After the meal, the boss of Rennes arranged for everyone to rest. I leaned on the sofa and quietly looked at the right side window.

Through the window side made of crystal, my gaze fell on a bluestone clearing. In the center of the clearing, there was a slightly darker color. It was the battlefield that had just been swept, and the dark location was a place stained with blood.

Opposite me, Daphne sat there quietly, her slightly thin body sank into the soft sofa, like a baby wrapped in a baby, the transparent round lens could not hide her curious gaze, at this moment , She was staring at me without blinking.

I chuckled lightly, reached out and handed her a clean mint leaf, and took the other one and threw it into my mouth. While chewing, I chatted: "What are you looking at?"

Daphne pursed her mouth, took the mint leaves, put it in her mouth in a way, and said vaguely: "Look at you...well, it's so spicy."

Seeing her frowning face, I couldn’t help but smile, and handed her another slice. Daphne shook her hand and refused. I thought about it, got up and picked up a spittoon-like container and gave it to her. She still waved her hand and refused. After a lot of effort, he finally swallowed all the mint leaves in his mouth.

She exhaled in relief, and then took a breath, waiting to speak, but suddenly stopped, her eyebrows full of surprise.

I smiled and asked, "Do you feel refreshed?"

She recovered and nodded again and again.

"This is the case with mint leaves. It tastes very strong when you chew, but after you chew and breathe, you will have a freshness that you have never experienced before." I said, taking out a mint leaf and throwing it into my mouth. She handed another piece to Daphne. This time, she didn't refuse, she took the leaf well and chewed it slowly.

"I'm very sorry about your shop, and I can see that your father has a great view on it, but when you think about it, isn't this an opportunity?"

Daphne did not say, still chewing the leaves quietly.

"Hefeng Continent is very big, but Ai Rui City is very small, while Reggie City is even smaller. Looking down on the sky as high as tens of thousands of feet, Reggie City is not as big as a palm. If you choose to stay in that place, you will lose a lot of appreciation of the mountains and rivers. The mainland, looking for weird opportunities."

Daphne was still thinking.

"The Carter family will not give you the opportunity to develop, just like the previous chief, who only knows how to blindly request and possess. When did you think about your life and death?"

With a light sigh, I continued: "I know that due to my reasons, your family's ancestral business was destroyed and you are uncomfortable, but the ancestral business is only the foundation saved by your ancestors. It is okay that you and your father can manage it well. , But can you guarantee that your descendants will be able to properly manage the inheritance of your ancestors like you?"

Daphne shook her head.

"In order to avoid this kind of tragedy and count as my compensation to your father and daughter, I plan to take you away and leave this small place without the sun, to Dasai City, to Moonlight City, to Fort Witch, as long as If you have the ability, I can support you to spread the material shop throughout the entire Hefeng continent. In this way, you no longer need to think about the future of the material shop. Unless there are several generations of prodigal sons in your descendants in the future. , With your store’s assets, you can always find a place to turn around."

Daphne pursed her lips, then slowly lowered her eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't break my promise," I said, putting a mint leaf into my mouth again, turning my gaze to the window side again, and staring at the bluestone clearing in a daze.

"I didn't doubt you" Daphne's voice was as weak as a mosquito croak: "It's just that I've lived at home for so more, I feel uncomfortable."

"I can understand" I nodded, and said, "Why don't I be like this? At first, I was a wandering adventurer in Ai Rui City, living in the house of my fiancee. Later, I had a conflict with the second young master of the Carter family. As a last resort, my family moved to Moonlight City, and then I came back again. Unfortunately, the house is still the original house, but it has become a base for a group of rogue adventurers. I was very angry at the time. But killing them, I was naive, thinking that if I kill them, my house will be preserved. Unfortunately, the ensuing fire has turned everything into dust. Today, I am afraid that even the ruins will be destroyed. The rain is gone."

I was lamenting the past. Suddenly, I felt that my upper arm was wrapped in a soft mass. After a glimpse, it turned out that Daphne's little hand was gently covering it.

"Thank you" I said.

Then, I took a deep breath and continued: "Eri City is the Eri City of the Carter Family, not from any other person, and not from any ancestor. If necessary, the Carter Family can drive any family out of Eri City. They took their land as their own, so, in my opinion, there is nothing to be sad about losing the land, because the land originally did not belong to us. As long as the people are still there, one day they will Take back what originally belonged to us."

Daphne nodded in agreement.

Barely solved Daphne's heart knot, I talked to her for a long time, mainly about the material shop, her future wishes, and Kailan's equipment enhancement machine.

In the first two points, Daphne said very naturally. When it was time to equip the booster, she would have difficulty talking, but even if she did, the expression was very vague.

But from what she said, I vaguely read a lot of content.

The first is that Kailan’s equipment enhancement machine is actually not stable. There are often cases where equipment enhancement equipment destroys the equipment. If the equipment is destroyed, she has to lose money. Some ordinary equipment is okay, but once it involves some expensive Kailan was also stunned by the luxury goods.

It is said that her ancestors didn't have much property left, and even if they did, they were ruined by her failure to strengthen in recent years.

Today, she is borrowing money to live.

In fact, it’s okay to borrow money to live a life. As long as you find a similar industry, you can barely make ends meet and pay off the debt.

Regarding this point, Daphne had persuaded Kailan more than once, but unfortunately Kailan was fascinated by the invention of the ancestor Kaili, and just wanted to carry forward the equipment enhancement machine to the front door.

After learning about Kailan’s thoughts, those who had borrowed her money were no longer willing to lend her money, and many of them even solemnly stated that as long as Kailan stopped borrowing money from them, they had previously borrowed money. They don't want all the money, and the right is used as a fund for Kailan.

Up to now, only the Mafro family are still willing to lend money to Kailan.

Just now, Kailan was thinking about asking Daphne to borrow some more money, buy some parts, and improve the equipment enhancement machine, but heard the noise from her shop, so she took the weapon and followed up. A series of things happened after that.

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