated or intact rat corpses everywhere in the eye.

There are still some who are dying, constantly twitching their little paws and making painful squeaks. Those small eyes that were originally pitch-black completely lost the unique brilliance of creatures, as if they were covered with a faint breath of death.

Although I don’t like mice, I don’t hate them either. After all, they are all creatures and deserve the right to live together.

But when there were rat corpses everywhere I looked, I still felt a sense of extreme disgust out of thin air.

No, not only disgust, but also nausea.

"No wonder no one wants to clean the sewers" I muttered in disgust: "No matter how much money is given, no one is willing to do this kind of work."

Dead mice are not only nauseous, but also carry various bacteria, which can spread in the air and infect humans.

In the history of the blue planet, mankind has experienced several crises that were almost destroyed by the plague.

However, this disease seems to have never raged on the Hefeng Continent. On the one hand, the doctors here are strong, and on the other hand, the priest can use purification magic to cleanse most of the toxins in the patient's body, so that the patient is protected from toxins.

With such a two-handed grasp, it is no wonder that Hefeng Continent has never experienced any infectious disease ravages the world.

But even so, the cleaning that should be done is still to be done. If you don't clean it for a long time, it will cause the garbage and rat corpses to pile up. When it must be cleaned up, it will definitely be troublesome!

On the one hand secretly scolding the cleaning staff of Erri City for being lazy, on the other hand I was very thankful that if they were very diligent, I might have to find another way to smuggle.

I walked cautiously through the wide and dim sewer, and at the same time I turned the big sword on my back sideways so that the tip of the scabbard would not crush the maggots and rub against the yellow-white mucus.

As I walked, I heard a soft noise not far away.

"Is it a mouse?" I listened, while guessing.

"If it's a mouse, it must be quite big."

I chuckled and muttered to myself. While speaking, the strong killing intent was already concentrated in my hands.

Without taking a few steps, I saw a gray behemoth in a dark corner.

It was about the size of a pig, and the fur all over it reflected a faint light in the dim light.

It looks like a mouse, but its size is beyond the scope of a mouse...In other words, there are many creatures beyond the scope of common sense in the Hefeng Continent. Take the forest king, who can grow up to four meters. How high, so it is not surprising that even a mouse the size of a piglet appears.

With the mentality that more is worse than less, I think about avoiding the big mouse so as not to disturb it.

Unexpectedly, the mouse raised his head suddenly, staring at me with a pair of red and reddish eyes.

I held my breath and stood motionless, intending to reduce the mouse's hostility towards me in this state.

If there is an ordinary little beast in front of you, I will probably be fooled by it, but unfortunately, it is not.

With a squeak, the big mouse jumped up on the spot, opened a pair of blood basins, and bit towards my throat.

Senbai's teeth are shining with a faint cold light, which will make you feel creepy at first glance, let alone face its attack!

But I am worthy of the battlefield. No matter how sharp the mouth and the teeth are, it is always a creature. Without the blessing of external force, it should not cause substantial damage to my metal handguard.

...At least, I think so.

This monster, like a rat with big teeth, did not hesitate to bite the handguard that I passed over, and heard a squeaking metal rubbing sound, and the fingers under the handguard felt oppressive!

"Fuck!" With a low cry, I took a step forward, rounded my arms, and threw the big mouse out.

With a muffled noise, the big mouse slammed into the wall and let out a painful grunt.

I raised my right hand and took a photo against the low light. I was shocked to see a scene that shocked me--the thick and hard metal guard was dented by the mouse's front teeth!

This is only the power of a bite, if it is bitten several times in a row, the pair of handguards will not be abandoned!

Thinking about it this way, I became fierce and drew the knife out of the sheath, no matter whether it was buried or not, it was a knife to the big mouse that pounced twice.

The Odachi with its killing intent smashed the mouse without any hindrance.

After landing, the big mouse stared at those reddish eyes, kicked his legs desperately, and stopped moving.

The smelly black and red blood spilled all over the place, and the steaming internal organs also spilled all over the place with the overflow of blood.

Soon, from the rat corpses everywhere, several normal mice crawled out and rushed to the corpse of the big mouse. While squeaking excitedly, they desperately gnawed and licked the internal organs of the big mouse. Lick its blood.

One of the little mice may be too weak because it crawls very slowly.

When the big mouse passed the huge mouth, it stopped, moved its ears, raised a pair of small paws, and stroked its beard again. At the moment of the electric light and stone fire, the upper half of the big mouse jumped up again. Bitten the weak little mouse, then crunched.

The little mouse uttered a scream, and then died.

The big mouse chewed for a long time before finally stopped chewing.

The blood dripped from the corner of its mouth, it was the blood of a little mouse.

After a few more minutes, another mouse ran to its mouth, sniffed the fresh blood, and then began to lick.

This time, the big mouse didn't move any more, it had really hung up, but it didn't disappear out of thin air like a monster in the dungeon.

After illuminating the guard's hand against the faint light again, I subconsciously muttered: "Even metal can bite like this. It's really a powerful mouth."

Just relying on this pair of teeth, I am afraid that it can be comparable to the pair of tongs of the ghost face spider.

"It is not easy for the sewer cleaners here. They have to face swarms of rat carcasses and garbage all over the place, and at the same time be alert to the attacks of pigs-sized rats" I shook my head and said to myself Said: "It is said that life is easy, life is easy, and life is not easy. I see the cleaning staff working here. It is difficult to ensure that they survive."

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