But fortunately, Florence’s bloodline does not have the traits of Erha, and will not be brave and fearless to hit stones with pebbles. Barbara is not a purebred orc, and the cat blood is only half, so the curiosity is relatively less half, and even less. The neurotic behavior of teasing the tiger's whiskers.

The two women just grinned for a while, then looked back and whispered.

No need to listen, I also know that the two women are talking bad things about the female elves to vent their anger.

The second round of discussions with national power ended with Emily being forced to retreat.

At this time, Emily's expression was serious, almost three points more serious than the newly appointed dean.

The saber in her hand trembled slightly, and all the fading power around her body gathered on the sabre in an instant. The white light was so great that I couldn't open my eyes. As a last resort, I could only use my hand as a shelter, thinking about covering it. Covering this flood of light, but sadly discovered that the white light on the saber is simply more dazzling than flash bombs, and it is everywhere.

This was very helpless, I closed my eyes with a sigh, and the bright light followed, and through my eyelids, my sight was dyed blood red.

I heard Emily yell, and then a gust of wind passed by. I squinted a slit and looked at the wind, I saw Emily turned into a streamer and went straight to the female elf.

I have never seen Emily with such a fast speed and such a strong momentum. Presumably, her state at this time is already her strongest state.

On the face, the female elf was fearless, with the small shield in front and the short sword in the back. She actually assumed a defensive posture. She was mocking Emily for her inability to succeed. As long as she blocked this attack, all Emily's offensive and fighting intentions Will it all fade away?

However, judging from Emily's indomitable momentum, the female elf's analysis of the current situation is correct. It is estimated that after this round, Bai Yunying will be replaced.

After a breath, the saber wrapped in layers of fading power pierced the small shield of the female elf that was also wrapped in layers of fading power.

As soon as they touched, the two fading forces confronted and dissolved each other, and soon changed from the initial glare state that couldn't be directly looked at to the observable state.

After looking closely, I discovered that the fading power on the small shield was almost the same as the amount attached to the sabre. After a while, the sabre became dim and the small shield lost its dazzling halo.

When the light disappeared, Emily turned her wrist and decided to fight the female elves again with the might of her flesh.

It's a pity that she has more skills but not enough strength. After hundreds of rounds, the saber was hit by the small shield, and Emily also stumbled and sat on the ground, her chest rising and falling, her cheeks sweating constantly.

After a long delay, she got up from the ground, first picked up the saber on the side of the drop, and then sorted her clothes, solemnly saluted the female elf who fought her, and said, "I lost. "

At this point, Emily's first test of competition with national power ended in three rounds.

At the end of the test, several national forces called Emily in front of them and began their comments.

They are like the mentors invited by the entertainment program, as the elders, praise or derogate, and speak their hearts without hesitation.

Emily, who will be called the strongest of the young generation in the Hefeng Mainland, has no affection and face. She said that she has no complete body and red face.

But she still held her head up stubbornly, facing several national forces. While accepting criticism and praise, she also showed her determination and unyielding will.

It took two hours to preach, and we all felt bored as we sat aside and waited, let alone surrounded by a few people, Emily was full of praise and criticism.

At the end of the review, Emily put away her sword and walked back dizzy. I took a step forward and took her shoulders so that she would not stand unstable and fall to the ground.

Then, looking to the side, Kagali said with a concerned face: "Bring the juice, the kind that is cold."

Kagali didn’t dare to neglect when she heard the words, she quickly fetched the juice, and the juice bottle was delivered to her hand. Emily took out half of the bottle like her neck. Only then did she gain some radiance. She struggled from my arms and walked straight to Baiyun. Before Ying, he said carefully.

Bai Yunying looked indifferently, nodded, took off the white fox cloak and handed it to me, and walked slowly towards the center of the tavern alone.

Seeing her steady steps, Liu Yu asked Emily, "Do you think she can win the power of the country?"

Emily frowned and shook her head: "I don't know."

Seeing her talking, Liu Yu didn't even glance at herself, but Liu Yu was boring, then turned to ask Yula.

Yura said that she hadn't reached this level yet, and she couldn't judge who was strong and weak. Anyway, if she was to match the power of the country, she would definitely lose.

Liu Yu did not ask for the answer, and sighed regretfully.

Regrettably, she is not the only one. Almost everyone in my companions has similar ideas to her and wants to know who Bai Yunying is stronger than the country.

The reason for this idea stems from the thoughts after Bai Yunying and Emily discussed each other last time.

Although the official result is that the two are equally equal, as the attendees of the match, we all know that Bai Yun won more than Emily.

That's why we are curious about how strong Bai Yunying has become and whether he can compete with national power?

With Socia's "start", the second competition test officially kicked off.

Bai Yunying’s opponent is a male elf magician. Not only is he handsome and scumbag, even if he does not use the power of fading, the magic fluctuations that overflow around him are also extremely domineering. Even a guy who is not a fan of magic can perceive it. To the wave of magic.

As the word'beginning' fell, the elf male palms up, and chanted a piece of magic for a short time. With the chanting of magic, a violently burning ring of fire emerged out of thin air. As the singing ended, the ring of fire was thrown vigorously. Out, rotating and hitting Bai Yunying.

Bai Yunying snorted, and the magic wand in his hand pointed out out of thin air. In an instant, a pure white snowman was born out of thin air, blocking the ring of fire and herself.

The Snowman is one-third the size of Bai Yunying, has a big belly, shook a round head, stretched out a pair of thick and short arms, and pushed it against the ring of fire.

In the next second, the snowman was cut in half by the ring of fire, fell on the ground with a snap, and fell into several pieces of snow.

The blazing flames on the ring of fire seemed to be weakened by the snowman's barrier, but it was still hot.

Seeing that the ring of fire was still reluctant to kill, Bai Yunying's face was cold, her small hands were folded into a trumpet shape, and her mouth quickly chanted magic. As the magic sang, an orange flame rose. In a blink of an eye, it became a pumpkin shaped like a head.

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