With a big sword in his hand, he took a deep breath, and looked around, it was the endless desolate Gobi.

After three or four miles, I didn't see a living creature except for the vultures that hovered over my head.

This piece of land looks more desolate than the twelfth floor of the dungeon, but it is actually the junction of Darcy City, Ere City and York Seoul.

Due to the scarcity of water resources and the scarcity of living things, this desolate land was abandoned by three countries at the beginning of the legendary hero period. Today, it is called the junction of the three kingdoms, but it is actually a land of no owner. .

It is said that in the early days of the legendary hero period, there were horse thieves and bandits who used this as a stronghold, but in the following hundred years, they also abandoned this base area one after another.

The reason is simple. It is too desolate here, and there is not much edible vegetation to grow, and it cannot even meet the standards of a temporary base.

Since then, no one cares about this Gobi, until two hundred years ago, Fort Vitch was invited by the three nations to send a large geological exploration team.

After more than a month of continuous investigation, they came to the conclusion: the soil here is very suitable for crop growth, but what is puzzling is that although there is no problem with the soil, it is just planting inactive vegetation.

This conclusion not only troubled many geological prospectors in various countries, but also disturbed the hearts of the people in three countries, because in the eyes of ordinary people, a piece of soil that is obviously good, but it is hard to grow crops, this must be cursed. land.

In order to stabilize the hearts of the people, the monarchs of the three countries of Darcy City, Ai Rui City and York Seoul decided to block relevant information channels and vigorously rectify related speeches, even using iron and blood methods.

In the end, the powerful method achieved good results, and the rumors were completely forgotten by the people in the forty years after their launch.

Regardless of whether you are afraid of the iron and blood method, or you have really forgotten it, in short, apart from the historical documents privately collected by the royal family, there are no relevant comments from the people.

Although the rumors ended, people still stayed away from this wasteland.

Before the magic airship was invented, merchants would rather take a long journey than take a step here.

Even those troubadours who pride themselves on being fearless and fearless, as they pass this Gobi, they will continue to pray in their hearts like ‘May the God of Creation Bless’.

Now, in order to find the true tomb of Felid Pressure Mountain, I also set foot here.

Out of dislike for this piece of Gobi, the pilot of the airship chose to land a few kilometers away from the Gobi and refused to advance one meter further, even if he criticized him, scolded him, or even convicted him. He was also unwavering.

Look, this is the power of rumors.

I can't fire a professional airship pilot just because of this trivial matter. In desperation, I had to carry a heavy package on foot.

According to the map calculation, my current location is near the mausoleum, but I can't calculate the specific coordinates.

"Hey, brat, are you afraid?" Odachi's voice sounded in my mind.

I wondered: "What's so scary?"

"That's a real ancient king's tomb. There must be many hidden weapons in it."

"I have become accustomed to concealed weapons, and this is not the first time I have stolen the tomb of the emperor. I also robbed the tomb of Ophelia, and later there was the tomb of the last emperor Felid Rupert. If you include the tomb of Felid Alexander, this is the fifth tomb I have robbed. "

Odachi joked: "Yeah, I didn't expect your experience to be quite rich."

I was full of black lines, a little speechless, and said, "Can't you read my thoughts, why do you have to ask me again?"

"Because of boring" Otato said confidently.

No longer paying attention to the series of strangely smiling Odachi swords, I used my hand as a pergola to block the bright sun and looked around.

"It should be near here, but why can't I find any clues?"

Distressed, I thought for a while, stretched out my hand to get the call crystal, and pressed the connection of Master Dewey.

Ten seconds later, Master Dewey's voice came from the crystal: "Have you encountered a problem, Xiao Yi?"

"Yes, foster father."

Later, I told him that he had reached the coordinates, but couldn't find the entrance to the tomb. I wanted him to ask about the characteristics of the entrance to the tomb.

Master Dewey responded to the phrase ‘wait a moment’ and there was no sound.

A few minutes later, Felid Alexander's voice sounded from the crystal: "Is it Xiaoyi? I'm Alexander."

"Yes, I have heard your voice, the venerable Holy King, His Royal Highness Alexander."

"Just call me Your Royal Highness Alexander." His tone was natural and his voice was still very pleasant: "Listen to Master Dewey saying that you have reached the coordinate position, but you can't find the entrance location, right?"

"Exactly" I said: "Please also tell me the characteristics of the entrance."

"Features...features..." Felid Alexander thought for a while, a little uncertain: "I remember, there are two huge stone statues on both sides of the gate of the tomb, one of them It is a huge spider, and the other is a monster with long horns."

"Spider...a monster with horns?" I frowned, puzzled: "Are they your pets during your lifetime?"

"No," Alexander explained: "They are monsters that I personally led the army to destroy. In order to prove my feats during my lifetime, my followers suggest to use the images of these two monsters as statues to guard the entrance of the tomb forever."

"You personally led the army to wipe out?" I was surprised: "What kind of monster needs such a big fanfare?"

"It's a disaster for one side," Alexander said: "Before I led the army, these two monsters had destroyed at least four small countries."

"A monster that can destroy the country!" I exclaimed, but then calmed down again.

During the melee period, as long as you have some strength and a place to attract tens of thousands of people, you dare to stand on your own.

Even if a country like this is destroyed, it doesn’t seem to be scary. After all, there is no simple monster that can be called a disaster. If even such a small country can’t be killed, it will be called. Ashamed of disaster!

Then, I brought the topic back on track again and asked if there are other features.

Alexander told me regretfully, no more.

Hanging up the call, I looked around for a long time, but I still couldn't find a rock like Alexander described. I was a little discouraged.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he took out a small water bag, pulled out the plug, and took a sip.

The slightly viscous liquid whirled in my mouth and then flowed into my stomach, leaving only a stream of fiery heat.

The bag is not water, but wine.

The finest wine.

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