As the gap in the door grew wider, a thin figure squeezed in through the gap, Daphne.

I was shocked immediately, I was so scared of what I was doing!

The thin figure froze before taking the third step. The calm eyes hidden behind the thick-soled lenses shrank in an instant. At the same time, the two feelings of anger and shock were on her at the same time. The face appeared, replacing the indifference as always.

However, Daphne did not immediately attack, but while facing my eyes, trying to adjust the heavy and rapid breathing, a pair of delicate and tender hands, clenched into fists, wishing to squeeze out the water.

When facing the scene of ‘betrayal’, I was still able to control my impulsive emotions and stay calm at all times. I have to say that this weaker girl who seems to be young, her heart is stronger than I thought.

I asked myself, if I encounter a similar scene, I would definitely not even think about it. Raise my fist and hit the guy who has turned me green. I won't stop if I don't be beaten to death.

A few minutes later, Daphne calmed her breath. She walked a few steps back, locked the door, and pulled a sofa with great effort, then lay down on the sofa panting, with eyes full of doubt and faint anger. Look at me quietly.

I twitched my mouth, and responded with a helpless wry smile, hoping she could understand that all this was just a misunderstanding.

However, she totally ignored it.

Just when we both stared at each other, Kailan, who was close to me, took a deep breath and let out a lazy moan with a blushing heartbeat.

The sticky sound flowed down my ears and hit my atrium, stimulating the most primitive impulse.

Even Daphne, who was a few steps away, was a little bit uncomfortable, and her cheeks were smeared with light red.

After a lazy moan, Kailan stretched out her limbs like a cat, and put her sleepy pretty face on my shoulder, and rubbed it comfortably.

Seeing this scene, I just wanted to cry without tears, without him, Kailan's mouth was full of saliva!

I didn't know how long I rushed under the shower head, my restless heart finally calmed down, and at the same time, I rushed away the saliva that filled my left shoulder.

Reached out and touched the bare left shoulder, it was no longer greasy, and replaced by a sense of stagnation. I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and finally washed it clean.

Out of the bathroom, Kailan was sitting opposite Daphne.

Daphne's expression remained indifferent, with only a slight dissatisfaction in her eyes. When she listened to Kailan's words, she would occasionally turn her lips away and express her anger with disdain.

Kailan had a big-hearted appearance, and didn't take Daphne's dissatisfaction and anger seriously. She must have been used to her own way, and she could be calm with all the feedback around her.

When I walked to the closet and picked a new shirt, I heard a whistle behind me. No need to think about it, it must be Kailan.

"Yeah, that guy over there is handsome~" Kailan yin and yang molested.

I have no time to talk to her and continue to change my clothes.

After changing the clothes, as soon as he turned around, he met Kailan's bitter eyes.

When I was wondering, I heard Kailan say: "Sneer, sister, this man really doesn't have a good thing. He just put people to sleep with the front feet, and ignores them with the back feet."

I was choked by her words, why did I put you to sleep, obviously you put me to sleep, OK!

But on second thoughts, she put me asleep and I put her asleep, it seems that there is no difference, that is, the active and passive objects are reversed.

After thinking for a while, I decided to give up arguing with her, walked over, and said to the two of them: "I'm a little hungry, do you want to go to the restaurant to eat together?"

Daphne hesitated, Kailan had an expression that should have been so long ago, stretched out her hand, hugged Daphne, and went out first and walked towards the restaurant.

During the meal, Kailan deliberately sat down next to me, which made Daphne a little uncomfortable. Mr. Mafro and other older people, after seeing this scene, coincidentally showed me an ambiguity. The smile made me quite embarrassed.

After the meal, I found an excuse to leave the airship and hang out in the base.

This is the third day of coming to Reggie City. Many descendants of legendary heroes who reside here have already mailed out written letters. It is estimated that it will not be long before there will be batches of descendants of legendary heroes rushing here.

I guess that to this day, my whereabouts and the act of poaching the descendants of legendary heroes have been in the hands of Carter Horton. The reason why I haven't done anything to me is probably because of my intentions.

It is estimated that he will not act on me rashly until I thoroughly find out the intention of my move.

After all, there is York Seoul as a precedent. Iri City, which is in the midst of wind and rain, does not want to lose the total amount of minerals mined for several years and the huge amount of compensation because of impulse.

Carter Horton’s caution is necessary. I did prepare for him. The army led by the old duke himself is now stationed in the public plain, waiting for the news that I am trapped.

Once I was besieged by Carter Horton's men, the old duke would immediately come to Eri City and start occupying the outlying towns of Eri City on the grounds that the son-in-law of the Orc King was making trouble.

This seems domineering and unreasonable, but in fact, how many people in the Hefeng Continent are willing to make sense?

In order to plunder the purple heart grass, the Knights of the Round Table Guild led the crowd to invade the city of Yana, burned, killed and plundered, doing nothing wrong.

Who can guarantee that behind all this, there is no appointment from York City?

Occupying the mines of Darcy City grandiosely in the public domain, how did Erie City and York Seoul get out of relationship with this trip?

Knowing that the clansmen were abducted to Yorkham and became slaves, not only did they not ask for them, but they also kept silent. Who can guarantee that there is no room for high-level people in the five countries?

Therefore, the five kingdoms of the legendary hero period are no longer as intimate as they were at the beginning. Everyone has their own ghosts, supports each other and checks and balances each other, constantly trying to get more benefits for their family.

And there are not many dignitaries, such as the old duke, who are upright and who only consider the interests of the country.

This is also the biggest reason for the rift between me and the fairy queen. In order to consolidate the status of the fairy clan, she has been a little unscrupulous. If I hadn't had the backing of Fort Witch as a support, I am afraid she would have been poisoned by her long ago.

Therefore, if you want to stand firm in Hefeng Continent, strength is the most important, whether it is your own strength or team strength.

I do not hesitate to encourage the Orc King and recruit the descendants of the legendary heroes to settle in Darcy City in his name. The purpose is to help the Orc King win over the hearts of the people and accelerate the collapse of the Carter family’s centripetal force, secretly to supplement the strength of the new heroic guild, for me The future road of domineering, paved with a thick foundation.

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