The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1787: Equipment strengthening machine

Putting away the Odachi, glanced at the corpses everywhere, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Saying that they are mobs, really didn't wrong them.

Except for the handsome young man who was killed and the four people who were defeated one by one by the boss of Rennes, none of the dozens of people left reached level ten or higher.

Using the tenth level as the standard is a bit overestimating them, and the average strength of these people is only about five levels, at most they can be regarded as the backbone of ordinary small and medium-sized guilds.

In order to practice the sword technique I learned as many times as possible, I not only reduced my killing intent, but also reduced my five-point strength, and only used the remaining five-point strength to fight against them. Even so, I won easily.

My eyes were swept across the corpses, and when I scanned a few of the corpses, I couldn't help but stand still for a few seconds, sighing slightly, with some regrets.

These people all have quite sophisticated fighting skills, and they must be the descendants of legendary heroes. To be honest, I am very fond of their fighting skills, so I kept my hands several times, hoping that they can see my meaning and retreat. However, these people are too keen to kill and want to kill me. In desperation, I have to guide their fighting skills as much as possible, and when I can no longer see any subtleties, I will cut them one by one. Kill it to avoid future troubles.

At this moment, when I see these young faces again, I will still sigh in my heart a pity.

Boss Ren walked to my side and said in a low voice: "Congratulations, you have become more proficient in knife skills."

I sighed softly, spit out the last trace of depression in my chest, turned my head and smiled and said: "This is all God's will, if I didn't have that senior, how could I learn Master Xilan's sword technique."

Boss Renn nodded slightly and smiled without saying a word.

After that, I ordered the dwarf team to dispose of the corpse, and the cleaning staff of the airship base cleaned up the blood stains and minced meat. It didn't take long for the open space in front of the airship base to be completely new.

After entering the base, I first came to Kailan, said hello to her, and solemnly thanked her.

Kailan looked indifferent, she still smiled frivolously, turning her revolver around at her fingertips.

"Dare to ask the heroine..."

"Call me Kailan."

"Okay, heroine."

Seeing me teasing her, Kailan didn't get angry, leaning on the rear wheel of a magic airship, and said lightly: "What's the matter?"

"Where did you buy your gun?"

Kailan paused with a shudder, and instantly held the revolver in his hand. The black muzzle pointed at my chest, like a rattlesnake spitting out a letter, which made people shudder.

"Sister Kailan" Daphne couldn't help but say.

Kailan raised the corner of her lips and smiled. Turning her wrist, she retracted the revolver to her waist and said with a chuckle: "I'm kidding, I scared you by looking."

Daphne's expression did not change at all, but her eyes lightened slightly.

"This gun" Kailan patted the holster, raised her head, and said proudly: "I made it myself."

"Awesome" I gave a thumbs up, and exclaimed: "Even the goblins only invented the revolver not long ago. I didn't expect you to be a big step ahead of them in this respect."

"Although the goblins are smart, they are not a race specialized in thermal weapons. Since my ancestors have been experts in forging and using revolvers, naturally, they cannot be generalized."

Speaking of ancestors, Kailan's eyes flashed with pride.

"Dare to ask the names of your ancestors."

"Heavenly legendary hero, Kaili."


What race is that?

I was curious, about to ask questions, and saw Daphne staring at me without squinting. There was an intellectual gleam in her deep big eyes, as if she was telling me: Be careful in words and deeds.

I resisted asking questions, but continued to discuss the revolver with her.

"In my team, there are currently only two shooters, one with a crossbow, and the other with a revolver like you, but the revolver he uses is a special one, and the muzzle is twice as big as your revolver."

"Big has big advantages, small has small advantages" Kailan said without envy: "The large-caliber blasting performance is strong, but the rate of fire is average, the small-caliber rate of fire is faster, and the penetration is strong, but the damage area is limited. But it can be made up with magic."

"Deserving of an expert," I flattered: "I thought the bigger the caliber the better, it turns out that there is still particular emphasis on this aspect."

Kailan smiled slightly, her expression proud and frivolous.

Aside from the issue of revolvers, we talked about many other things. Kailan told me that besides the most famous revolver, her ancestors also had a machine called a reinforcement machine.

This kind of machine is said to strengthen equipment attributes, make swords sharper, make armor stronger, and even improve the magic effect of enchanted equipment and magic equipment.

I asked Kailan: "What are the disadvantages of the enhanced equipment?"

Kailan blinked, and he looked like he didn't plan to answer me.

I know that there must be some tricks, but it is not easy to ask questions, so I bypassed this question naturally.

After chatting for a while, feeling a little hungry, he invited Kailan and others to eat on the magic airship.

Although Kailan and others have taken the magic airship, no one has enjoyed this kind of privileged service. With a general curiosity, they gladly followed me on the magic airship.

The chefs of the magic airship heard that it was Master Dewey's son who was here, one by one, they worked hard and racked their brains, desperately making a table of good dishes.

Seeing that the dishes are exquisite, I greeted the dwarf team to come up and eat together. This time, the chefs who wanted to show off their craftsmanship were exhausted. After a few tables of exquisite dishes were prepared, they all sat on the floor, wiping out their sweat, Shout tired.

Naturally, I would not treat them badly, and ordered someone to give them a credit, and when the salary was paid at the end of the month, I would give a bonus to several chefs.

Several chefs were exuberant and thanked again and again.

Although the father and daughter Mafro kept a poker face, they were still moved after seeing the table full of exquisite dishes.

Especially Daphne, her eyes straightened.

She has worked at the magic airship base for a long time, and has never seen such a sumptuous cuisine. Even the chief's own small stove is not as rich as one-tenth of the dishes on the table in front of her.

I saw her expression in my eyes, but did not sneer. Don’t say her, even the first time I saw such a rich dish, she also showed an exaggerated expression, even more exaggerated than her current expression Several times.

Next to her, Kailan, who has been acting frivolous since they met, still behaves frivolous, even a little disapproving, after facing the sumptuous dishes.

Perhaps her equipment enhancement machine is very popular and has brought her huge wealth, enabling her to eat more abundant dishes every day, so she has such a dismissive expression.

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