In fact, what I just thought about was not ‘what kind of person is Kailan’, but how to shed light on Kailan about her ancestors.

But now that the topic has already been brought up to this, I have to rush into my wits and come up with a similar expedient measure to bring the topic from her to her ancestors.

After thinking for a while, I met her bright eyes, smiled slightly, and said: "You are beautiful, and free and easy, with a mature charm that is different from other women."

I admit that half of this sentence is nonsense. She is indeed beautiful and free and easy, but not much mature. On the contrary, she feels more frivolous.

"Is that so?" Kailan blinked, her eyes full of charm and distrust.

She found it.

The corners of my lips were raised, and a smile appeared, a self-deprecating smile, mocking myself for my clumsy cover.

Kailan raised the bottle, took a sip of wine again, said it was delicious, and looked at me again, she giggled and said, "Whether you are from the true feelings or pretending, I have listened to the words just now. Very comfortable."

A trace of shame climbed into my heart invisibly, and I turned my face away, not looking at her, and muttered: "Can you tell me about your ancestors?"

Kailan stopped her nasal voice for a long time, leaning on the sofa, half drunk and half awake, "I don't know much about our ancestors."

"Then what do you know?"

"It's all trivial things," Kailan squinted and looked at me, with a frivolous smile on her lips: "You really want to know?"

Understood, she was beckoning me to exchange things.

"I will provide you with a certain amount of equipment subsidies, but the material of the equipment is limited to stainless steel, and the number of damage to stainless steel equipment per day cannot exceed one. Iron weapons can be supplied at will, and there is no problem with as many as you want."

"Shit, stingy~" Kailan put on a disdainful look.

Ignoring her cynicism, I slowly said, "Can I speak now?"

Kailan was thinking about knocking on me again, but seeing my resolute gaze, she had to give it up, drinking, while telling something about her ancestor Kaili.

During the reign of the elves, a rebellion broke out in a region called Ghent. Kelly was one of the many human shooters who were ordered to quell the rebellion. She learned from one of the few roaming gunners at the time and possessed excellent skills. Coupled with unparalleled courage and calm temperament, he has become the most dazzling counter-insurgency hero.

Not only is she outstanding, but Kelly's appearance is also the most outstanding in Ghent.

"High strength, coupled with good looks, is simply a symbol of perfection!"

When she said this, Kailan slapped the table with excitement, her eyes gleaming, and her eyes were full of yearning. Then, she sighed lightly, looked at me, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously: "Do you know? At home, there is a portrait of an ancestor, exactly the same as mine!"

Isn't this woman worshipping Kelly so much that she has a mental problem?

After staring at me for a while, Kailan pursed his lips and said a little displeased: "What? You look completely disbelief, scoff."

She thought for a while, and suddenly she rested the bottle on the table with a dull loud noise, which shocked me.

"That's it. I will go home tomorrow and get the portrait back. Then you will know if it looks like it."

After finishing speaking, she stood up like a puff, staggered to the bed, turned around, fell into the soft bed, and fell asleep.

I stood up with a wry smile, pulled her arm, and found that she was so heavy, I patted her face again and called out a few times. However, she had already fallen asleep, and I could still hear my call.

She occupies most of the bed. I just want to lie on the bed to sleep.

Reluctantly, I took a spare quilt from the cupboard, spread it on the carpet, and used the cushion of the sofa as a pillow, and fell asleep hastily.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the next morning. The warm sunshine shone on my face, giving me a sense of comfort and comfort, but there was a sense of weight on my body, and it seemed that someone was exerting force. Strangled my neck, it was almost suffocated...

I panted hard, turned my head aside, and suddenly found a lazy woman's face.

Kailan rolled off the bed at some point, and entangled me like an octopus.

The lazy sleeping face of a beautiful woman was supposed to be a beautiful scenery, but she entangled my arms and legs, but she seemed like a poisonous scorpion hidden in the scenery, making me just want to escape from the threat of strangulation. Get out.

However, she is stronger than me, and she is probably stronger than me. No matter how hard I struggle, she just can't get rid of it.

Moreover, I soon discovered another thing that made me stunned-the saliva dripping from the corner of Kailan's mouth was spreading towards me at a slow speed.

I rub, who said that beautiful women never drool in sleep? Come here, I promise not to kill you!

The corners of my eyes twitched, while struggling hard, while staring at the spreading path of the saliva, I felt that the sense of crisis at the moment was no less than the one I faced with the tauren boss at level 4.

After struggling for a long time without struggling to get out, I finally feel a little desperate.

It's over, I'm going to be contaminated by saliva. Although it is not an unfortunate thing to be contaminated with saliva from a beautiful woman, I think it is actually a little excited, but this is not my private room, but a magic airship. I am not on the doorknob. Hanging up the four characters "No entry", the most important thing is that I forgot to lock it up. If Daphne and the others see it, and after some rendering and publicizing it, then my image will be over!

Damn it, the great image that is so easy to build, can't it just be destroyed like this!

Thinking of this, I decided to ‘make a desperate fight’.

Although my arm is clamped tightly by Kailan’s legs and cannot be pulled out, my body can still be rotated. Remember that our ancestors had a unique skill called bone shrinking. I might as well try it. Wan Once it's done, won't I be able to keep my reputation!

Just do it when I think about it. Without saying anything, I started to shake my body. First, I swayed from left to right. I found that the effect was not great. Then I used the center of the body as the axis and kept turning my shoulders to try to expand the space of activity so that I could find the opportunity to get out. .

Just when I was about to see hope, the sleeping Kailan might have been annoyed by my constant struggle, smash it, smashed his mouth, grumbled dissatisfiedly, and stretched out his arms in a tighter way. Hold me in my arms.

Suddenly, all my hopes were destroyed.

However, this was not the most desperate for me. The next second Kailan held me firmly, the door lock of the room was unlocked.

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