Why use wooden coffins?

Fine gold, mithril, or even jade gold, which one is not more luxurious and luxurious than a wooden coffin?

Or is the price of this wood better than the former?

Cautiously approached the coffin coffin, cautiously boarded the Mithril platform, stood in front of the coffin coffin, quietly looking at the coffin coffin that could be touched, but still refused to reach out to touch it.

My heart is puzzled and tangled.

Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "What are you still waiting for? Open the coffin lid."

I hesitated: "Just opening the coffin like this will trigger a trap? I always feel that there is a problem with this wooden coffin."

"There are indeed magical fluctuations in this coffin," Dadachi said.

"Look, thank me for being cautious..."

"But this kind of magic wave is not a trap," Odachi said slowly: "If my perception is correct, it is more inclined to a kind of memory magic wave."

"Memory magic fluctuations...is it like Empress Philide Ophelia?"

"No," Odachi denied: "It's a wave of magic like Felid Rupert, which is a kind of memory magic with the ability to think independently."

"Philad Rupert, that guy is very unfriendly!" I said with lingering fears: "I don't know if this guy will be like him, cruel, and inexhaustible killing... By the way, you Can you tell whether there are evil thoughts in this memory magic wave?"

"Are you kidding?" Odachi said in a mocking idiot tone, "I am a sword, not a god, okay not to force the sword?"

Faced with either opening the coffin or leaving the two options, I tremblingly chose the former.

The moment the lid of the coffin was opened, a golden halo rose up and condensed into a rather handsome man at an extremely fast speed.

The star pupils have sword eyebrows, high nose and thin lips, sharp edges and corners, and a dignified appearance. A pair of pointed ears are drawn back, and the meticulous white hair close together in a natural way.

Yes, he also has white hair, the same color as mine.

The person who was enveloped by golden light, no matter from which angle he looked at, could not feel a trace of hostility. On the contrary, I even vaguely felt that what he gave me was a sense of sacredness that was unclear.

This person...maybe it would be better to call him memory. He looked around and finally fixed his gaze on my face. Then he looked at me quietly for a few seconds, and suddenly, a touch of heaven and earth was swept away. The beautiful smile that changed color.

After a while of loss of consciousness, I suddenly woke up, slapped myself severely, and scolded myself for being stupid. How could I slip through this kind of knotty eyes?

However, in the face of such a beautiful smile, how can I always maintain a calm heart?

Just when I secretly blamed myself, a sweet voice suddenly came into my ears: "Hello, my name is Philade Alexander, kid, what's your name?"

"Ah? Ah...I, my name is An Xiaoyi."

"It turns out to be An Xiaoyi, lucky meeting, lucky meeting" he subconsciously reached out his hand, but suddenly realized that his hand was just a luminous shadow, so he apologized and smiled: "I'm sorry, I can't shake your hand, such as What you see, the me now is just a memory magic, I can do nothing except to communicate with you."

"It's good to be able to communicate and talk," I said: "After all, you are a senior from thousands of years ago!"

"Has it been thousands of years?" His words were full of emotion, but he was not surprised: "I really want to see what the world will look like after this thousand years."

"You're just memory magic, what can you do if you see it?" I made no secret of hitting him: "You can't change the pattern of this world in the slightest, you can't even touch a grain of dust or a grass. "

Philade Alexander was not angry because of my rudeness. He just looked at me quietly. After a while, he said, "Can you please tell me what the current world is like?"

I curled my lips and said with disdain: "You really don't give up."

After hesitating for a while, I continued: "Well, just treat it as my apology for invading the tomb without authorization. The current Zephyr Continent is divided into Ai Ruicheng led by the Carter family, and York Seoul led by the Simmons family. The city of Darcy led by the Gus family, Fort Witch, led by goblins and dwarves, and Moonlight City, led by the elves and goblins, are the five major forces. Among them, the strongest is Fort Witch, and you belong The Flyder family, as of now, only two members of the royal family are left, one of them is Flyde Trica, the current fairy queen, and the other is her granddaughter, called Flyde Lemi... ...Is my fiancee."

After listening, Philade Alexander didn't have the slightest joy or anger in his expression. He just sighed slightly and said: "The way of the world, the way of the world, when it is prosperous, it will decline, and it will die. A fate buried in time."

I was thinking about what words to use to comfort him, but when Alexander smiled slightly, he said, "Fortunately, you can wake me up at this time and let me know that my people are still alive, little guy, thank you."

Feeling the most sincere smile from him, I suddenly fell into a trance. Is this person really as cruel as described in the relief?

The so-called face is born from the heart, if the description on the relief is true, he shouldn't be so gentle, and even if disguised, the cruel and vicious hostility cannot be concealed, but this person in front of him... Why can he show such a sincere smile?

"Do you have any doubts?" Alexander looked at me with pure eyes, and said gently: "If you have any questions, you can tell me, if this question is within the scope of my knowledge, I can answer it for you. Without any compensation."

"...I want to know you," I said straight to the point.

"Oh?" Alexander was a little dazed.

I explained: "The impression you gave me is different from that depicted in the relief outside. You are not like a murderous and tyrannical tyrant. The first impression you gave me is more like a wise and benevolent gentleman."

After a few seconds of silence, Alexander asked, "Is this important?"

"Yes" I said: "This is very important to me."

He nodded, dragged his chin with his fingers, pondered quietly for a while, and slowly said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with what you think, and there is nothing wrong with the depiction on the reliefs. Moreover, I asked the craftsmen to follow the real Carved by history, I don’t hope that thousands of years later, my descendants will only remember my glory and forget my conquest. I hope every spectator who understands my life will understand one thing, war, It is cruel and bloody. The establishment of a country will have countless floating corpses and bones as its cornerstone."

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