The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1862: Really not a good person

"Forgetting history does not mean betrayal, but remembering history can gain more."

Philade Alexander said seriously.

"Isn't it enough to record these in historical documents?" I wondered: "Why inscribe in the tomb? Don't you worry about being criticized for this, saying that you are a cruel tyrant? ?"

"I'm not worried" Alexander shook his head and said, "I have been dead for thousands of years. I only hope that future generations can remember the truth of history. As for my evaluation of me, there are hundreds of people who hold their own opinions. I can't come out and force them to unify their opinions. Don't you frighten them?"

After a little bit of self-deprecation, Alexander continued: "There is also the question about historical documents you mentioned. The reason why I not only record in the documents, but also carve in the tomb, is because the documents can be changed, and the relief of the tomb, Apart from being destroyed, there is no possibility of change."

"It turned out to be like this, you really did your best." This sentence came from the bottom of my heart.

A monarch, in order to allow future generations to remember history, he would not hesitate to engrave his dark history in the tomb for future generations to look at. His magnanimous heart really made me ashamed.

"If you can tell the fairy queen face to face about the **** cruelty of this history, her ambitions of the old man may be able to curb a little.

"My offspring?" Philade Alexander looked at me solemnly: "What happened to her?"

"Do you mean the fairy queen?" I sighed and said helplessly: "Her old man is physically strong, and she eats deliciously, but she is stubborn. She wants to find all the artifacts, revitalize the fairy clan, and unify the peaceful continent, and reappear. The glory of the past."

After listening, Alexander burst out laughing suddenly.

I don't understand what he meant by laughing wildly, holding my arms against the Mithril Pillar, and looking at him with a question mark on my face.

After he had laughed enough, I asked, "Are you happy that your descendants have followed your will?"

"No, no," Alexander waved his hand again and again and said, "I just think this thing is funny."

"Funny?" I wondered: "Isn't it the ultimate goal of your race to unify the Hefeng Continent again?"

"Little guy, what you said is a bit hurtful" Alexander said with a light smile: "As far as I know, the patriarch's long-term aspiration is not to become the overlord of the Hefeng Continent, but to continue the fire of ancient civilization. Go down."

"Although I don't know what the ancient civilization has, but intuitively, it should have nothing to do with hegemony?"

Alexander nodded slightly: "Yes, it has nothing to do with hegemony."

"That's right." I spread my hands and said with a bitter face: "Obviously, the fairy queen did not follow the wishes of her ancestors. She is now madly trying to obtain the artifact, and she is constantly negotiating with other countries. I even want to use my fiancee to seduce the prince of another country!"

At the end, I got excited unconsciously, and the hand holding the Odachi was shaking.

"Your fiancee? Her granddaughter?" Alexander asked.

"That's not true" I said: "Have I said that I only have one fiancee?"

"Oh" Alexander responded faintly, but his eyes became very ambiguous when he looked at me.

I coughed: "Don't look at me that way, didn't you marry a few wives when you were in power?"

"Yeah" he squeezed his chin, nodded to himself, and said, "What you said is very reasonable, I do have a queen and several concubines."

"Yes, then you must be able to understand my feelings" I said angrily: "If someone wants to sacrifice the hue of your concubine for their own benefit, what would you do?"

Alexander chuckled: "I understand what you mean. This incident is indeed the fault of my tribe. As an elder, I apologize to you for her."

"That's not necessary." I waved my hand and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't apologize in the first place. I was only agitated for a while, saying that I am bald and rude. I hope you Haihan."

"If you can show your heart to me such a memory magic, you must be a man of temperament, you and I are just chatting, and chatting is about speaking freely, and what is impolite."

I chuckled, and then my eyes moved down from his face, fixed in the coffin. With the bright light, I could see everything inside, and I realized that there was no remains in it!

Under doubt, I asked casually: "Where is your body?"

"I don't know" Alexander shook his head: "I just injected magic into the medium before I died, and created this memory magic. As for my remains...well, right, where is my remains?"

He lowered his head and looked inside and out, but he couldn't find his body, and he was a little dazed.

"This..." I really don't know how to comfort him. The gorgeous mausoleum was built, and the memory magic was placed in it, but the body is not in the tomb. This is a pair of people who have died for thousands of years. In terms of it, it was a huge blow.

Before I could speak for comfort, Alexander smiled calmly and said, "Forget it, it's just a mortal body. If it is gone, it will be gone. Even if it is still there, it will be extremely dry and ugly. I am afraid I can't accept it. That reality."

That's right, with Alexander's peerless beauty before his death, if he was shown the horrible remains of a dead branch a thousand years later, he wouldn't have a mental breakdown on the spot!

"Okay, let's end the chat," I said, "I have two things I want to ask you."

"Well, tell me."

"First of all" I said with a grin: "Which is the most valuable treasure in this tomb of yours?"

Alexander listened, smiled and shook his head, and said: "I really don't know this. This mausoleum was not completed before I was alive. As for the aftermath, I don't know much about it."

I was a little discouraged, but still didn't give up: "Then you should always know the value of the various objects in the tomb?"

"Yeah" He nodded his head rare, and said, "I know the value, but it is limited to the prices of my period."

"Oh," I felt relieved and said relaxedly: "It's the early days of the melee, and the basic commodity prices should not be much different from the current ones."

"At the beginning of the melee?" Alexander said with a question mark, "I don't understand what you mean."

"It's synonymous with the period after Philid Rupert was overthrown."

"Oh, it started after the grandfather's regime was overthrown." Alexander shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Grandfather?!" I exclaimed, "Are you the grandson of Philid Rupert?"

"Yes" Alexander said calmly: "I am his eldest grandson."

"Uh, disrespect and disrespect, it turned out to be the eldest grandson of Philide Rupert."

"Do you know my grandfather?" Alexander wondered.

"Have a fate" I thought for a while, and added: "Please forgive me, your grandfather is really not a good person."

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