Doesn't the old man Carter Horton really start a war?

Regarding this matter, I cannot be as calm as Simmons Locke.

In my opinion, Carter Horton is a complete speculator, as long as there is a chance, he will definitely seize it.

It is said that his son, Carter Scott, who is currently in a state of disappearance, is conducting a non-humanitarian experiment. Perhaps when Scott's experiment is successful, it will be the day when Ai Ruicheng declares war on the Hefeng Continent.

But I have no time to take care of those trivial matters. Bakkar's words are still in my ears. What is the gear of fate, and what will the world's destiny go?

These huge information problems kept lingering in my mind, forcing my brain to start running at a high load, and then became hot, hot, and then I looked confused, dizzy, and fell into a state of downtime.

After resting for a whole night, I just calmed down, lying on the bed, quietly looking at the changing scenery outside the window, at this time, I stopped thinking, just to enjoy a moment of tranquility.

When I was approaching Fort Witchcraft, I counted my belongings, and apart from giving Simmons Rock as a gift, there were still a lot of treasures left, enough to give gifts and fill the small vault of private money.

After getting off the airship, I ordered people to transport the coffins, ancient documents, and disaster records back to the palace in batches. With a few treasures, I set off from the main road and headed straight to the palace.

After entering the palace, I first greeted the dwarf king and the goblin king. Then, under the pretext of discussing important matters with me, the three of us wandered around in the palace, and then we turned into the forbidden area.

In fact, the forbidden area does not prohibit the three of us from entering, but it is now during working hours, and the two kings cannot leave their positions without authorization, so they can only avoid the restrictions of the rules by discussing important matters with me.

And there is only one reason for doing so-they are looking forward to seeing the rumored saint king, Philade Alexander's remains.

I know the thoughts of these two kings very well. They are not interested in things like death but not stiff and the body is not destroyed. They just want to see if the remains of Felid Alexander are preserved intact, or what has been decayed. degree.

In other words, they just want to join in the excitement and temporarily take their attention away from the busy life of the king.

In the secret room, Master Dewey and Master Hall were busy sorting out historical documents and disaster records. Seeing that the three of us were here, Master Dewey called us to help in the past without even thinking about it.

I'm okay. A brand-new sweatshirt is very suitable for carrying and tidying up and other tasks, but the two kings can't do it. They are all gold and jade silk, and their heads are also wearing a gold jewelry crown weighing more than ten kilograms. Not suitable for physical work.

But who is Master Dewey, who dare not listen to his words?

Looking at each other helplessly, the two kings honestly took off their royal robes, took off the crowns, rolled up their sleeves, and began to carry them together.

This busy is all morning.

After finishing their work, the Goblin King, Master Dewey and Master Hall were already tired and collapsed on the ground, not even willing to sit on their chairs.

But the Dwarf King and I are still very energetic. After all, they are both adventurers, and they still have the necessary physical strength.

Looking at the three people lying on the ground screaming and panting, I joked: "If the people are allowed to see the image of you three at the moment, they will be sad to tears."

Master Hall waved his hand weakly, and said, "Don't scream, you kid, it's just a little bit more stamina than us. We are brain workers. Can you be like an adventurer with your brain full of muscles!" "

"Yes, what you said is" I said with a smile.

On the side, the dwarf king was unhappy: "I said Hall, can you not be a professional guy! What is called an adventurer with a full head of muscles", have you ever seen an adventurer with muscles in his head? , Not brainy? I didn't learn biology well, and I still lied about others."

Master Hall is not afraid of the Dwarf King. He sat up from the ground and pointed at the Dwarf King and cursed, "What's the matter, are you still dissatisfied? Since you said that your brain is filled with brains, how do you start? Come and look completely disregarded, knowing that he lowered his head and rushed forward? I was also scratched by a monster in the secret a few days ago..."


The dwarf king coughed loudly, interrupting Master Hall's words, and peeping at me at the same time, lest I should hear about his injury.

I understand the dwarf king. He has a good face and is quite strong. He doesn't want to let the younger generation, especially his son-in-law, know about his injuries.

But I have heard that it is impossible to pretend to have not heard, so I checked the dwarf king's body with concern, and after confirming that there were no scars, he breathed a sigh of relief and complimented: "A monster that can hurt my father-in-law, must It’s an extremely powerful existence, even being called a disaster."

"Right, right" The Orc King laughed and said, "The son-in-law understands me! Hall, think about it with your so-called intelligent brain. I can kill such a powerful monster. Are you an idiot who can't be flexible?"

Master Hall was choked by him, gave me a stern look, and wanted to continue the theory with the Dwarf King, but was stopped by Master Dewey, who had recovered his strength.

"Okay, Hall, stop making trouble, there is still business to do."

Seeing Master Dewey's speech, Master Hall immediately calmed down, but he always stared at each other with anger and anger.

A soft call awakened Felid Alexander's memory. The latter sighed slightly and said, "Morning, everyone, what time is it?"

"At half past nine, Your Royal Highness Alexander" Master Dewey said respectfully.

"You can have lunch in a while, Your Royal Highness Alexander" I teased.

"Huh? Xiaoyi is back." Felid Alexander looked at me up and down, and then smiled: "Seeing you are unscathed, you probably didn't fight the evil dragon. Well, although it's a pity, it's also Okay, after all, the other party has disaster-like power."

Feeling the slightly disappointed gaze of Felid Alexander, I cleared my throat and said, "Return to His Royal Highness Alexander, the evil dragon has been crusaded by me."

"Oh...huh?" Alexander was surprised: "What did you say? Did you crusade against the evil dragon?"

"Yes." I stretched out my hand and pointed to the coffin, and said, "Look, I still use the ribbon that seals the evil dragon to secure your coffin."

"Stupid! What you did is stupid!" Alexander was shocked: "The evil dragon is very cunning. It must be pretending to be dead and deliberately trick you to remove the seal so that it can come back to life faster!"

"It's over, this is terrible" he muttered with a miserable face: "It will definitely recall other broken limbs and reappear the world in the form of a bone dragon!"

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