The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1847: Emptiness, loneliness and cold

Fine gold and mithril have always been one of the rarest forging raw materials in Hefeng Continent, no matter ancient or modern.

This is not only due to their indestructible texture, the lightness of the material itself, fire resistance, water resistance and corrosion resistance, but also their ability to independently guide and amplify magical power.

The so-called magic power not only includes magic and combat skills, but also includes the power of fading.

Perhaps for this reason, both the Moonlight Scepter and the King's Crown contain the ingredients of Adamantite and Mithril.

Things are precious.

It is precisely because of the scarce nature of fine gold and mithril, as well as its wide range of uses and importance, that their prices have risen for a while, and even reached an exaggerated level in a certain period of time.

But later, similar hype was strongly suppressed by the Dwarf King at the time, the grandfather of the current Dwarf King, and finally the market price of fine gold and mithril was returned to the normal range.

Well, the topic is a bit far off.

Whether it was the price period of Biaofei or the period when prices were pushed back into the normal range, the price of fine gold and mithril was not something ordinary people could covet.

Even the ordinary small and medium-sized nobles, after obtaining a pair of equipment containing fine gold and mithril, will regard it as a symbol of family wealth, and make a high confession and spread it to their descendants.

It is such a rare thing that can be made into the mechanism of the tomb, and it seems that there are still a lot of similar steel needles. When counted, there can be more than two or three catties-this is just stepping into the tomb. A distance of less than 100 meters.

Perhaps the deeper you go, the more similar organ traps will be.

For such extravagant and desperate behavior, I very much suspect that the owner of the tomb is a tyrannical and greedy king. In order to build a luxurious mausoleum for himself, he ransacked the people and wielded a long whip to force innocent civilians to work for him.

I even thought of this honor as a monarch in my mind-a pair of mung bean-sized eyes embedded in a big face full of fat, puffy cheeks, and even his The nose of the wine trough is all wrapped up. In order to breathe normally, he has to use those greasy hands to pull away the fat on his cheeks. His lips are plump and thick, and the color is like pink and tender baby lips, but there is no The baby’s lips are delicate, and there is a thick layer of ointment. Whenever he smiles proudly, the whole fat face will shake with the fat lips...

"I said, brat, you can come up with such a set of hypotheses in order to reduce your sense of guilt. It really makes this sword ashamed!" Odachi's voice trembled, and it seemed that it was indeed thundered by me. It's not light.

I coughed awkwardly and headed toward the depths of the tomb.

While walking, I continued to watch the reliefs on both sides.

The reason why the reliefs can be viewed so well in time is due to the spar ball that opened the way.

Speaking of that ball, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. It rolled all the way for hundreds of years, and finally hit the wall at the end of the tomb and stopped moving.

But I never expected that there were organs under the floor tiles at the end of the tomb passage. There was a rain of steel needles and arrows, and the spar **** were worn into sea urchins.

What touched me is that this is the case, the broken body filled with steel needles still glows stubbornly.

As long as there is a little bit of magic power, it will not give up the confrontation with the darkness!

This spirit moved me, and this behavior made me admire!

I decided that I must take its remnant body out to a place with sunlight, and must let its life sublimate in the heat, rather than dissipate in the dark!

"Uh..." Otato said several times and then stopped, and finally said what he said: "Can you not talk about the recycling of used spar so tall? I listen to the numbness."

When Odachi said it, my face was flushed and I pretended not to hear it. I leaned down to pull out the Mithril pin inserted in the stone brick.

In fact, when pulling out the steel needle, I also took out a few arrows, crossbow arrows, and even dug out a lead bullet embedded in a stone brick.

But to my disappointment, these things are very ordinary, either made of fine iron or pure lead bullets, and they are not worth a few dollars.

Maybe all the arrow lead bullets collected throughout the tomb passage may not have two or three mithril needles valuable.

The two sides have the right to take the larger one, so I won’t do the thing of losing the watermelon and picking up sesame seeds!

After collecting the steel needles without falling, I feel that joy in my heart, my heart is really worthy of this trip, these institutions are only small disasters at best, and it is incredible to be able to harvest such a large amount of mythril steel needles. Cheap.

Odachi snorted and poured cold water on me: "This petty little profit is so cheap? I think it's a little bit the size of a sesame rice grain, but don’t forget the saying, “I take advantage of the small advantage and suffer a big loss. '."

"Your appetite is really big" I held a bag full of steel needles, and said: "These steel needles are enough to create a pair of pure mythril light armor, and even with them you can create a pure secret. Silver weapons, calculated at the current market price of Mithril, with these Mithril alone, I can exchange for the status of a middle-class nobleman."

"Is that stuff still rare for you?" Otato said with disdain: "Any title you have on your head now is more valuable than a middle-class nobleman."

"That's also true." I chuckled and said, "But I just compare the market price with the market price. Speaking of which, although Mithril is a recycled mine, it grows extremely slowly. I can’t make it into the climate of the year. I only walked in the tomb for a while and got a small amount of mythril mine level. Isn’t this kind of harvest worthy of surprises?"

"Chi" Odachi said contemptuously, "Ordinary people."

"Cut" I also sneered: "Iron head."

At the end of the tomb road is a stone wall, and the stone wall is also carved with a lifelike relief. This is a picture of the king kneeling down. The number of people kneeling towards the king in the picture is obviously more than that in the previous hundreds of reliefs. And there are a lot of guys with strange costumes, and 80% of them are subjects of other conquered countries.

From this point of view, the owner of the tomb should be an ambitious and powerful monarch, at least one of the countries that can stand up during the melee period.

It’s just that I know too little about the history of the melee period. Otherwise, even if I don’t know the identity of the owner of the tomb, I can at least guess which country it is.

"Wait when you go back to make up for these things," Odachi suggested: "The most important thing right now is to break through the wall and look at the tomb. It is best to touch the coffin of the owner of the tomb. Maybe you can still harvest it. Exotic treasures!"

"What are you excited about?" I wondered: "Even if there are rare and exotic treasures, you can't use it?"

"You forgot? Didn't I say before, you can hang it on your body if you don't need it, and it looks good as a decoration!" Dadachi said: "Besides, in case you run into another sword with a soul or something , My loneliness, emptiness and coldness, isn't there a place to vent!"

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