Because of the promise first, Mr. Mafro and Master Sherlock had a very harmonious conversation with me. When it comes to interest, everyone has forgotten their identities.

There were two points after drinking. The two of them were too strong to drink, and they lay on the table one after another, slumbering.

I got up, walked out of the room, covered the door, greeted the waiter with a towel, wiped my hands, and walked quickly toward the exit hatch.

After getting off the airship, I wandered around the base, walked to the front gate, and caught a glimpse of a few people, wandering a long way away.

Because of the distance, I can't see the expressions of these people, nor can I hear their whispering words, but judging from their sneaky looks, they should be the latest group of adventurers assembled by the lord of the city.

These people keep their distance from the airship base at all times, probably because they don't want to anger the elite dwarf troops stationed here, but they refuse to give up the opportunity to kill me, so they choose to wander far away and wait for the opportunity.

Since they can't get in, there is no need for me to do anything extra.

It was past dusk, and the sky was dim. A few dozen meters away, seven or eight people crowded around and approached the magic airship base.

I leaned on the door and looked at the group with a smile. When they were less than ten meters away from here, I adjusted my clothes and went out to welcome them.

When I came to one of them, I bowed and saluted, and said, "Senior is here."

The old man smiled, raised his arms slightly, and raised me up, and said, "Such a great etiquette, the old man can't afford it."

With a smile on my lips, I respectfully said: "You can afford it."

The old man stopped arguing and nodded with a smile. I supported the old man with one hand and led a group of people into the airship base.

I got on the airship and arranged a room for everyone. After that, I sat opposite the old man, first poured him a cup of tea, and then poured myself a cup.

The old man was also welcome, took a sip of the teacup, put the teacup back on the tray, and said with a smile: "Let's say, what can I do for you?"

I was taken aback for a moment, and wondered: "Why do you ask that?"

"It's the so-called no merit and no reward," the old man said lightly: "You respect me, and you should also talk about your purpose."

I shook my head and sighed: "So in the eyes of your old man, I am just a profit-only kid."

"No, no," the old man shook his hand and said, "The old man doesn't think you are a profit-seeking person. It's just that everything that has a cause will have an effect. You can respect me all the way, and you must ask me if you want. I generally ask you, if you take the liberty, I hope to forgive me."

"No, no" I shook my head repeatedly, and said: "To tell you the truth, this way is respectful, not a conspiracy against you, just to express my respect and love for the predecessors, and besides, although you did not admit to accepting me As a disciple, you also taught me the knife skills of your ancestors in your family face to face. This great kindness is not rewarded. Only by holding children and disciples can I feel a little relieved."

The old man and I looked at each other a little, touched the teacup, took a sip, and said, "It seems that you are still abrupt and old, wronged your fist."

I laughed, acquiesced.

Later, I asked the old man's name and surname. The old man told me that his name was Xiying, and he couldn't remember how many generations of Xilan descended.

Xiying also told me that the set of swords he taught me was not the complete Xilan swordsmanship. The truly complete Xilan swordsmanship was lost during the melee period. Today's Xilan swordsmanship is the legendary hero period. , The descendants of the Xilan family follow the knives that are pieced together in the impression, so there are many inconsistencies.

Even though Xiying said so, I am still grateful for his willingness to teach me the sword technique.

After chatting for a while, I brought the topic to Kailan.

Xiying knew well about Kailan’s family. He told me that Kailan’s ancestor Kaili was from the same era as Xilan. It is said that Kaili was a roaming gunner, or the top class. As for the others, Xiying also doesn't know much.

Xiying suggested that if I want to clarify Kailan's family history, it is the best choice to ask Kailan's talent directly. Since she was willing to come to the airship to cheat and drink, she did not treat me as an outsider.

With the encouragement of Xiying, I decided to ask Kailan directly. For nothing else, I just wanted to inquire about her family history, listen to the awesome deeds of her ancestors, as the best pastime after dinner.

Back in the room, Daphne was nowhere to be seen. I asked Kailan, who was still lying on the bed, "Where is she?"

"Back to the room" Kailan blanked my eyes charmingly: "Why, miss her?"

"Just ask" I said and opened the freezer.

The drinks in the freezer had been replaced with new ones, so he took out two bottles of red wine and threw one of them to Kailan.

Raising her hand to catch it, shaking the wine bottle gently, looking at the swaying wine syrup inside, her tone became very ambiguous: "Invite a beautiful lady to drink at this time, is there any bad intentions~"

"Don't you drink?"

"Why don't you drink?" Kailan pinched the plug with two fingers, and pulled it out with a bang. The plug was pulled out and left aside.

I got up and handed a crystal glass over. She refused, raised the bottle, and drank from mouth to mouth.

After taking two sips, Kailan exclaimed refreshedly, wiped the corners of her mouth with her backhand, staring at me with blurred eyes, her red lips lightly opened, and a string of whispers: "I, am I beautiful?"

"Yeah" I nodded: "You are beautiful."

"How beautiful is it?" Her eyes became more blurred: "No flowers are allowed for comparison."

I can't help but laugh, this woman is still brooding about the day's answer.

After thinking a little bit, I said, "Even if you put you in Moonlight City, you are still one of the few beautiful women."

"Huh?" Kailan blinked and asked, "Have you been to Moonlight City?"

"I have been," I said: "So far, my base camp is still in Moonlight City."

"Oh~" Kailan nodded and asked again: "I heard from my sister, do you already have a fiancee?"

I thought about it, and said truthfully: "Yes, and more than one."

"Yeah, I don't see, you're quite a fan~"

Kailan teased me and drank a drink while smiling.

"You're right, I'm pretty sweet," I confessed in a low voice, turning my face to the side of the window, looking through the transparent crystal, towards the bright base illuminated by the magic lamp.

Kailan groaned softly, got up from the bed, walked slowly across to me, sat down on the sofa, put on a comfortable posture, and looked at me quietly with her eyes. After a long time, she asked, "I am not happy Up?"

"No" I shook my head.

She blinked slyly, smiled suddenly, and said, "Then tell me what you are thinking, and I will believe you."

"I'm thinking..." After a little pondering, I said, "What kind of person are you."

Kailan put down the wine bottle, put her hands on her cheeks, winking like silk, vomiting orchids, and said leisurely: "Oh? Then, what kind of person am I?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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