Although there is only one volume of historical documents returned, the Fairy Queen still held a grand welcoming ceremony and respectfully invites it into the forbidden area of ​​Moonlight City.

After all this was done, the two queens, seven elders, and a large number of nobles gathered in the palace hall to discuss matters of feedback.

The so-called feedback matters are just to thank Master Dewey for his generous return of the historical documents. The purpose is to arouse the desire of the high-level rulers of Fort Witch, and force them to continue to press, persecute or induce the highest level of Fort Witch Level rulers, return more historical documents.

But if you want to arouse the desires of the high-level rulers of Fort Witch, ordinary treasures are definitely not enough, only things they don't have or are in urgent need.

This will be traced back to the most fundamental question-what is Fort Witch missing?

Elder Prisla took the lead to speak: "Fort Witch is rich in mineral resources, but forest resources are very limited. In particular, hardwood and other rare woods must be purchased from us every year. It is better to use some of the wood as a reward. How about giving back to them?"

Elder Sibo Ling, Elder Lindsay, and Elder Mela all agreed.

Elder Mai Sonoda raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid it's wrong. Although wood is extremely precious to Fort Witch, it is countless for us. In contrast, historical documents are both useful to Qibao is still an extremely precious treasure to us. Comparing historical documents and wood together can easily give the world an intuition that our feedback is only a compelling diplomatic act."

"Then I would like to ask Elder Sonoda Mai, what kind of feedback do you think is equivalent?" Elder Prisla asked humbly.

Elder Sonoda Mai bowed to the two empresses and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

The fairy queen glanced at the fairy queen, saw her nod slightly, and said: "But it doesn't matter."

"I think" the elder Sonoda Mai straightened his chest, looked directly at the fairy queen, and said: "The only thing that is equivalent to the historical documents is your majesty's artifact."

As soon as the word "artifact" came out, there was an uproar in the main hall.

The other elders and a group of nobles all looked at her with unparalleled shock and imperceptible sneers.

Perhaps in their opinion, this woman who has always been domineering is already crazy.

——Dare to hit the idea of ​​a magic weapon?

Don’t you know that its status is equivalent to that of Princess Remy?

What are historical documents?

It's just a shabby book that records history.

For things like history, as long as there are troubadours of troubadour, what's the use of such broken books?

His Majesty can welcome the historical documents with such a heavy gift, but he just wants to make friends with Fort Witch. Is she really interested in historical documents?

Such sarcastic remarks flowed from the mouths of many nobles, like mosquitoes and flies, noisy.

Although the elders did not speak, they could perceive their hearts from their expressions.

The corners of Elder Prisse's mouth twitched slightly at the beginning, but I can be sure that this must be a sneer, a sneer full of sarcasm.

Elder Sibo Ling, Elder Mela, and Elder Lindsay did not sneer or sneer, but they also did not have the slightest expression. This kind of indifference is tantamount to drawing a line from Elder Mai Sonoda.

Elder Jennifer's head hangs down very low, this is her normal state, unless the two queens personally call the name, otherwise she will definitely not have any performance.

After observing the situation, I thought about it for a while, raised my head, and glanced at the fairy queen, and found that she was also looking at me, her eyes were calm and natural, without any anger.

It seems that in her mind, the weight of historical documents is almost equal to that of a divine weapon, perhaps even slightly higher.

After thinking for a few seconds, I took a step forward and gave a deep salute, saying: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

"Does Elder An Xiaoyi have something to say?" The elf queen's eyes flashed, her back straightened, and she said solemnly: "Please speak."

"Your Majesty Xie" raised his head and looked directly at the Fairy Queen. I raised my volume and said loudly, "Your Majesty, I agree with Elder Soonda Mai."

For a moment, there was silence in the hall. Except for Elder Jennifer, everyone looked at me with surprise and deep puzzlement.

Regarding the value of the artifact and the value of historical documents, looking at the entire Moonlight City, except for the two queens, only my words have the most weight.

The reason is very simple. I brought both of these things with my own hands.

"Are you crazy, Elder An Xiaoyi?" Elder Mela said silently: "Historical documents are just an old volume of history books. How can they be compared with the artifact?"

As soon as this statement came out, the nobles nodded in agreement.

"Elder Mela, and everyone" I smiled and said, "Perhaps in your opinion, this historical document is just a shabby history book written on kraft paper. Except for the contents of the documents above, it is worthless."

"I didn't say that it is worthless!" Elder Mela retorted: "I just said that its value cannot be compared with the artifact."

"Well, as you said, its value really seems to be inferior to the artifact. It can neither cut gold nor iron nor exert unmatched power." I sighed lightly, and I looked at her with sympathy and continued. Said: "In fact, I am not surprised that you can define the value of historical documents in this way. This is not your responsibility, but your family's responsibility."

Elder Mela's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she asked in a cold voice: "Elder An Xiaoyi, does this have opinions on my family?"

"No, no," I shook my head again and again, and said, "I don't have any prejudices about your family, I just make a case for it."

Elder Mela sneered and said: "Then I will listen to your advice."

"It's not a good idea." I shook my head and said: "It's just a personal opinion. I think the reason why historical documents are not as important as the value of artifacts in your mind is because your family's history is not long enough, the more ancient the family. , The more you understand the importance of history, the more rare they will be."

As I said, I turned to the fairy queen and said: "Our majesty is born in the Flyder family, and the Flyder family, at the beginning of the fairy reign, was the emperor of this world. Now, your majesty’s family, the people It seems thin, but their faith and glory in the family are still hot. The relics from the ancestors of the Flyder family are equally precious treasures to them!"

Elder Mela trembled, and said uneasy: "That volume of historical documents, is it..."

"It is the handwriting of the ancestors of the Fileide family" I seriously said: "Not only this volume is, every volume is."

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