Abandoning the enchanting rough weapon, I temporarily gained the favor of the Spirit Wing Guild, and I followed a few adventurers with the experience of spawning monsters, mainly practicing the mastery of killing intent.

After seeing the black and red killing intent, the members of the Spirit Wing Guild did not show much surprise. After all, their core warrior Philip Walker possessed the special red fading power.

With the mentality of seeing how strange they are, they quickly regarded my black and red killing intent as another peculiar fading power.

Only Jefferson Gassir was worried. He believed that the black and red killing intent and the red fading power were basically two existences, because they gave him completely different feelings.

The power of red fading may contain feelings of anxiety and impulsiveness, but it will not make him feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, the black and red killing intent, he can't capture any emotion from it. It is like an iceberg, cold and deep.

Others don’t care about Jefferson Gassir’s concerns, especially Philip Walker, a straightforward man, who thinks Gassir’s worries are unfounded and ridiculed him. If he doesn’t stop practicing his mind, he will change sooner or later. Become a crazy madman.

Jefferson Gassir did not make any excuses. Perhaps he has long been used to others' incomprehension and ridicule of him, even if this person is a close comrade-in-arms with him.

I don't think Jefferson Gassir's words are groundless, at least he was right. My killing intent and Philip Walker's red fading power are indeed two different existences.

After a day of experience and a day of honed killing intent, I thanked several masters and left the dungeon first.

After leaving the dungeon, I did not go straight home, but went straight to the first arena. As expected, everyone was there, but at this time Emily and Bai Yunying did not fight each other, but sat between them. , Discussing something indifferently.

When I came closer, I realized that I was summing up the results of the day.

It is rare for Bai Yunying not to fall asleep, her eyes wide open, and from time to time she argues against certain points raised by Emily.

However, if I didn’t observe the process of the competition with my own eyes, I couldn’t understand the mystery of what Bai Yunying was referring to. In order to clarify the subtlety, I had to whisper to Kagali, who seemed to hear the most carefully. : "They are discussing that set of moves. Can you briefly describe it for me?"

Kagali didn't turn her head, she just replied to me: "If you ask someone else, I didn't understand it. Don't bother me to see the goddess."

I can't laugh or cry when I said that, so you didn't come to learn and observe, but to join in the fun to see Emily!

Later, I turned to other people, and the basic answer was ‘don’t understand, ask someone else’.

After asking a lot, only the non-combat professional Godot understood the mystery. I have to say that this is really ironic.

In this way, three days passed. Early this morning, we had breakfast. All the members of the guild gathered in front of my tree house and lined up to accompany Emily and Bai Yunying to the Moonlight Pub.

The Moonlight Tavern is very big, as big as the First Arena.

The furnishings here are also very simple. There are less than ten tables lined up next to the wall of the pub. On one side of the pub, a huge cash register is horizontally above the open space. Apart from the wine shelf, there is also a mature female elf with beautiful skin and charming charm, it is Socia.

At a dining table not far from Socia, surrounded by eight middle-aged adventurers, five women and three men, they have different expressions. They have eyes that are already drunk, but they still don’t forget to pour alcohol into their mouths. This is definitely a man. Alcoholic, slightly worse than Taylor, I have never seen the old man drunk.

There is also the short blade in the hand, which is as flexible and neat as playing with chalk. This is a master with a short knife. From the gorgeous technique that she can use the short knife as a finger, unless she is absolutely strong and has a high degree of physical condensedness. Until she can't be hurt, otherwise she must be prepared for the possibility of her making secret moves at all times.

There is also a female elf, one of the most obvious among the eight people. She holds a short-handled scepter in her hand, and the head of the stick emits a dim gray light, which looks very ominous.

The female elf seemed to notice my gaze, raised her head and glanced at me, then dropped her head again, staring at the goblet on the table in a daze.

It was the short glance at each other just now, and I felt a breath of death in her eyes.

How did such a strong breath of death condense on the elves known as the children of the forest?

This makes me very puzzling.

But Socia and the eight adventurers waiting there ignored my surprise. Socia, who was standing in front of the cash register, waved to Emily and Bai Yunying. When the two of them came to the cash register, she He leaned his chin, looked up and down the two people, smiled and pointed at the eight people next to him, and said, "Choose an opponent."

Neither Emily nor Bai Yunying moved. Two pairs of bright eyes hovered on the faces of the eight people without blinking. At the end, Emily shook her head and said, "I don't know their strengths, nor can I recognize their professions. I will exchange the right of choice to you, and you will help me choose the trial personnel to compete."

Bai Yunying on the side also meant the same.

This is a very clever approach, no matter the final result is loss or loss, they can throw the pot back on Socia's head.

Socia smiled, picked up the wine glass, sniffed the wine, and then slowly said: "Since you have returned the right to choose to me, then I will give the right to choose to several national forces, and you will choose the ones you want to discuss. Newcomer."

"This feeling is good." One of the female elves in plate armor stood up, strode to Emily, looked at her for a few seconds, and said solemnly: "Let me be your opponent."

Emily bowed and said, "Thank you very much."

After that, the two came to the center of the tavern, walked five meters away from their backs, stood still, turned around together, opened their posture, and prepared to fight.

"Let's do this first" Socia took a sip of her wine elegantly, and said, "Emily's trial and discussion will begin now."

With the fall of the word ‘begin’, Emily took the lead in attacking, and the saber in her hand pierced the national power like a long rainbow.

The national power did not dodge or dodge, and the arm was raised, and the small shield on the forearm was just right to prevent the saber's thunderous attack.

"You can't break my defense!" The national power said indifferently, and at the same time raised his arm to separate the saber, and then launched a knight charge-like move to go straight to Emily.

This charge is not only fast, but also powerful. If it is hit directly, it can knock Emily's slender body into flight.

I can't help but secretly nervous, and at the same time, I am also looking forward to how Emily will dissolve this charge of national power.

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