Is this the legendary unicorn arm? !

Staring at the right arm of the orc king, I trembled, unable to be myself.

The members of the royal family and the great nobles all around, all exclaimed. For a while, before punching, the exclamation sounded like a wave, endless.

Among the dignitaries who continued to create momentum to heighten the atmosphere, only the Queen of the Orcs, the Old Duke, the Prime Minister of Leista, Fergus Dais, Fergus Illidan, and Fergus Emma remained calm. .

Among them, the orc queen and the old duke were unmoved by the orc king's aura, but the cat demon in the queen's arms had already fainted in fright, and looked like a dead cat.

Prime Minister Leista and Fergus Dess were in a similar state. Although they were affected by some aura, they still maintained the grace that a nobleman should have.

Fergus Illidan was in a worse state than Fergus Daisy. When facing the strong momentum from the Orc King, his clenched fists began to tremble unconsciously, although the tremor was small. , But still can't escape my sharp gaze.

Fergus Emma is considered the worst of these, she has already condensed a faint layer of fading power to counter the aura from the orc king.

With the protection of the fading power, her state is as comfortable as the orc queen and the old duke, but the insider understands that the gap between them is not just a thin layer of fading power.

Except for these people who seem to be indifferent, it is me and a few powerful nobles who are still calm. The nobles also learned the appearance of Fergus Emma, ​​condensing the power of change, using With the aura that was released when resisting the orc king's energy accumulation, although they resisted the physical shock, the mental shock caught them off guard. It was a kind of fear from the bones of the lower ones towards the upper ones.

Compared to them, my condition is much better, only a thin layer of killing intent can be used to resist the momentum of the impact.

However, I also have my worries. At the moment when the killing intent was condensed, I felt dozens of substantive eyes focused on shooting over. These eyes kept looking at me, seeming to want to analyze this thin layer of killing intent. the goal of.

After observing for a full half a minute, the real gaze faded one by one.

Fergus Illidan, who was standing in front of me, turned his head, glanced at me, and teased: "Your power of fading is so powerful that it can attract the attention of more than half of the national power at the same time."

"It's better to take care of your fist," I retorted without mercy: "Look at His Royal Highness Fergus Dais. Although he is not self-satisfied, at least he doesn't tremble like you."

Illidan was stunned and sneered: "That's also much better than you, at least I don't have the power to change."

"How old are you and are you comparing yourself to me?" I snorted disdainfully: "If you also use external force to resist the momentum like me, you don't want to do anything else, so you can simply resign and go home to enjoy your wife and children. Let's forget the life of the king of leisure on the hot kang."

Illidan, who was not good at words, was so angry that I stopped quarreling with me, and focused on watching the orc king's upcoming attack.

I turned my head and looked around, looking at a group of great aristocrats who are weak and guarded by personal guards so that they will not be driven down by momentum. I have to say that although they are not strong, they can be courageous. It's leveraged.

While looking at their funny expressions with great interest, the menacing momentum from the Orc King suddenly weakened. After feeling the change, I instantly turned my eyes back to the Orc King.

The weakening of the momentum does not mean that the orc king has given up attacking, on the contrary, it is a sign that all the power of fading outside is converged into the right arm.

This sign meant that he was about to strike a punch that had been accumulated for a long time.

Sure enough, my eyes had just locked the Orc King's right arm for less than five seconds, and this punch came out.

From the punch to the end, only a moment.

This punch, without any tricks, was plain and ordinary, like boiled water without any taste.

But even so, it is still a shocking punch!

This punch punched the city wall more than ten meters high and one meter thick into a big hole more than three meters in diameter. The punch wind, like an air cannon, blasted out a path of more than ten meters long, including the flowers and trees on the path. Turned into dust, even several huge boulders buried deep in the ground were lifted up.

I was stunned by this scene, unable to speak for a long time.

After a long while, Fergus Illidan shuddered, turned his head, and said in a trembling voice: "What, how? Is there a problem with my memory, or is it because your dog or dog looks down on people?"

My eyes twitched and I didn't answer.

I lost this quarrel.

It's no wonder that Illidan has a deep memory of the strength of the orc king. For a ten-year-old child, this kind of scene can hardly be expressed as shock, it is simply a psychological shadow!

The orc queen stroked the cat demon, her eyes slightly disappointed.

The old duke rubbed his old waist and smiled without making any comments.

On the contrary, Prime Minister Leista took the lead in applauding and chanting Long live Your Majesty. When the great nobles saw this, they also cheered in response. Other people watching the excitement outside bowed to salute and shouted long live.

I also joined the excitement along with the atmosphere, shouted a few times, but was despised by Fergus Emma: "It is better not to applaud if you are not sincere."

The Orc King put aside his posture, rubbed his wrists, a little lost, but soon, he restored the majesty of the former overlord, and he returned to the palace with a large number of people with great aura.

When he came to the main hall, he gathered all the officials and self-examined in front of the officials. The content was just that the wall was so vulnerable. It was the reason why the monarch did not strengthen in time. Here he apologized to his subjects and started from today. Since then, a large number of Fort Witchcraft craftsmen have been hired to assist in the construction of the city wall. To apologize, he will be responsible for half of the recruitment cost.

As soon as this statement was made, the Minister of Finance quickly stated that the treasury was full and he did not need to pay for it out of his own pocket.

The Orc King was quite satisfied with the statement made by the Minister of Finance. After pretending to resign several times, he gladly accepted the suggestion of the Minister of Finance.

However, although the funds to reinforce the city wall can be exempted, I proposed that the artillery plan that Illidan spoke about would still be completed by the orc king at his own expense.

But just as the artillery plan was implemented, a report was hurriedly sent to the hall. The report clearly pointed out that the raw materials of the artillery were a mixture of low-grade steel and high-grade iron. .

This means that in terms of obtaining materials, the funds required for artillery are much lower than for strengthening the city walls.

This report finally relieved the orc king.

However, there was another report immediately following it. The report clearly pointed out that although the raw materials of the artillery were determined, some of the components could not be made with current technology.

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