On the wall, five or six meters of continuous relief sculptures are all women.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but frowned and wondered: the craftsman who carve this section of the wall is not a guy who indulges in beauty, look at the demeanor and respect of the woman on the relief, regardless of the skin color, whether it is a pure human It is also a half-human being, full of fascination, and it makes people feel excited.

Not only that, these women's dresses are extremely open, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them boldly. The places that should be exposed are exposed, and some places that should not be exposed are also exposed.

This is simply...so seductive.

If there are not many fiancées around me, or if the fiancées have a mediocre appearance, I will indulge in it and forget to return.

However, there are many fiancees in my family, and there are many of them who are all over the world. Not to mention the top appearances and appearances of Phoenix and Emily, just to say that among my fiancées, the appearance of the mid-level Yura is better than The beauty on the relief is much more outstanding.

While admiring the beauty relief on the wall wantonly, while continuing to walk slowly.

After another seven or eight steps, I stopped again and stared quietly at the last relief of beauty.

She has a beautiful face and a charming temperament that is difficult to tell, and Yura is also slightly inferior to her.

Long brown-black hair is wrapped around a spider-shaped headband, coiled high in a regular manner, at the highest point of the coil, falling abruptly on both sides, forming a brown-black waterfall with the hair in the center.

Looking down, it is snowy white, the low-cut skirt does not block much of the spring, and the most beautiful parts of the woman are undoubtedly revealed.

"Welfare" I smiled and muttered to myself, my eyes still staying on the relief of beauty for a long time, but what I saw was not the looming obscurity on the relief, but the eyes of the woman.

This is a pair of beautiful eyes, but it shows cruelty all the time.

The bright red pupils are like pearls poured with blood, both seductive and frightening.

This woman... is not simple. If she is in power, she is definitely a tyrant, and she is also the kind of tyrant who regards human life like a grass.

I really don’t know why these craftsmen carve so many creepy reliefs on the walls. Is it because they are dissatisfied with the fairy emperor who let them build the sewers, so they carved reliefs as a means of venting their anger during the construction process?

I frowned and thought for a long time, but didn't come to a definite conclusion, so I had to curl my lips and give up.

For a long time after the beauty relief, I didn't find any relief that I could understand. Most of them were some inexplicable patterns and symbols, and some things that might be words, but I didn't know any of them.

"Would you like to copy these symbols and words and show them to the Fairy Queen?" I muttered.

But soon, I rejected my idea.

Now the relationship between the fairy queen and me is a bit stiff, if we can't see it, it's better not to meet again, so as to save trouble and embarrassment.

Besides, even if I really want to transcribe them, I still have to have pen and paper. At this time, I intend to instigate the descendants of legendary heroes. I only bring swords and imperial edicts. I can't use imperial edicts to copy these things... .. Even if you really want to use the imperial decree, at least you have to wait until the rebellion is over, otherwise, what will the descendants of the legendary heroes think when they see a scroll of the imperial decree that has been drawn in a mess?

If it was me, I would definitely think that either the person holding the imperial decree did not respect him, or the orc king did not take himself seriously.

If you act like this, talk about it.

After giving up my intention of copying, I continued to walk quickly, and just before reaching the exit, another relief that I could understand appeared before my eyes.

Carved on the relief is a group of humanoids and monsters.

Said they are humanoids, in fact they are more like carrion puppets, just a little more humanoid than carrion puppets.

They have deep purple skin, sharp fangs, and a big, hideous mouth. Above the big mouth, there are a pair of black cavities. They should be... nostrils?

These humanoid creatures without eyes and ears, only nostrils and a huge mouth, dragged huge sharp weapons, wandering aimlessly.

Among these wandering humanoids, there is a gray-skinned monster that looks a little like a goblin, holding a wooden scepter, dancing an unknown dance, and around it is a group of small creatures that look similar to it. The monsters hold stick bones and sharp stone blades respectively.

Looking to the left, there is another monster with a rat head human body. Compared with the rat head human body relief passing by before, this rat head human body looks stronger and scarier.

Next to the rat-head human monster is a monster with a pair of huge horns but can't see clearly, but I can clearly see the two skulls on its shoulders.

The monster held a pair of sharp claws flatly and bowed in a pious manner, looking toward it in the direction of kneeling, a dark purple monster, like a scrawny wild dog, was sitting quietly on the ground.

The craftsman did not carve the front of it, but only showed me its back and... half of its face.

The bright red pupils with no emotion, the huge long mouth, the sharp and sharp fangs, and the deep purple tongue all made me very uneasy inexplicably.

I calmed my mind and stared at it silently, trying to find the source of the anxiety. However, at the moment facing its eyes, I only felt a loud bang in my brain, and my consciousness came out of the body in an instant.

"This is...what place?" I looked around and realized that at this moment I was in a space that was both strange and familiar.

The dark sky, the muddy ground, the dead trees, and the patter of rain.

I’m sure I’ve never seen everything in front of me, but what’s the matter with this inexplicable sense of familiarity?

While thinking about it, a flash of lightning struck down, igniting a dead tree, instantly igniting a raging flame, and illuminating the entire space.

In an instant, I saw everything clearly, and the calm heartbeat also became intense in an instant.

The corpses, the corpses everywhere, and the bones, the rotten flesh that is decaying, there is not even a trace of anger in the entire space!

This is simply hell!

I subconsciously took a step backwards, but did not have the touch of stepping on the mud, and lowered my head subconsciously, only to suddenly realize that at this moment, there is no entity!

what's the situation?

Why would I have no entity?

Could it be said that at this time, I am in a certain illusion?

But it's not right. I have confirmed that within a few tens of meters before and after me, there is no human breath at all. In other words, this illusion must have nothing to do with human beings.

Since it has nothing to do with humans, there is only one possibility. I triggered a hallucinogenic mechanism.

Think about it, what was the last thing I saw before entering the illusion?

...By the way, it is the eyes of the relief!

That bright red pupil!

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