I walked around the airship base twice, and when I stopped, I realized that Boss Rennes was standing two steps away from me unconsciously.

I beckoned to him, and Boss Renne walked slowly.

"Something?" I asked him.

Boss Ren shook his head: "I just came out to hang out."

He didn't tell me the truth.

I have noticed the dagger he hides in his sleeve. It is the one I gave him. It has broken hair and is easy to hide. It was made by the master.

Coupled with his seemingly inattentive, but guarded look around him, I can be sure that he is not out to hang out, but to protect me.

After all, my strength is not strong enough, at least, not enough to retreat in danger.

Regarding this point, I have also done an in-depth review. With the killing intent and self-healing ability, I can only have a short-term prestige. Once I encounter a real powerhouse, I will be beaten and unloaded.

The only way to get rid of the embarrassing situation is to increase strength. After all, the strength of strength is the root of everything.

Strengthening is also divided into many situations, talents, skills, upgrades, equipment, combat skills.

Nowadays, talents are already available. Combat skills depend on comprehension. This is something that can’t be met. The equipment already has Leopold’s blade comparable to a weapon of God. Armor and the like can be bought. What is lacking is skill and upgrade.

Leveling up requires spawning monsters to gain experience. According to the current situation, it is impossible to do it, but I have the opportunity to strengthen my skills.

The so-called skills can cover a wide range of areas, including combat skills, actual combat skills, and so on.

Among them, actual combat skills are by far the easiest type to be mastered by me, as long as they learn and learn.

Therefore, in order to be able to become a strong one on the one hand as soon as possible, I decided to discuss with Boss Rennes, but was rejected by Boss Rennes.

His meaning is very clear. There are dangers here, and no one can guarantee that someone will secretly release a cold arrow. I have self-healing ability, but no one knows what the limit of this self-healing ability is. Beyond the limit of self-healing ability, there will be life danger.

The boss of Rennes also said that if Tyler sits in town, let alone discuss it, it doesn’t matter if you go out with me, but Tyler did not follow. Although the pastors and doctors in the base are of good qualifications, they are not strong enough to deal with extremes. Circumstances, so you still have to be counseled when you should.

What Boss Rennes said resonated with me.

In fact, I have always believed in the principle of counseling, but there are always people around me who can’t see the situation. When I counseled, they thought I was bullying, and I tried to crawl on my head and pee. , If I don’t apply color, they will get even worse.

So, I can only bite the bullet and force it to the end, but to be honest, it's really tired to fight with the sky, fight with the earth, fight with people, and then tired like a dead dog.

How I long to live a happy and peaceful life, holding a group of wives, holding a group of children, building a manor in the plain or forest away from the hustle and bustle of the town, and being a host, a housekeeper, and a gardener, Such a life can be called full and satisfying.

I sighed lightly, knowing that this is absolutely impossible, at least not as far as the current situation is concerned.

I can’t compete with boss Rennes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t compete with other people.

So, I boarded the airship and found Xiying who was itching all over his body.

As a descendant of Xilan, one of the Four Swordsmen, the old man Xiying is also full of interest in discussing things like this.

Although the old man was full of desire to fight, a very cruel reality stood in front of us-there was no second sword.

Yes, apart from Leopold's Blade, looking at the entire base, there is no second adventurer who fights with swords!

The old man Xiying has the intention to go home and get the knife, but I dare not let him go back like this. You know, nowadays, there are no one hundred or eighty adventurers lurking around the magic airship base. You are a seventy or eighty-year-old man. , Just go out from the main entrance of the base in such a grand manner, what if you are besieged by them?

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. No matter how good your old man is, how can you be the opponent of a group of people?

The old man Xiying also had a bad temper. Hearing what I said, he was not happy at the time. He retorted, "A group of ants can kill a lion!"

"Don't say it, you really can" I introduced the marching ants to the old man Xiying with interest.

Now the old man was even more upset, and he left without saying a word.

I really didn't expect the old man Xiying to have such a strong temper. He left without looking back. I immediately regretted the science lecture just now.

Boss Rennes comforted me and said: "He is very strong, even if he can't fight, he can retreat."

In this regard, I held a different view and retorted: "No matter how strong he is, he may not be able to keep up with his age after all."

The boss of Rennes disagrees: "Achilles is over a thousand years old, and he can still dominate in Ariel City."

The words choked so much that I could not refute it.

Yes, in terms of age, I am afraid that apart from the orc high priest who has survived from the power of the goblin to the present, the oldest is Achilles.

This guy is not only old, but also strong. Even at my level, even if he was in a strengthened platoon, it might not be enough for him to rush back and forth.

If the strength of the old man Xiying can reach that standard, it is indeed my nosy, but God knows his strength, I can't hold my guess as the truth.

So immediately, he drew out the Taidachi and waited for the return of the old man Xiying with boss Ren.

Twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and I was a little anxious. I was afraid that my old man would suffer accidents on the way. However, due to the repeated instructions of the boss of Rennes, I decided to wait another twenty minutes. If I still can't see the shadow of Xiying. , I plan to assemble people to kill.

Although it is to kill out, we can't be brainless. We have to pay attention to strategy and tactics. I led the crowd to kill out to attract the attention of the adventurers who surrounded me and all their attention, and then let the boss of Rennes quietly. Go out from the side door and follow the usual route to the old man Xiying’s house. If the old man is trapped and there are not many people trapped in his old man, the boss of Rennes will act on his own to save him directly or to surround him. All the adventurers who lived with the old man were killed before he came out, and he decided in full screen.

And if the number of people besieging the old man exceeds expectations and it is difficult to reach the level of rescue, Boss Rennes will immediately give up the rescue, return according to the same path, and return to me. At that time, I will gather all the descendants of legendary heroes who listen to my orders. Kill them all and save the old man back.

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