The fact that His Majesty the Orc King would personally test the strength of the city walls quickly spread throughout the city.

At this time, the location of the orc king's city wall was already full of onlookers.

In order to maintain law and order, and to ensure the safety of the Orc King and his party, the Rose Legion of Sai City and the Iron Wolf Guild were also dispatched to form a team of thousands of powerful adventurers to separate the noisy crowd.

Even some of the children who took advantage of the loopholes were sent into the crowd by the guards of the great nobles.

In addition to most members of the Fergus family, those who participated in this incident also included the old duke, Prime Minister Leista, me, and a large number of nobles.

It can be said that the highest-level leadership team of Dasai City gathered here at this moment is not an exaggeration.

Taking the opportunity of teasing the cat demon, I looked around, and soon found that some guys who looked very ordinary but had unusually sharp eyes were mixed in the crowd.

These people are different from ordinary people. They did not stare at His Majesty the orc king with scorching eyes, but pretended to look around casually, as if looking for people.

If what I expected is good, they are probably the highest level of combat power in Dasaicheng-national power.

This time he was dispatched to ensure the safety of the orc king.

I have carefully looked at this group of national powers for a long time, and I always feel that Moonlight City’s national power seems more compelling compared to them.

They are far away from the masses, high above them, and regard any life other than them as the existence of mayfly. While drinking and talking loudly and loudly, they set up a contest called the "National Power Trial" for entertainment. They are extremely boring and enemyless.

This is such a lofty compulsion, so lofty that it can be compared to a saint who uses the people as a dog.

Look at the national powers of Dasai City, one by one among the people. If it weren't for their sharp eyes, I couldn't see how they were different from others.

When I was secretly commenting on the different impressions of the two countries' national power, a male voice suddenly came in my ear: "It's not over yet, it's about to start."

As soon as he looked up, Fergus Illidan just passed me.

I ‘oh’ and chased me up.

Illidan said as he walked: "I haven't seen the strength of my father for a long time. I don't know if his old man has regressed."

"It's the first time I have seen you. By the way, when was the last time you saw your Majesty show his strength?"

Illidan paused and said, "When he was ten years old."

"Ten years old" I smacked my lips.

He stopped, frowned and asked me, "Is there any problem?"

"No" I shook my head and said, "I was just thinking about your majesty's strength in the memory of your ten-year-old."

"Frightened" Illidan groaned a little, and said: "Suffocatingly powerful."

"If this is the case, I really look forward to your performance today." With a slight smile, I said: "I want to know how you will view your majesty's strength today after so many years of training."

Illidan pondered for a moment, and suddenly his expression sank, and said, "Are you doubting my vision when I was ten?"

"It's not a suspicion, but I just feel that your views when you were ten years old will definitely not be the same as your current views, otherwise it can only show that you have not made any progress after so many years.

Illidan glared and wanted to get angry, but his reason told him that it was very irrational to go wild in front of his father, queen, mother, and many uncles and elders. Therefore, he tried every means to suppress his anger. Down.

After taking a few deep breaths, his complexion returned to indifferent again. He glanced at me, snorted, and said, "Then wait and see, to see if I have the right vision when I was ten years old, or if your dog looks down on people.

I had no intention to argue, and I walked quickly to the end of the ranks of the great nobles, staring at the orc king warming up without squinting, waiting for his upcoming strength.

The orc king stood quietly in front of the city wall, closed his eyes, and kept breathing out.

He is relaxing his body and getting rid of distracting thoughts.

This is the pre-war preparation that a master will have before fighting.

To get rid of distracting thoughts is just to concentrate more, and to relax the body is to allow the muscles and bones to have enough time to adapt to the upcoming physical strength.

The voice of Odachi kept ringing in my mind, analyzing every state of the orc king in a way of explanation.

"Analyzed by his state of preparation for war, the strength of this man is probably no less than that of an ordinary country."

Otato was really serious.

I pouted: "I only know that he is much stronger than me."

"There are people who are much better than you," Taitadao said: "But there are not many people who have the same potential as you. However, you are like a pauper who sits on Jinshan and never take your potential seriously. "

"Are you talking about my left arm or my killing intent?"

"Of course it refers to your killing intent." Taitadao said: "I really didn't expect that you, with such a powerful force, would not exercise and master, but would only use it to deal with when facing a crisis. Your act of violent horror. , Will be retributed one day!"

"Retribution?" I frowned: "Do you mean the divine punishment from the God of Creation?"

"That won't be the case," Data said: "The **** of creation in this world is probably not so idle. What I mean by retribution means that one day, you will encounter a strong enemy that cannot be defeated by ordinary killing intent. At that time, you couldn't find a place to cry."

Odachi's reprimand was not over yet, the orc king not far away stopped his warm-up action, clenched his fists with both hands, closed under his ribs, and then took a deep breath and gave a low drink.

In an instant, the fading power of the sun dazzled wildly, and I, caught off guard, couldn't open my eyes by the light.

As I closed my eyes, I heard screams from around me, and the crowd began to become confused.

This is also no way. After all, unsuspecting people like me account for the majority. They are dazzled by strong light, pain and tears are indispensable. Some people suffer from pain and temporarily lose their vision. Naturally, they will be headless. Flies bumped everywhere, unavoidably stomping on your feet and hitting people. There are many types of situations, which will definitely cause chaos.

However, fortunately, the inner circle has sufficient personnel and strong strength. It is easy to block the chaotic crowd. This did not allow the chaos to spread to us.

Rubbing my eyes, I almost regained my vision. I squinted and barely watched the movements of the orc king through the strong light.

He saw the old man's left hand turned up and stretched across his chest, his right hand was still clenched into a fist, constricted to his waist, and his breathing became heavy, like a cow panting.

This state lasted for about ten seconds, and when his breathing returned to calm, I suddenly found that his right arm was more than twice as thick!

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