Me, DiRigi, and Shirlock sat side by side by the bonfire. No one said or said anything, all looking at the bonfire in silence.

The purple raindrops never stop, like purple pearls that are endlessly poured, dripping on the ground, on the bonfire, and on our bodies.

I can clearly feel the raindrops hitting the body, the chaotic rhythm, and I can clearly feel the wet and sticky touch after the raindrops wet the clothes. I can even smell the air clearly. In the wafting, the sticky sour smell.

It was the pungent smell after the poisonous eroded flesh and blood.

Although I know all this is fake, everything around me and the feedback I feel is so real.

"You should go back" Di Ruiji, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said.

"Are you leaving?" Shilock's slender eyes glanced at me lightly: "It's okay to stay a little longer. When there is silence, I can feel the existence of ‘it’ from him."

Di Ruiji shook his head: "I said, he is'it'."

"How to go back?" I looked at DiRigi, then at Shilock: "Who can tell me?"

Both of them were silent, staring at the campfire, and no one paid any attention to me.

After a while, Di Ruiji turned his head, not to me, but to her: "You should go back too."

Shilock opened a charming smile: "Don't welcome me?"

"You have had a mental breakdown for too long, and you haven't fully recovered," Di Ruiji said: "You should go back and calm down for a while, maybe during this time, he will be able to find the gear of fate."

"Haha" Shilock first let out a chuckle, and then she seemed to go crazy, laughing wildly.

She laughed for a long, long time before finally stopping, taking a deep breath, her eyes full of anger and hatred: "I have a nervous breakdown...Yes, yes, I have a nervous breakdown, and I have been crazy for a long time. All of this! All of this!!! It's all thanks to that person, that insidious guy, that despicable guy, that..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, for a while, and she smiled miserably: "Hehe, I don't know what language to use to describe its viciousness. I even want to call out its name, bring it here, and spell it out again. You die and die!"

"But...but I can't, I can't."

She lowered her head weakly and seemed to be crying.

After a while, she raised her head, turned to me, half a delicate face, staring at me tenderly, she stretched out the delicate catkin, gently brushed my cheek, a drop of purple tears, slowly slipped, dripping : "I will wait, I will wait until you fully recover yourself, and wait until you recognize me again..."

While speaking, her slender body began to fade and dissipate, and after a while, she disappeared into the darkness.

I silently stared at the place where she disappeared, without a word for a long time.

"She is gone" Di Ruiji said slowly.

"I...probably, know her."

Di Ruiji did not answer me. He sighed slightly and looked up at the night sky: "This time, you really should go."

With the end of this sentence, I felt a blur in front of my eyes. The next second, a scorching heat wave swayed across my chest. I squinted and opened my eyes, and I saw a fire like Yadyan, slapped hard. My chest.

While it was hitting it, it still said loudly: "Wake up quickly! Wake up quickly! You slacker! Do you know how long you have been asleep this time! Ah!"

"Don't shoot." I licked my lower lip and said hoarsely: "If you shoot again, you will become a corpse."

"Huh!" Seeing that I was awake, Yadyan glared at me: "Six hours, six full hours! Do you know how precious time is!"

With a grunt, I sat up from the ground, unscrewed the plug, and picked up the water bag.

The clear water entered my throat, and the moment of sweetness and coolness made me so refreshed to fly.

After filling half of the bag, I slapped a spirit, took a long breath, and replied to Yadyan: "Of course I know, but it is an essential step to regenerate energy."

Yadyan dismissed my explanation.

Stepping out of the portal again, I saw a lot of familiar faces, such as black goblins that throw explosive bombs, humanoid monsters that can summon stalagmites, and can throw gray **** that can petrify enemies, as well as stones and bronze. Giants.

"A lot of puppets," Bingnas said, floating towards the nearest humanoid creature.

Seeing this, I hurriedly said: "Hey, don't go there, the monster will be petrified!"

However, it was still a step too late, and the humanoid creature had thrown a billowing gray ball to the ice Nath.

It was too late to say, it was fast, Bing Nasi suddenly stopped moving, and spit out the ice mist.

As the ice mist dissipated, I saw a small gray ball that was frozen into a scum, falling alone on the frosted floor tiles. At the same time, the humanoid creature that threw the hockey puck was frozen in place. , Turned into an ice sculpture reflecting the light.

"Is it going to hurt me?" Bingnas wondered: "Why?"

"There is no reason" I shook my head and said: "The order they received is to ruthlessly expel and kill all creatures that invade here."

"Hmph, it must be the order given by the smelly dragon!" Yadyan said angrily: "When I first met, I thought it was very hostile, and I concluded that it must be a tyrant!"

After that, it turned to Bingnas and blamed it: "At that time, I wanted to refuse to help station in the Sky City. It was because of your kindness that you believed in the so-called lofty blueprint of that stinking dragon. It was ridiculous!"

Bingnas was reprimanded by Yadyan, and he was immediately wronged. It seemed that ice particles would fall from its eye sockets. I hurriedly rounded it off: "I will talk about these things later. It is important to deal with the enemy in front of you."

"When I think of smelly dragons, I won't be angry!" Yadyan roared, rushed to a kind of monsters, and yelled: "Take it to death, you guys of smelly dragons, give it all. I will turn into fly ash!"

Flames spurted from its mouth, and the air in the hall was suddenly hot enough to breathe. Of course, the effect of burning is also very obvious. Whether it is humanoid monsters or goblins, they are all screamed and turned around and run, but they run too slowly and are directly burned into coke by the flames.

After burning for dozens of seconds, Yadyan was finally relieved. It exhaled, sprayed out a small fireball, and then floated back unhurriedly: "Huh, this bad breath is finally out. Leave the remaining monsters to you to solve."

Looking around the hall, apart from a few giants whose bodies were burned to darkness, there were no more monsters still alive. My heart moved and I secretly made up my mind.

If I could keep all the four elves behind, that would be great. If I can take the second place, I have to find a way to keep Icenas or Yadyan, the best is Yadyan, you think, in When facing an enemy, let it spit out a circle of fire on the spot, and basically everything will be fine. If there is still alive, just spit out.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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