Like the head, this pumpkin has one pair of eyes, one nose, one mouth, and neat teeth.

Its eyes are two burning holes, its nose is two burning holes, its mouth is a larger crescent-shaped hole with more flames, and its teeth are completely symmetrical rectangular pumpkin pulp.

Although it was just pumpkin pulp, it looked strange against the flames.

As soon as the pumpkin head appeared, there was a palpitating weird smile, Bai Yunying's mouth was squeaky, and with a slender hand, the flame pumpkin flew straight to the ring of fire with a strange smile.

The two had just touched, and the big mouth of Pumpkin's head with a sly smile suddenly closed, and his neat teeth severely bit the still rotating ring of fire.

In an instant, the sound of logging fell everywhere in the tavern.

The ring of fire revolved desperately, trying to cut the pumpkin, but the pumpkin bit on the ring of fire and refused to let go for a moment.

When the two sides competed, the burning pumpkin shavings flew everywhere, and the blazing flame on the ring of fire gradually extinguished.

At the end, with only a light pop, the pumpkin exploded, and the ring of fire was also affected by the explosion. It shattered into several irrelevant flames, flashed a few flashes, and then went out.

"Even to withstand the first round of national power attack!" Yula exclaimed in a low voice: "She is much more powerful than I thought!"

After listening, the other companions nodded in agreement.

However, Emily, who has been silent for a long time, said lightly: "No, the first round is still going on."

"Is there any more?" Liu Yu's eyes kept wandering on Bai Yunying and the male mage. She curled her lips and said, "How do I feel that they are preparing for the second round of attack?"

Liu Yu's words seemed unintentional, but in fact, he ignored her before taking revenge on Emily.

I glanced at Emily and found that she did not have any fluctuations in her expression, so I relaxed, knowing that she disdains the same knowledge as Liu Yu.

Yang Ku, who was standing beside Liu Yu, frowned, his eyes showed a little dissatisfaction when he looked at Liu Yu, and then he handed me an apologetic look.

I shook my head and signaled that he don’t need to mind. Wars between women are commonplace. Even if Barbara and Kagali sleep on the same bed, they will fight each other from time to time, not to mention that the relationship is not that way. Liu Yu and Emily are close.

But I can't understand why Emily said that the first round of the battle is not over yet, based on feeling? Or guessed based on experience?

When I was wondering, a ball of flame suddenly burst out of the ground under Bai Yunying's feet.

This group of flames appeared eagerly and suddenly, and it was me, there was no time to dodge it, and Bai Yunying, a mage, had a much lower agility value than me. Can she dodge it?

Or is she going to be swallowed by flames?

In a burst of exclamation, my feet were accumulating strength and I was about to step out more and save Bai Yunying from danger.

Unexpectedly, a white catkin grabbed my arm and turned to see that it was Emily. She was shaking her head slightly at me.

Why is she stopping me?

Could it be said that Bai Yunying still has a way to escape in front of the sudden fire pillar?

After a stalemate for a second, I relaxed, and my tight legs gradually relaxed. Between saving and not saving, I chose to believe in Emily.

Turning back and continuing to watch the battle, I discovered that it was just a lone pillar of fire, and now it was connected into a sea of ​​fire.

Through the distorted light caused by the high temperature, I vaguely saw Bai Yunying's weak body, although thin, it still stood upright.

There is no painful wailing, no painful struggle, Bai Yunying should be considered safe, but how long this safety can last, I don't know.

In the panic, in the sea of ​​fire, Bai Yunying's weak figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

I hurriedly searched around, and only in a corner outside the sea of ​​fire, I saw the unharmed Bai Yunying, holding a magic wand about the same height as her, with a serious expression, beside her, swimming three like electric eels. Pure white strips.

"Dual attribute magic!" Yura exclaimed in a low voice.

"Dual attribute magic?" Kunna and Maggie also exclaimed at the same time.

With a question mark on my face, I couldn't understand the surprise of Yura and Binghuo.

Yura said: "Kunna and Maggie are twin sisters, so they can easily knead the magic of different attributes together to form a more powerful dual-attribute magic, but Bai Yunying relies on her own ability and just use it. With dual attribute magic, this alone is enough to prove her extraordinary."

"Those three glowing electric eels are really dual-attribute magic?" I asked, "Why do I only see light attributes?"

Yula raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you sure you can tell the difference between light attribute magic and electric attribute magic?"

"This..." I scratched my head: "Hey, no."

"Then you still want to put a lot of words" Yula said: "Okay, the oval heads of the three electric eels are light attribute magic, and their bodies are electric attribute magic. Although the attributes of light attribute magic and electric attribute magic are similar, After all, there are two kinds of magic of different kinds. It is impossible to combine them without absolute certainty and strength."

"So that's it." I nodded and said, "I finally understand a little bit."

After a second pause, I asked again: "Since you know that it is a magic with photoelectric properties, do you think it is possible for the three electric eels to swim out like real electric eels?"

Yura blanked my eyes and said, "You treat me as an encyclopedia and ask me any questions. This is the first time I have seen this magic. How can I know if it is possible to swim out?"

I quietly shut up and continued to watch the battle honestly.

Bai Yunying, who was out of the range of the sea of ​​fire, did not launch a counterattack. Instead, she stood quietly, her mouth flicked, and there was a continuous faint chanting sound. When she heard it in her ears, it seemed like a lingering mosquito sound.

The three electric eels in the swimming state became thicker and longer as they chanted, and soon reached the thickness of their arms and the length of their thighs, but they were still spinning around Bai Yunying's weak body, and had no intention of leaving.

A dozen meters away from Bai Yunying, the wizard man had a solemn expression, his eyes pierced the twisted air, and he stared at the three electric eels surrounding the girl.

It was clearly an expression on the face of an enemy.

I don't believe that even if I was killed, Bai Yunying, who was not yet 20 years old, could make a country power that is almost a young man close to the enemy.

If you say this, you will definitely be laughed at, but the reality is right now.

"Fake..." I murmured: "When has she been so strong that even the power of the country has to face it carefully?"

Remy, who had been lying on my back, suddenly smiled and said: "I can feel that person's emotions. He is nervous, doubting, hesitating, hey, and a little dazed."

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