Take off a grilled white fish, peel off the burnt scales, and hand it to the elf queen.

At first, Her Majesty's expression was rejected, but after she was surrounded by the fragrant grilled fish, she swallowed her mouth unimaginably, and then hesitated to take the grilled fish. She looked at it over and over, and then tore off one. After hesitating for a while, put the fish into your mouth and chew it carefully.

In less than a minute of chewing, the empress's expression became wonderful, her beautiful eyes widened and she looked surprised.

I smiled: "How does it taste?"

"Very delicious" Her Majesty the Queen said without hesitation.

I moved my eyebrows and teased: "I'm very honest~"

The empress instantly blushed her cheeks.

After teasing the queen a bit, I peeled off the skin of the fish scales and took a bite of the fish.

After feasting, I told the queen about blood and life.

The elf queen ate and listened, eating with gusto, and utterly intoxicated. After she finished speaking, she put the clean fish bones aside, clapped her hands, and said: "It's really unexpected. There is such a deep relationship with Moonlight City."

"Isn't this normal?" I said, I picked up a skewer of grilled white fish and handed it over. By the way, I tore off the scales and fish skin: "In fact, it's not just me, there may be many people who also have ancient blood. It’s just that they don’t know it."

As I said, I raised my head and stared at the queen's pretty face.

"What, what?" The queen was at a loss as I stared: "Is there something strange on my face?"

"What do you want?" I smiled: "I just want to see more beautiful women."

The empress was so ashamed that she moved her position pretending to be angry, and was a few inches away from me.

Shaking my head with a smile, I changed the subject and asked: "Did the empress grandma have studied that historical document recently?"

The Elf Queen thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "No, since she put the historical documents in the forbidden area, she has never seen it again."

"That's it," I thought thoughtfully: "I thought she would study it seriously, or maybe her old man is not interested in historical documents."

While I was stunned, the queen ate the second white fish like a wind, and habitually stretched out her hand to me.

I was taken aback first, then laughed.

The empress looked at me inexplicably first, and then reacted quickly, and quickly retracted her hand, covering her face and moaning.

As I did before, I peeled the skin of the third white fish clean, handed it over, and said, "That's right. If you like it, you have to slurp up, otherwise, how can I have fun and be happy?"

The empress took the white fish shamefully, turned around, and took a small bite.

I didn't look at her, and continued: "Life is alive, and it's the master. If everything doesn't go well, what is the meaning of life?"

The elf queen listened silently, and suddenly her body trembled, as if thinking of something, she turned around and said quietly: "Your thoughts are too ideal. There are sweet and bitter things in life, it is impossible for everything to go well."

I asked, "Then tell me, what is suffering for?"

"Suffering is for..." She was speechless for a while, lost in thought.

"It seems that you must have thought of the answer too, bitterness is for sweetness."

Seeing that she still didn't speak, I continued: "You don't have to be entangled. In fact, bitterness and sweetness coexist. Without bitterness, how can you taste the sweetness and deliciousness, and how can you taste the sourness of crying without sweetness."

With a light sigh, I moved and moved to her side, and said: "The bitterness and sweetness here can be replaced by Akahavi and you. If Akahavi does not give up his status as the prince, he will join him without compromising. The organization to which you belong, how can you stabilize the overall situation of Moonlight City for so many years?"

"Managing the government requires not only benevolence and kindness, but also evil and ruthlessness. Think about how several elders squeezed you out when you were in power. They can even manipulate you and issue imperial decree that completely deviates from their own intentions. Have you thought about what caused this?"

"Kindness, benevolence, uninspiring kindness, and omnipotent benevolence" I slowly said: "Look at the current Moonlight City, although it is still not one-hearted, but at least there is no noble who dared to betray publicly. , Think about this because of?"

The elven queen looked at me, and stopped talking for a few moments.

"Actually, you know the reason better than I am. You are close to the Queen's grandmother, and you know the reason more carefully." After a pause, I continued: "But you refuse to say, even if you know it, why? Because you are still expecting in your heart that Akahavi will come back one day, take your place and become the king of Moonlight City?"

"I advise you to give up" I shook my head and said: "He can't replace you, and he is not qualified to replace you..."

There was a crisp sound and a slight pain in my cheek.

The elf queen gnashed her teeth and gave me a slap in anger: "You are not allowed to say that to him!"

After a slap in the face, my heart was very calm, not even a bit angry.

"I know you admire Akahavi, and I know you like him. Actually, to tell you, I respect him and envy him." I calmly said, "Handsome, strong, gentle, selfless... . I really can’t think of any derogatory words to describe him, because he is too perfect, but even if I respect him no matter how much I still have to say, he is not as good as you in becoming the king of the elves, and nowhere near as good as you. you."

"Do you know why?" I turned my head and looked at the queen. From her eyes, I read confused: "Because, kind."

"To tell you, Akahavi is one of the kindest people I have ever seen, and one who once saved my life, but he died because of it." I was a little sad, thinking of the fanatical Believers, think of the man who stood in front of me and took the fatal blow for me: "In this cruel world, kind people will be bullied, and too kind people will be very unfortunate."

"In addition to being too kind, Akahavi is also too selfless. He would rather sacrifice his freedom, even his own, in exchange for the safety of you and two sisters. Such a person is not suitable to be a king." As I said, I raised my head and said The empress Chunche’s eyes were opposite: "Do you understand what I mean? If Akahavi becomes the king, Moonlight City will be very hard, and then be seized of power. In the end, he can only be a puppet king, at the mercy of others, you The family will also be mermaid."

The elf queen sniffed, and just now, she shed a few tears.

I took out the handkerchief and handed it to the empress. I continued: "For your brother, for your sister, and for your country, you have to change, at least you can't say that eating some meat is the same as before. It is to be like just now, eat what you want, and do what you want. This is the king!"

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