The atmosphere in the forbidden area suddenly became tense. Everyone held their breath, and their eyes shot at me, making me feel quite uncomfortable.

After a moment of silence, I said, "Didn't you have a lot of puppet knights in your tomb? They should be able to stop the evil dragon."

"They are just a method I use to stop the tomb robbers from sneaking in" Felid Alexander was a little helpless: "It is a fantasy to use them to stop the evil dragon."

"...Didn't you arrange any more effective measures? For example, organs, traps?"

"Unless it is the legendary Geboga, or the giant puppet mecha handed down in ancient times, but the former only appears in the legend, the latter has been completely destroyed in the melee, and the technical craftsman has been killed. It is also lost, and it is impossible to restore it again. Besides, even if it is actually manufactured, it cannot be put into the tomb because it is too big..."

"In other words, is there no way to prevent the evil dragon from resurrecting?" I made an exaggerated expression of horror.

Alexander shook his head sadly.

The atmosphere of the forbidden area is more solemn.

At this moment, Master Dewey, who had been observing my expression, suddenly laughed and said, "Xiao Yi, don't scare the old man anymore, let's be honest."

"I can't hide your old man's sharp eyes." I scratched my head and stuck out my tongue mischievously.

Everyone was stunned, and they all looked at Master Dewey at the same time.

A few seconds later, the dwarf king who came back to his senses laughed and laughed: "Haha, Old Hall, you are right. I am afraid that my brain is full of muscles, otherwise I will not be teased by the son-in-law, but the words When you come back, your brain is no better than mine, 80% of it is full of paste."

Master Hall was furious when he heard the words, and glared at the dwarf king for a long while, but he couldn't jump out a word after a while-he hadn't recalled it until now.

The Goblin King also followed the Dwarf King. He figured out what Master Dewey and I meant, and couldn’t help but smile: "You, you, Xiaoyi, will scare the elderly, you know, I almost got scared just now Passed out."

I was embarrassed and smiled.

In fact, not only the Master Hall looked stunned, but also His Royal Highness Philade Alexander was equally stunned.

Master Hall was stunned, simply because his mind hadn't been bent back--just now he had a horrified expression, how could he turn into a hippy smile in a blink of an eye?

The reason why Philade Alexander was dumbfounded was purely because he didn't believe that I could kill the evil dragon.

Don't talk about him, I don't believe that I can kill the evil dragon-anyway, it's impossible for me now.

Because of doubt, I can't believe it.

So, I will fight the evil dragon, and the surprise of the evil dragon when I saw the ancient words on my left arm, and the words that the evil dragon said before the death of the evil dragon. All matters related to Bakar.

Silence was restored again in the forbidden area, and everyone fell into contemplation.

For a long time, Alexander said: "Although the process sounds very weird, perhaps this is the most real situation. Even if the soul of the evil dragon is powerful, it cannot compete with the collection of ancient characters. Abandon the skull, perhaps it is the only one. It’s just that, because of this, another opportunity to completely eliminate it is lost."

"It's a fluke to be able to survive" I dissatisfied with his statement, and retorted: "You don't know, I almost freaked out at the time, the servant summoned by the evil dragon was attached at a speed that I couldn't escape, and Explosion, if there is no Mithril armor given to me by my foster father, I might be killed on the spot!"

"Slaves...Well, the speed of that kind of thing is indeed amazing, but they have no other means of attack besides attaching to the explosion, and they are also weak in themselves, attacking them with fading power, almost three times. It can be wiped out with two swords."

"Is it so easy?" I glared, "I have cut a dozen knives one after another, but I still haven't been able to hack them to death!"

"That's because you are weak," Master Hall said with resentment.

I chuckled it as a default.

His Royal Highness Alexander said again: "In addition to the evil spirit slave of the evil dragon, you also encountered a bright yellow monster floating in the air, didn't you?"

"Yes" I said: "But I didn't see the monster's attack methods clearly, but during the battle, a bright yellow ball of light hit me, and the explosion was very powerful, almost the same as the big Jack The explosive bomb is similar, I guess that might be made by the bright yellow monster."

"Your guess is absolutely correct" Alexander said: "The bright yellow light group that can explode is indeed its attack method. It is called the Spirit Devourer and is the natural enemy of the magician. The bright yellow light group, when it explodes, It will consume the magic value in your body. Because you are a warrior adventurer, you don't need magic as a means of attack, so naturally you won't be affected by it. This is another reason why I let you sneak into the tomb and destroy the evil dragon."

"But you don't even think ahead of time, and you decide for me without authorization. It really makes me feel very upset..."

As I said, I frowned, and there were more negative emotions.

Alexander knew that this matter was in the wrong, and he didn't argue with me. He just smiled and said: "This matter is indeed my misconsideration, but it is really helpless. It is difficult to step into the depths of the tomb without being a member of my tribe. In addition, even if they are members of our tribe, they cannot be those who are good at magic, otherwise they will be led by the devourers and become passive. If they are not careful, they will die on the spot. Except for these two constraints, the only thing that is suitable The candidate is only you, and I think your strength is not weak, and the ancient characters are added. I expected that even if the evil dragon saw it, he would definitely be afraid of three points, and would not dare to kill you. Come, even if you are seriously injured, at least you can save your life."

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that." I nodded. Seeing Alexander breathed a sigh of relief, I suddenly became annoyed again, and said angrily: "But why do I still feel upset?"

"Maybe it's because of your stress." Alexander smiled kindly: "Your trip was very hard. You should take a good rest."

Frowning and staring at him for a long time, I sighed, forget it, there is no need to get angry, he is just a memory, and I feel uncomfortable if I get angry.

Although from the beginning, I didn't think he would think so thoroughly-it is possible that the lengthy explanation just now was only thought of by him!

He just wanted to find a proper excuse to cover up his reckless mistake!

This is the most common imperial technique!

Maybe this trick works very well for some people who admire him, but I don’t want this one!

He sneered silently in his heart: Oh, it turns out that Saint King would lie.

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