The halberd is a combination of a spear and an axe. Its weight is not lighter than that of a tomahawk. The head of the boss’s hand is almost twice as large as an ordinary halberd. In addition, the weight of the halberd is at least ordinary. Double the weight of a halberd.

Such a heavy object, under the strong blessing of the proprietress, even more highlights the essence of its big killer, even without the blessing of fading power, I may not be able to take this blow.

Since I can't eat it, I have to avoid the edge for a while.

Thinking of this, I paused, twisted my body, and turned my wrists, and forced the army to rise to a halt. At the same time, I bent down, bent my knees to accumulate strength, and completed all preparations in the blink of an eye.

Just as the halberd was about to fall, I launched another combat technique-draw a sword.

While the knife light drew a cold arc, my body followed and stood on the edge of the arena.

Before he could stand firm, he heard an explosion before it sounded, and at the same time the ground was trembling slightly, like an earthquake.

"Pretty!" The lady boss praised her high, and slowly stood up, dragging her halberd, and stood opposite me.

Under her feet, the hard arena had been damaged in two places, one was caused by the halberd, and the other was knocked out by the boss’s knee.

I was shocked and couldn't help saying: "Would you like to do this? I'm your niece and son-in-law!"

"Because you are my niece-in-law, I have to take a good look at your fineness and see if you have known each other for so long, whether your strength has improved or regressed."

The proprietress laughed and rushed over with the halberd.

Her aura is still fierce and domineering, like a tiger descending from the mountain, like a mad rhino, no one has arrived, and the halberd has not arrived, but this momentum alone shocked me in a cold sweat.

How to do?

I asked Dadachi.

Odachi couldn't think of a good idea for a while, but let me try the five-body throwing method of begging for mercy, which might be useful.

I thought that the lady boss was not the kind of person who could deal with begging for mercy. Besides, I couldn't do such a shameful behavior in front of so many people.

Anyway, the lady boss will definitely not kill me, so I might as well put it together to verify the limit of my strength and the beauty of Xilan's sword technique.

After thinking about it, I slowly closed the big sword in the scabbard, and at the same time pulled out Xilan's demon sword, played a trick, and then stood with a T-step, looking at the boss's wife.

The moment I took the knife, the lady boss stopped. At this moment, seeing me pulling away again, she smiled and said, "I thought you were a coward, but I just wanted to change the weapon and fight again."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Boss" I chuckled and said, "Even if your niece and son-in-law are killed in battle, he won't be a coward, let alone you still reluctant to die."

The lady boss laughed, bullied herself again, and aimed at my left waist with a stab.

This stabbing force was like thunder, and when I was still two inches away from my waist, I felt the strong wind pressure.

When I was in danger, when the tip of the halberd was only an inch from my waist, by the pressure of the wind, I suddenly performed the Xilan sword technique-Liuxin·Yue.

Concentrate on the toes of both feet, tap the ground lightly, and then use the force of wind pressure to make the leaping body quickly drift away from the place, out of the attack range of the halberd.

The proprietress missed a hit, she couldn't help but screamed, her gaze moved with me, and when my feet landed, she violently again, the halberd turned into a stream of light, and she performed another stabbing.

The speed of this stabbing was faster than the previous one. I couldn't even see the whole picture of the halberd. I could only feel the surging wind pressure and the continuous sonic boom.

Taking a breath of air-conditioning, I stared at it, trying to catch the phantom of the halberd, and at the same time trying to see the movement of the boss's wife's wrist.

When the halberd arrives in front of me, I must see the boss’s wife’s wrist movements clearly so that I can respond in time.

After all, for masters, changing tricks is just the norm.

Closer, closer!

Seeing that the tip of the halberd is only a few inches away from me, the lady boss has no intention of changing her move. Isn't she going to change her move, but test my reaction again with the previous move?

Thinking like this, I once again performed the initial movement of Liuxin·Yue.

However, at this moment, the lady boss suddenly shook her wrist, and the halberd changed from a stabbing to a slash, severely slashing at my left leg.

If this is honest and sincere, the legs can be removed. I dare not care, but also change moves following the change of the boss’s wife. I twisted my waist and stretched my arms, and handed Xilan’s demon knife forward, and made a trick. Heart·thorn.

The tip of the knife accurately hit the halberd blade from the horizontal cut, and a huge force passed into my arm and then penetrated my entire body. I felt a pain in my whole body and couldn't fly out by myself.

The piercing pain after the body fell heavily on the ground made me groan uncontrollably, but I knew that the competition was not over yet, and the lady boss would attack again, immediately gritted her teeth, rolled on the spot, and stood up. Confronted with the boss again.

The lady boss laughed happily, and said with satisfaction: "That's not bad, it's already three tricks. I'm done warming up, so I should be more serious."

After that, the lady boss held a halberd in both hands and screamed, and the power of fading suddenly broke out, like a violent wind, spreading around, blowing my clothes, shocking my heart.

This fading power is stronger than the national power. I never expected that the strength of the lady boss who has been getting along day and night is as sturdy as her image!

Just when I was horrified, the lady boss made a move.

The speed of the lady boss who released the power of fading is exaggerated. I haven't reacted yet. She is already close at hand, with a round of halberd in her hand, and slams her smoothly on my body.

Feeling the violent wind pressure and the sonic boom, I knew that even if I was lucky enough to block the blow, I would be seriously injured.

However, the above are just theoretical results. In fact, I have no time to react, so I can only use my body to carry this trick.

But can my body really handle this blow?

I probably won't die on the spot, but in the follow-up treatment process, I will definitely experience great pain.

Hey, I really don't want to experience pain, after all, I am afraid of pain.

With a desperate look on my face, I slowly closed my eyes, quietly waiting for the arrival of the serious injury.

However, at this moment, a breeze came on my face, blowing my hair.

This breeze is like a fish swimming through the rocks, undamaged by wind pressure.

I opened my eyes in surprise, and it was a hand that caught my eye first.

This is a wrinkled hand. Although it is old, it is extremely powerful. Its index finger and **** are tightly close together, and with the curved thumb, it firmly clamps the silver-white halberd tip.

This clip seemed easy, but it was overwhelmingly powerful. It not only resolved the boss’s moves, but also stopped her attack—no matter how hard she tried, the boss couldn’t pull the halberd from her three fingers.

I breathed a sigh of relief and followed my arm, looking at the owner of this hand, it was Taylor.

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