The good time is always short.

In a blink of an eye, dusk is approaching, and if the elf queen is not sent back to the palace, there will be a mess in the palace.

Before walking out of the forest, I let go of the queen's hand, staggered a step respectfully, stood at the back of her side, and bowed slightly: "Your Majesty, please go first."

The Elf Queen stood on the spot and looked at me quietly. After a while, she said: "Why don't you hold my hand anymore, are you afraid?"

"Your Majesty is worrying too much" I smiled and said: "I am not afraid that others will know about my intimacy with your Majesty, but for the time being, I don't want to extinguish the illusion of the people of Moonlight City about the longing for."


"Yes, for the time being" I said, "until a qualified queen candidate appears."

Along the way, I always kept a distance from the elf queen, and only after sending her into the front garden of the palace, I stopped.

The elf queen turned around: "Don't you go in and sit for a while?"

Shaking my head, I said: "No, this is not my home."

"This is my home..." the elf queen said, but stopped.

"This is your home for the time being" I said: "But after many years, it will become someone else's home."

"What about my home?" the elf queen asked: "Where is my eternal home?"

"Here" I pointed to myself.

The queen was startled, and then smiled like a flower.

At home, backyard.

It is rare for Father Taylor to not drink. He sits on a recliner like an ordinary old man, quietly looking at the fading sky.

The sky was muddy at this time, like a muddy puddle, like the old man's muddy eyes at this time.

When the old eyes are muddy, the old man is in deep thought.

The pensive Taylor didn't like to be disturbed, so I climbed onto Xiao Zhi's back, folded my hands and pillowed it behind my head, and looked up at the muddy sky.

I like to look up at the starry sky, it's beautiful, but it's the first time to look up at the muddy dusk like this.

The muddy sky is like my mood at the moment, messy, but reluctant to clear it.

The expression of the fairy queen, the seriousness of the old man Taylor, the worry of Akahavi, and the shame of the elf queen, the scenes are twisted together like a mess, not upset, but confused.

When the evening passed, and the night began to fall, Taylor finally woke up from his contemplation. He opened his mouth and made a slightly hoarse voice: "Wine."

Although the first sentence the old man said was not calling my name, I was still relieved. If I don't call my name, let's not call it. As long as I can ask for wine, it means that the old man is in good health.

He walked back to the tree house quickly and took a bottle of wine. When passing by the hall, Kagali grabbed her. She looked at Tyler a little worried and asked me, "Is Grandpa Tyler okay?"

"It's okay." I lifted the bottle and shook it: "If you can ask for wine, it means that the old man is healthy."

"That's good." Kagali breathed a sigh of relief, and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, except for the three little loli happily playing in the corner, and Loki, who was squatting on the side looking at Lily.

After a few sips of wine, the old man's looks and voice returned to normal.

"What were you thinking about just now?" I was bored, holding my knees with my hands, shaking while asking.

"Thinking about the past," the old man said without evasiveness: "Think of those companions who have fought side by side, and then think about those tragic battles."

"That is to say, you are reminiscing about your time like water~"

"Like a water year? Well, ha ha ha, a water year."

"Tell me the story of you and the evil dragon." Looking at the night sky, I said, "You must have fought against that powerful monster."

Taylor blanked my eyes: "You bastard, when have you been so willing to listen to stories?"

"I have always liked to listen to stories, but many of them are too fake, and they sound difficult. Take the evil dragon skull as an example. The news of the evil dragon skull has only been spread for a few days, and some troubadours have written it. The story of "Heroes Fighting the Evil Dragon" makes me look stunned."

The old man laughed.

"In fact, I can understand them. After all, troubadours are also humans, and they have to eat, sleep, marry, and have children. To do this, you have to have money. With the money provided by the state, you can only afford to have nothing to worry about at most, but you want to get rich But it is impossible. In order for their wives to live a better life, they have to get some side business. This story is one of them, especially the stories of legendary heroes, which are even more sought after by people. Usually, there is no disaster and annihilation. It's okay to say gangsters, but this evil dragon is not a cabbage vegetable, how can it be encountered anytime and anywhere?"

"The evil dragon is not as rare as you think." The old man sighed lightly and slowly said: "Not only did it appear in the legendary hero period, but I, Trika, Beatrice, and several companions, have also wiped out it once. ."

Hearing this, I instantly remembered the words the evil dragon said when the soul of the evil dragon left the skull. Could it be that... the evil dragon has really come to this continent more than once, and all of them are of the same species. Specifications of the body?

"Do you remember where you killed the evil dragon at that time?" I asked hurriedly.

"Remember" Taylor glanced at me: "What are you going to do?"

"I want to check it out."

"Look at what?"

"The remains of the evil dragon."

The old man hesitated a little, and then agreed to my request.

At noon the next day, we set off lightly.

The old man is holding his seemingly featureless magic wand, while I am wearing a mythril suit, with a gold handguard, and carrying two long swords, one long and one short.

In addition to us, the fairy queen also came for an unprecedented time. She wore the crown of the king and held the moonlight scepter in her hand. She floated in the air and boarded the airship with us.

After entering the room that only belongs to me, the fairy queen looked around for a week and said, "Xiaoyi's life is more luxurious than mine!"

"Where and where" I hurriedly said: "All thanks to the foster father and his old man."

"You don't need to be so polite here," the fairy queen said: "Call me grandma, or as usual, just call me grandma the queen."

"...Okay" I bit the bullet and said: "Milk...milk."

"This **** still cares about what you did at the beginning" Taylor turned to the fairy queen and smiled.

The fairy queen snorted: "It's just a woman, but I married Remy to you!"

"Just a woman?" Tyler shook his head and said, "Tricka, if Beatrice is still alive, if she hears you say that, she will definitely fight you."

The fairy queen snorted with a guilty conscience.

"Tsika, women and men in love are the same, they are both stupid, and they are very short-term, so the **** will hate you until now, don't you plan to correct it at all?"

"If I change, do you think that Beatrice might still live that long!" The fairy queen glared at Taylor and said bitterly: "If my heart is not cruel and cold, Beatrice will hate you and me forever of!"

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