Breaking through the wall is not difficult, but who knows whether this wall was erected here deliberately, as a trap for bait, or a real tomb compartment?

As long as this problem has not been resolved, I cannot easily do it.

Odachi is right in saying that I have to be cautious, be careful to sail the Wannian Ship, recklessly rushing will only fall into a box.

Na Xilan's demon knife kept beating against the wall, listening to the feedback from the inside out.

On my side, I was serious about distinguishing the false and true of the wall, while Odachi kept chattering on the side, which roughly meant that I was too cautious.

I was impatient with it silently, so I went back: "What if this wall is a trap!"

Otato sneered disdainfully, and said: "Youdao is'virtual, real, and virtual'. The appearance of this wall is specially prepared for adventurers like you with little practical experience. You don’t want to think about it either. There are agencies on both sides of the tunnel, and there is no room for a secret compartment at all. Even if the craftsmen think, do you think the supervisory union agrees?"

"The overseer will definitely not agree. After all, this is a tomb built for the emperor. It should be a capital crime to change the internal structure at will?"

"It's a capital crime!" Data said: "You should go back and look carefully at the relief on the wall again, and you will understand that the character of the tomb owner is more cruel than you think."

"Even if you turn your head around and look again, what will you see?" I wondered: "It's nothing more than war and worship."

"That's bad!" Datadao said: "You shouldn't just watch the big scenes, but also observe the details, especially the high platform where the monarch sits. You will understand after careful reading."

"High platform, what will the high platform have?" I complained, dragging the spar ball, staring at the relief again.

This time, I looked very carefully and never missed any detail.

Soon, I discovered the problem. As Odachi said, the seat of the king is not an ordinary chair, but is piled up by people kneeling!

"Understood?" Odachi asked.

I swallowed and nodded.

"It’s good to understand," said Otato: "The more tyrannical monarch, the more afraid the regime will be overthrown. Such a person will not allow any rebellion. Therefore, on both sides of the tomb road, there will only be institutions, not Hidden grid, and the wall in front of us was deliberately erected here to prevent someone from revealing the location of the tomb. If I guess right, there must be countless hideous bones on the other side of the wall. They are just built. The craftsman of this mausoleum."

"Since the location is to be prevented from leaking, why can't I see the body of the guard in the tomb passage?"

"It's very simple" Otadao said, "Just ask, which one is more suspicious, a tomb with bones or a tomb without bones?"

I thought for a while and nodded: "The tomb passage with bones is more suspicious, but since I am worried that it will be suspected, why should I engrave exquisite reliefs on both sides of the tomb passage? Isn't this unnecessary?"

Odachi was silent for a moment, and then he said violently, "You think I am a hundred thousand why! How can I know the reason! Maybe it was because I didn't consider so much at the beginning of the construction, or it was because I wanted to use the relief as an illusion to mislead people entering the tomb. Let them think that this place is just an artistic treasure left over from the melee period, not a mausoleum. In short, don't think about it anymore, hurry up and rob the tomb."

The feeling of sadness is very bad, but the tomb path is not a long-term place, so I had to condense the killing intent, brandish a big sword, and strenuously cut a two-meter square gap on the wall. After the cut, I hit my ass. Sitting on the ground, tired and panting.

It took a while to regain strength, stood up, aimed at the cut stone, and kicked hard.

I wanted to kick the cut stones, but I didn't expect the stones to be as heavy as a hill, and extremely hard, directly bruising the toes and numb the feet.

Holding her feet and yelling for a long time, Otato smiled: "I told you to cut the stone wall, but I didn't let you kick the stone wall. Why do you want to do this?"

I hugged my feet, and I was in a bad mood. When I heard the sneer of Taidachi, my anger suddenly rose from my heart, and the evil grew to the guts. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed Taidachi and threw it directly.

Odachi took the wind all the way and cut directly into the center of the stone wall.

I held my forehead and groaned weakly.

I thought it could bounce back, but I didn't want it to be so sharp, so I cut in directly.

The revenge failed.

Slowly climbing up from the ground, I limply walked to the stone wall, and ignored the Dadachi. Instead, I pulled out Xilan's demon sword, condensed killing intent, and slashed against the wall.

Only then did I feel the sluggishness when the blade cut into the wall.

Could it be that there is something mysterious inside the wall?

As I thought about it, I put the knife in its sheath and picked up the Odachi from the ground.

At the moment of contact with Odachi, I heard its presumptuous laughter in my mind: "Why, do you think I can't cut the stone wall without killing intent? I look down on Leopold's blade too, right? Hahahaha!"

Its laughter is pretty bad, but I can't help it.

I chopped up the heavy wall, and I patched it up again. This time, there was no accident, and pieces of broken bricks were scattered all over the floor.

I leaned down and picked up one of them, and found that except for the stone shell on the outside, the inside was full of silver-white metal.

I tapped it a few times, pressed it hard, and then took out a steel needle and pierced it a few times. I was shocked-these silver-white metals are full of Mithril!

Using Mithril as a wall to block the exit, what a local tyrant's behavior!

"Don't underestimate Mithril," Odachi said in due course: "This metal is not only expensive and strong, but it can also block magic to a certain extent, preventing someone from prying into the environment inside the stone wall from the outside."

I was a little skeptical: "How did you know?"

"I just tried to spy on the inside, but it was blocked by the power of Mithril."

As we were talking, the dark tomb suddenly lit up.

Facing the sudden light, I lost my face in shock, stepped back out of the stone wall, and found a place to hide.

The light from weak to strong quickly penetrated the hole in the stone wall to illuminate the dim tomb passage.

I hid in the corner shivering, holding my breath, listening to the sound coming from the hole.

However, after a long time, there was still no sound from the hole, and the entire tomb road was as quiet as before, and the needle drop could be heard.

Is there no living thing behind the stone wall?

But what is the explanation for this sudden light?

At this time, the voice of Odachi sounded in my mind again: "Could it be that the special grease blew through the wind and re-ignited?"

"Huh?" I looked at it suspiciously.

It went on to explain: “Aren’t there many similar ancient tombs on the blue planet, because they have been sealed for a long time, and the oxygen in the room is not enough to support the combustion, and the flame will naturally go out. The torch will burn again."

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