The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1824: Can't eat his meat

Facing the national power that was rushing in like a mighty army, Emily looked serious and frowned. She closed her right saber to her side and began to accumulate energy.

Is she trying to fight back and fail?

But even if you counterattack, at least you have to have enough time to accumulate energy!

Seeing that the distance between the national power and her is only less than five meters, she can rush to the front almost in the blink of an eye, where is there any time to accumulate energy!

I lifted a heart high, and subconsciously held my breath. There are pictures of Emily being hit by a blow in my mind. I can't help but bow, ready to go out more and more to pick up Ai who was knocked out. Mili.

At this critical moment, Emily moved!

The graceful posture turned around like a swift, and the saber filled with fading power also drew a circle out of thin air. While she was spinning, her slender body just rubbed against the arm armor of the national power. The graceful posture avoided the deadly charge, and when the two sides passed by, he handed the saber and stabbed it at the shoulder of the national power.

Although this is only the first time to play, it is enough to be called a stroke of magic.

If the saber can pierce the shoulder armor of national power, Emily will surely become famous in the first battle!

However, is national power easy to deal with?

Just as the saber was about to pierce the gap in the shoulder armor, the female elf stopped her figure abruptly, stretched her left hand, the index finger and **** were slightly wrong, and she clipped the sabre accurately to the fingertips.

Emily jumped her brows and hurriedly closed her sword, but found that she couldn't pull it out anyway, as if the saber had grown between her fingers.

Seeing that she couldn't draw her sword, Emily gritted her teeth and loosened her hand. She gave up the saber and attacked the female elf's right hand instead, wanting to grab the blade with her bare hands.

The female elf was surprised and nodded approvingly. The knight's dagger flipped over and slashed at Emily's hands.

Seeing that the plan to win the white blade was discovered by the female elf, Emily had no choice but to give up, and then changed her skills midway. She once again held the hilt of the saber, exerting force with both hands, and at the same time, her feet also jumped high and kicked the woman hard On the knight's flanks, following external force, the saber finally broke free from the restraint of the female knight.

Emily turned a few times in mid-air, then landed steadily and put on a handsome look, while secretly accumulating energy to prepare for the next attack.

The companions applauded and cheered for Emily all the time. Kagali was especially exaggerated in it. She did not know where to turn out a small flag, which was dangling and even arrogant.

Lily and Princess Analetta, who had a child's xinxing, met, and they also asked for a small flag, shaking and shouting. Soon, this atmosphere infected most people around them, and they asked Kagali for small flags. Carrie was not stingy, took off her coat and held it in reverse. Only then did I realize that she had hidden the flags inside the coat. No wonder I didn't find it.

Socia and the other seven national forces turned their eyes to our side. After seeing the five characters "Emily Go On" written on the small flag, Socia finally couldn't hold back her elegant and cold face, laughing. When she got up, although she laughed exaggeratedly, her elegance remained undiminished.

The seven national powers, except for the four who were still drinking and watching with cold eyes, the other three all showed applause and admired Emily's adaptability.

In the first round, the first round was so unpredictable. Although Emily's strength is not good, her tactical skills and experience in battle are remarkable, and she is a rare rising star.

The female elf stared at Emily, the knight's dagger in her hand swayed slightly, she took the time to straighten the small shield of her left arm, and then white light spread all over her body, and in the next second, it gathered on the small shield.

In an instant, the white light on the shield surface was great, like a little sun born out of thin air!

The female elf did not launch an attack at the first time, but quietly waited for Emily to adapt to the bright light before launching a second charge.

The momentum of the charge this time has more than doubled from the previous time.

Emily frowned, but she still didn't dodge, her eyes flickered, and her pupils clearly reflected the powerful body of the female elf and every movement when she moved.

Just when the two of them were less than two meters apart, Emily leaped forward and jumped out a short distance. Before her toes hit the ground, she gave birth to a small white flower out of thin air. The white flower slowly revolved like a pond with the wind. Moving lotus.

Emily's slender feet lightly stepped on the white flower, took advantage of her strength, and jumped into the air again. Then she turned her body shape and aimed at the female elf who was rushing over, which was a stab.

The female elf didn't even look at the stab Emily, and continued to rush in like a bull.

During the collision, the pure white fading power converged into a white wall, which stood high in front of the female elf, not only dispelling the fierce momentum of Emily’s blow, but also breaking the condensed force from the fading power. Several white flowers are formed.

Emily Harrier turned over, avoiding her sharp edge, and flashing past the white wall, her toes just touched the ground, and her stamina erupted immediately. She looked like a cheetah staring at the target, desperately facing the female elf. Launch a pursuit.

The female elf smoothly dissipated the high wall, raised the knight's short sword flatly, facing Emily with the tip of the sword, whispering magic in her mouth, the pure white fading power gathered on the tip of the sword like flowing water, and between her breath, Turned into a pure white short-handled warhammer.

When Emily was about to sprint in front of her, the female elf gave a low cry and waved the warhammer, hitting the ground hard.

Suddenly, the explosion sound poured into my ears, which shook my ears numb and buzzed, covering my ears painfully, I saw pure white ripples spreading around the sword tip, and instantly Emily retreated a few meters and resolved all her attack opportunities.

After ten seconds, the sense of hearing returned again, and waves of complaints rang from the companions. Among them, Barbara and Florence were the most angry.

Both of them are well-known hearing branches in the orc race, and they are particularly sensitive to sounds. Suddenly hearing this loud noise not only shook their ears, but also shook their eyes with Venus.

After the two women, Florence and Barbara, waited for their hearing to recover, all of them grinned and grinned. They burst into anger, biting off the two pieces of female elves.

This worries me badly. Don’t look at Florence and Barbara’s talents superior to ordinary people. They can deal with adventurers above level five undefeated, but the opponent is a national power, and even Emily beats the horse. Even if the two of them rushed up together, they would just give away food.

Don't bite anyone, hurt yourself first, that's not good.

My current strength is mediocre, but I am not an opponent of national power. It is best to be peaceful and peaceful. If I cannot stay peacefully, I will stay away. I don't want to be an enemy of them for the time being.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal. Please collect them: ( Those who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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