The sewers of every town in the Hefeng Continent were built as deep and wide as the palace corridors.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if seven or eight carriages are running side by side, they are not crowded at all.

The manpower and material resources required for such a large-scale sewer is also extremely large.

As far as the countries of the Hefeng Mainland are concerned, it is certain that they cannot spend so much money, nor can they gather enough skilled craftsmen to accomplish such a feat.

These sewers are actually ancient relics.

More precisely, they were all built during the reign of the fairies.

With the dim light, you can see the exquisite carvings on the walls of the sewer. Although there are minor damages in some places due to the age and erosion of feng shui, its whole is still well preserved.

This is not just a matter of material selection, but also a craftsman who wrapped the walls with huge magic when the construction was completed, which made it immortal for thousands of years.

This approach may seem a little unnecessary at the time, but it proves the sincere ingenuity and love of the craftsman.

On the other hand, now, there are only a handful of craftsmen who can really maintain their ingenuity.

More often, they become craftsmen for money and reputation.

Opening branches, recruiting apprentices, and establishing a reputation. Many guys who have spent their entire lives unable to create a magic weapon are regarded as masters because of their superb acting skills and ability to observe words and colors.

However, some semi-finished craftsmen who have exhausted a semi-finished enchanted weapon for many years, often show off their semi-finished products, and often claim to be a rare casting genius for thousands of years. , Raise his status to the legendary craftsman level.

This is the artisan today!

A group of worms chasing fame and fortune!

Taking off the handguard, I gently stroked a beautiful relief on the wall of the sewer, and I kept cursing the craftsman’s depravity and the gloominess of the world.

On the relief, an old man dressed in floral clothes with a piccolo hanging on his mouth is strolling in the middle of the street.

His legs are raised very high, but his steps are very small. His exaggerated and brisk movements are exactly the same as the funny clowns during the festival.

He was very forgetful when he played the flute, his eyes were half-open and half-closed, and he looked happy and worried, but the thin line of the corner of his lips evoked an exaggerated arc, revealing a weird smile.

The meaning of that smile is unclear, complicated and difficult to distinguish. I can only distinguish one of his emotions, that is, mocking.

But I can't tell whether he is laughing at me, a bystander, or at everything behind him.

Behind him, there are many long reliefs, a group of tall rats, and hundreds of children with blurred eyes.

Hundreds of children are surrounded by more mice, but in my opinion, they are more like being surrounded by mice.

This group of mice has sharp claws and sharp front teeth, but they did not attack the children, and they did not even threaten or threaten them.

They just gathered the children tightly together, side by side with them, and followed the man in floral attire playing the flute.

Why does the flute of this man in flowers have such a magical power that it can attract rats and children all?

Where will they go?

After two questions came to my mind, I took a step back subconsciously and moved my gaze forward, looking in the direction in front of the man in flowers.

One step away from the man in floral dress, there is a village that looks vague. I can vaguely recognize the houses and trees in the village, but I can't see more details.

It's not that the village's reliefs are eroded by Feng Shui and become obscured. It is that the craftsmen who carved the village did not intend to let people see the true face of the village, so they carved it out of the blur.

"Why do you want to do this?" I was puzzled: "Do you want to express that this village and a mirage do not exist, but if you want to express that it does not exist, you only need to carve a part of it? Why bother to portray the trees in the building?"

"Is it just to show the engraver, or does it mean something else?"

I was puzzled and had to keep looking forward.

However, after the village, there is another picture.

Compared with the man in floral dress playing the flute, this picture is a bit less mysterious, but a bit more crazy.

This is a bald man with a shabby cloak, red trousers, a wide black belt around his waist, and a sharp short blade wrapped around his right arm. His sharp eyes and the short blade exude The sharp cold light is exactly the same.

Around him, there are also a group of men and women who are dressed up, some are drinking and playing, some are chatting with each other, and some are looking behind them.

On the back half of the arm of the man who looked back, there was a head-covered man carrying a cage, and a half-human with a rat head and tail.

Beside the head-covered man and the half-human, there are several gray-haired mice playing around.

Around the mouse, there was a group of big red dogs wandering, these big dogs grinned and looked fierce.

These big dogs didn't play around like mice, but sat quietly on the ground, grinning and looking forward.

Following my gaze, I looked back at the bald man again.

It wasn't until then that I suddenly realized that this man's crazy gaze had been looking at these red hounds from the beginning.

After pondering a little, I moved my gaze up again and found that there was a relief figure above these people's heads. No, it was not a human being, but a moth-like creature with a pair of purple and yellow. The wings looked down on the crazy crowd like a god.

"What is that?" I wondered: "Is it the **** they believe in? Or the totem they worship?"

Once again puzzled, I shook my head and continued to look forward. The relief has changed again. This time, the relief is no longer as easy to understand as before, but turned into an incomprehensible abstract painting. It feels a bit like Van Gogh.

Stopping and staring for a moment, I finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to watch.

If you don’t understand, you don’t understand. Even if you look at it longer, you still don’t understand. There are not many people who come to the sewer anyway. Then find someone who is well versed in ancient history and tell them about the reliefs here, and then make plans.

After making up my mind, I continued to move forward cautiously, and at the same time I looked around the walls indifferently to see if I could find more reliefs that I could understand.

Sure enough, it pays off.

Just in the middle of the sewer, I once again found a relief that I could understand.

This time, the relief sculptures are all women, all kinds of women, white skin, brown skin, pure human, and half human with snake-tailed human body.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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