The historian's records are different from those of the imperial pen.

Hearing what I said, everyone panicked, bowed their heads and narrowed their necks, kept silent, trembling, and looked like a quail.

Only the elder Sonoda Mai who exhaled a bad breath was quite triumphant.

The fairy queen, sitting firmly on the throne, said slowly: "Elder An Xiaoyi's words are right. Every volume of historical documents when the ancestors ruled the mainland was handwritten by the contemporary fairy emperor. It has extraordinary meaning and value. It’s not an exaggeration that you can’t look at it with currency, or use a magical instrument to measure its value, but..."

She looked at Elder Sonoda Mai. The latter hurriedly bowed her head and put on a look of observance of the holy religion. The queen continued: "The artifact involves my Moonlight City Shrine. When it is not a last resort, don't exchange it easily. ."

After all, she turned her gaze to Elder Prisla and said: "Although the elder’s suggestion may be criticized, it is also a good strategy. You may wish to attach a promise when you return the wood. Violating the morality and morality and not destroying the foundation of the community is not the weirdness of being unconstrained. My Moonlight City is willing to agree to a request from Fort Vitch."

"Your Majesty!" Elder Prisella suddenly looked anxious and said loudly: "The goblin people are sinister and cunning, if they let them take advantage of the loopholes and damage your majesty's reputation, I will be blamed for death. what!"

As soon as I heard her say this, I was immediately unhappy, my face sank, and said coldly: "Elder Prissla, please be careful, I don't know any contradictions between you and the goblin people, but you slander them like this, Is it something wrong?"

Elder Prisla glanced at me and said solemnly: "Elder An Xiaoyi, please remember your identity. In Fort Witch, you may be the son of Master Dewey, but here, you can only It is the elder of the foreign clan in Moonlight City. Don’t affect the country’s community because of personal affair.”

"I can tell righteousness and selfishness. I don't need Elder Prisla to worry about me anymore." I did not show any weakness: "Furthermore, although Master Dewey is my foster father, he treats me like Parents, as the sons of man, dare not come forward to defend their father when they hear others slander their father. What ability do they have to protect the national community?"

"Enough" the fairy queen's voice came to her ears in an instant, although she was calm, she could still feel its majesty.

I honestly closed my mouth and bowed my head in silence.

The fairy queen said: "I have already made it clear about the preciousness of historical documents. Since Master Dewey can send it generously regardless of return, how can Moonlight City fail to respond to gifts? I will do as I said. ...Elder Sonoda Mai, go do it."

"Your Majesty Xie" Elder Sonoda Wu bowed to take his orders.

After the meeting, I hurried home. Everyone was playing with their weapons in the hall. Even the maid girls in the cafe had small daggers in their hands. The atmosphere in the hall was full of swords and shadows, chilling.

Seeing me back, Remy was naturally the first to jump over. Not only did she run faster, she flew faster, and in the blink of an eye, people were already riding on my neck, and her little hands patted my head with joy. Incredible.

Phoenix leaped over a second, and put his arm around me, his face flushed with excitement.

Except for the two of them, the others behaved fairly normal, only Kagali and Barbara had a small face.

I am quite puzzled. I haven't seen it for a long time. I don't want to forget it. Why do you still have a poker face?

With a puzzled look, I asked Lilea for help.

Lilya smiled slyly at me, and took Yula to the side to chat.

So I was even more puzzled.

Surrounded by Phoenix and Xiao Leimi, I sat on the sofa and picked up the tea cup. Just after drinking the water, I saw Barbara slap the coffee table aggressively, and said angrily: "Xiao Yi! You radish! "

"Huh?" I was stunned, without reacting to it.

"You explain to me clearly what's going on with Kailan and Daphne!" she said, gritting her teeth and showing her claws, wishing to pounce on me and give me a claw.

Ah, distress, I'm still thinking about concealing a few more days and enjoying a clean day!

But that's all, this is a fact anyway, and it will be questioned sooner or later. It will happen sooner and be resolved sooner.

I waved my hand to signal Barbara to calm down, and then, in the sullen eyes of Barbara and Kagali, I narrated the process of acquaintance with Kailan and Daphne one by one.

The so-called confession is lenient and resistance is strict. Seeing that I have a good attitude, Barbara pouted and turned her eyes a few times. She forgave me, but Kagali still has a displeased face, and I can understand her. , After all, love is selfish. Everyone wants to be able to monopolize each other and don’t want to share it with others. For example, if someone wants to **** my Kagali, I will not forgive it. So in the same situation, Kaga Li has done very well, at least she generously accommodates these harems who share love with her.

Knowing that I was not doing well, I immediately took out the Meteorite Warhammer and handed it over to her personally.

She, who had already obtained the Adamantite Warhammer, instantly halved her interest in this Meteorite Warhammer, but after picking up the Warhammer and dancing for a few times, she once again became interested in the Meteorite Warhammer.

Warhammer is not only hard, but also heavy, otherwise how to destroy the enemy's defense?

If you pick up cotton and iron pieces of the same volume and smash things, presumably the damage caused by cotton is far less than that of iron pieces. One is that the cotton has a soft texture and the other is that it is not heavy enough.

Compared with the Meteorite Warhammer, the Adamantite Warhammer is much lighter. If you want to kill the enemy by smashing it, the Adamantite Warhammer needs to be blessed with more power, but the Meteorite Warhammer does not need it. You just need to move it by the wheel.

Power plus gravity also has inertia. With a bang, the enemy's defense will be broken like an eggshell.

Kagali was quite satisfied with the Meteorite Warhammer, and naturally forgave me a little bit, but the hurdle in her heart is not so easy to pass, it takes time to resolve.

Anyway, it is not the best time to get married, so let her resolve it slowly. I believe that she will be able to resolve all grievances before the wedding date is set.

I then gave the Meteorite Gauntlets and Meteorite Dagger to Phoenix and Remy respectively.

Phoenix didn't pick anything, as long as it was given by me, even if it was just a leaf, she would cherish it.

Remy, who was fiddling with the dagger, curled her lips, looking disliked.

I asked Remy if he didn't like this dagger?

Remy nodded honestly: "Its color is not good."

Well, the color of this dagger is not good-looking, it is gray, and it is mixed with a little black. It is the obsidian powder added by the craftsman on a whim during the forging process, and it is still a high-grade product. He originally wanted to forge it. An enchanted weapon, but he did not expect that the meteorite would not give him face at all. Not only did the enchantment fail, but it also made the dagger itself ugly.

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