I don't know the reason why the country is at a loss, but Emily is right. The first round is indeed not over, and it continues until this moment.

The photoelectric eel is like a leisurely swimming fish in a pond, turning around Bai Yunying unhurriedly, tilting his luminous oval head from time to time, and tapping a few meters away from the mage man, it looks like I'm saying: Come here, come and turn you into a suckling pig!

The wizard man said nothing or moved, just squinted his eyes and stared at the three cruising photoelectric eels, a drop of sweat, slowly slid along his handsome face, and finally broke away from his pointed chin and landed on the floor. , Fell into countless crystal water petals.

When the raging fire turned into a blue smoke, the hot air gradually cooled down, and the distorted vision gradually returned to normal, the wizard man said: "As expected of a hero, I lost the first round. ."

Everyone was in an uproar.

I didn't feel relaxed because of the national force's surrender. On the contrary, I became more nervous, because the national force who surrendered in the first round will definitely use more powerful strength in the second round to find a place.

This has nothing to do with the demeanor of a master. It is just to prove the absoluteness of your own strength and status. At the same time, you should also use this to warn the younger generations not to be complacent just because of the victory of a round. The true strength of the country's power is not what you can expect from the younger generations now. .

Sure enough, the wizard man sighed lightly and said in a deep voice: "I'm going to use some real skills, please be more careful."

Bai Yunying pursed her mouth with a serious face, and the three photoelectric eels around her body also moved faster as her aura climbed.

The mage man crossed his arms, and the power of fading reached his arms in an instant, and then continuously flowed into the magic wand, shining a seemingly inconspicuous magic wand.

"Open!" The wizard man snarled, "Dark realm expansion!"

In an instant, the power of pure white fading unexpectedly released a wall of black phantoms on all sides. The walls of phantoms on all four sides joined together and expanded at an extremely fast speed. After a few breaths, Bai Yunying swallowed them.

Standing outside the wall of phantom, I can only vaguely see Bai Yunying's petite figure, but can't see her facial features clearly.

"This is dark attribute magic" Yula whispered: "The most basic function of dark attribute magic is to capture vision."

"Capturing vision" I said worriedly: "Isn't Bai Yunying in a terrible situation in it!"

"It's very bad," Yura whispered, "Suddenly lose sight, and everyone will be upset when it is replaced. It is the easiest time to make wrong judgments."

After listening to Yula's explanation, I became more worried and could only clenched my fists and pray secretly, Bai Yunying must not get hurt.

Outside the wall of phantom, the wizard male magic wand was a little bit in the void, and a mass of fading power floated above Bai Yunying's head and quickly condensed into a formation. A few seconds later, dozens of icicles with thin arms slowly emerged. Aiming at the Bai Yunying below, only after an order, they will blast Bai Yunying into **** like a siege crossbow.

"Hey, do you need to be so cruel!" I couldn't help blurting out, wanting to step forward to interrupt the discussion.

In my opinion, the battle at this time has long been out of the scope of competition, this is basically fighting for life!

However, my behavior was once again blocked by Emily, her eyes were indifferent, she shook her head, and said, "You have to believe in Bai Yunying."

I looked at her pure and clear eyes, settled, gritted my teeth again, finally let go of my fists, and my mood stabilized again.

She was right, I have to believe Bai Yunying, this is her battle, she should choose whether she insists or not, and I have no right to stop it.

The icicle protruded for about one meter, then stopped, rushed down and pointed directly at Bai Yunying, who was standing still in the field. The latter looked completely ignorant, still standing still, compared with dozens of icicles. , Her figure looked so small, it seemed that as long as a breeze came, she could be swept away and blown away.

The wizard man paused, and then waved his stick, dozens of icicles ready to go slammed down, and my heart lifted up with the falling icicles.


There was a loud noise.

The icicles exploded and icicles splashed everywhere.

The floor of the tavern did not know what material it was made of. Not only could it withstand the slamming of the icicles, it could also shatter the icicles that hit the ground with the force of recoil.

However, at this moment, I don't have any curiosity about the structure of the floor. My whole heart is raised high in my throat, and my eyes are searching around, thinking about Bai Yunying and her situation at this time.

She...should have avoided, right, she must have avoided!

She is not a fool, and she will never shake the icicle with her weak body!

My fists clenched tightly again, clenched too tightly, and even lost consciousness, but I didn't have time to take care of these. I just want to know where Bai Yunying is and whether she is injured.

His gaze swept back and forth within the control range of the phantom wall, but he could only see through the **** phantom wall and see a place less than one meter behind the wall.

"How?" I asked Emily, "Can you perceive where she is?"

Emily looked serious. She pursed her lips and pondered for a while before shook her head and said, "I can't perceive it."

"Why..." My eyes rounded, my whole body seemed to be drained in an instant, I shook twice and almost fell to the ground: "She... didn't she avoid it? open?"

"It's not easy to avoid avoiding it." Yura supported me with a serious expression: "After the icicle fell, I felt a huge wave of magic flashes away, and then I lost my goal."

"I don't know if she was injured, but I can be sure that she is definitely not dead" Yula said with a firm face: "She is the most powerful magician I have ever seen, and I firmly believe that she will be able to overcome the danger."

Although these words are very comforting, I can still gain great confidence from Yura's firm words.

Yes, Bai Yunying is the most powerful magician I have ever seen, at least in my mind, she is not weaker than the national power in front of me!

I believe that she will surely turn the danger into a breeze.

I continued to comfort myself, and an uneasy heart gradually calmed down, but I couldn't completely settle down before I saw Bai Yunying with my own eyes.

Looking at the wall of phantom again and again, I believe that Bai Yunying must be hiding somewhere on the wall, waiting for an opportunity.

At this moment, a slight painful grunt rang out, which instantly attracted my attention, turning my head and looking around, the heartbeat that had just calmed down suddenly went wild.

The sudden surprise in front of me made me almost suffocated.

With a weak body, a tall figure, and a serious face, who would it be if it wasn't Bai Yunying!

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