After getting off the arena, the old man told me that he actually didn't need him to make a move, and the boss wife would not cut this blow. The reason why he made his move was just to end this meaningless competition. After all, I was still too tender.

Next, the proprietress challenged all the members of the Fearless Guild except Father Taylor. Except for Emily and Bai Yunying who could parry a few times, there was no one enemy.

Looking at the crooked members of the Fearless Guild, the lady boss couldn’t be screamed. I suggested that the lady boss fight with Father Taylor, but the boss refused. She made no secret that she was not qualified enough to compete with Father Taylor. .

During the next half day, we went shopping, had dinner together, chatted, hummed, and had fun.

As the night was approaching, after everyone had gone to sleep, I quietly got up, put on my clothes, carried my weapon, left a letter, tiptoed out the door, and hurried to the magic airship base.

There is one very important thing I haven't done-enter the real tomb of Philade Alexander and find his body.

This was specially asked by Philade Alexander himself. I was also puzzled at the time. Generally speaking, the owner of the tomb deliberately set up a net in order to prevent the tomb from being stolen, but I have never heard of someone specially asking someone else. Who robbed his tomb?

Philade Alexander gave me some explanation: no matter how strong the tomb is, there will always be a day of stolen excavation. Rather than making others cheaper, it is better to leave it to the younger generation who is more optimistic about it, at least Ensure that the body is not spoiled and damaged.

Think about it too, if the tomb is successfully stolen by unscrupulous adventurers, not only the treasure will be looted, but even the corpses placed in it will not be spared.

Regardless, just take it as a good deed and accumulate yin virtue.

But having said that, to be able to link tomb robbery with good deeds is really a coincidence that is rare in a century.

As soon as the magic airship left the base, the call crystal in my pocket rang. I picked it up and saw that it was Bai Yunying.

"You sneaked away again, right?" Bai Yun's English tone was steady, his voice was low, and there was no mood swing at all.

I was a little surprised and couldn't help asking: "Are you awake?"

"I haven't slept," she said calmly: "Where are we going this time?"

I pondered a little: "Go and explore a tomb."

"There is no shortage of money at home" Bai Yunying said: "Moreover, we have at least a mithril weapon."

"I know" I said: "This trip is not for money, nor is it for weapons."

"What is it for?" Bai Yunying asked puzzledly: "Is there anything more important than fighting monsters and upgrading and staying with your family?"

"In order to fulfill the promise" I said: "I promised someone to take something from the mausoleum."


"A corpse."

"The tomb thief?"

"The owner of the tomb."

After a few seconds of silence, Bai Yunying asked again: "Is the person asking you a man or a woman?"

"Man" I said.

Bai Yunying said ‘oh’ and said, "I will be introduced to you later."

"No problem" I smiled: "I think that person must be looking forward to meeting you."

Hanging up the crystal and lying on the bed, I imagined the scene after the meeting between Felid Alexander's memory and Bai Yunying.

What kind of feelings will Philade Alexander show?


Still a surprise?

What will Bai Yunying do when she learns that she is actually a descendant of Felide's line?

Uh, if it was Bai Yunying, there would probably be no special performance, after all, she has no interest in bloodline and other things.

Apart from the novel magic, I was the only thing that interested her.

The magic airship soon arrived at Fort Witch.

After getting off the airship, I hurriedly met with Master Dewey, and got a hand-painted map of the location of the tomb from Master Dewey, as well as some internal structure maps of the tomb.

Master Dewey told me that this internal structure drawing was based on the memory of Felid Alexander.

I asked curiously: "How did he know the design and structure of his tomb?"

Master Dewey explained: “Any monarch’s tomb was built before they were alive, and the same was true of His Royal Highness Fred Alexander, and not only that, but he also constructed part of the tomb design, which is this part. "

Master Dewey took a picture of the internal structure of the mausoleum, and said seriously: "His Royal Highness Alexander was called a holy king during his lifetime. He was admired by all the people. I think those craftsmen who built the mausoleum would not go against his wishes. If you think about it, this drawing is still very reliable. Spectral."

I nodded, took the two drawings, and carefully put them away.

Master Dewey asked again: "How are the tools for the tomb robbery?"

"It's all listed on the paper" I said: "I will buy them all in a while."

"Well, well, you go buy it first, and come to the palace after buying the tools."

I looked at Master Dewey suspiciously.

Master Dewey blinked mysteriously: "I will give you a present later."

Just like the commercial street of Dasay City never lacks barbecue shops, the commercial street of Fort Witch has never lacked all kinds of tools.

After turning less than half a circle, I bought all the tools for the tomb.

Hurrying to the palace, Master Dewey had been waiting at the gate for a long time. Seeing me coming, he passed the box in his palm.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

"You'll know when you open it," Master Dewey said with a mysterious expression.

With doubts, I opened the box and took out a chain mail from inside.

This chain mail is made of only a thin layer of chain interlocking and connecting, and each of the buckles connected together is very thin, only about one millimeter. The whole chain mail consists of countless such small buckles. The rings are connected together and formed by buckles.

Don't look at it as fine and thin, but the weight is not light.

Master Dewey rubbed the smooth surface of the chain mail and said with a smile: "This is a chain mail modeled after the ancient goblin body armor. The material is made of pure myth silver. At present, only this one is copied. You wear it. Try it to see if it fits."

Holding my Mithril chain mail, I was really moved.

It is not only a valuable equipment, but also a life-saving talisman.

With only one piece at present, Master Dewey also gifted it to me. The love between father and son is beyond doubt.

Holding my mithril chain mail excitedly, I said to Master Dewey: "Foster father, such precious chain mail, why don't you use it yourself?"

Master Dewey shook his head and said, "In Fort Witchie, no one can hurt me. Besides, this chain mail was forged according to your body shape from the beginning. I don't wear it well."

Enduring the excitement, I put on the chain mail, and it really fits perfectly.

Master Dewey nodded with satisfaction: "With this body armor, I believe you will return victorious and look forward to your triumph."

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