After being burned by the flames, the stone giant's magic envelope has collapsed, and after only a few knives, it has collapsed.

The scattered stone chips and the finger-wide cracks of the length of an arm confirm this.

Compared with the collapse of the stone giant, the bronze giant appeared much stronger. Although the gradually cooling body looked dim, it seemed to become harder after being burned by the fire.

"I remember the bronze giants I met before didn't seem to be so hard." I muttered to myself with a look of wonder.

"After the fire burns, you can remove the impurities and make it stronger," Taita said: "The breath of the small fireball, although it clears a lot of trouble, it also adds a lot of unnecessary trouble."

I sighed softly: "This is also a price."

"This was originally a price" Taitadao said: "Everything, everything, the cycle of cause and effect, has a price."

"Why do you suddenly become sentimental?" I frowned. "Like a sentimental poet?"

After a moment of silence, Ota said: "I already know, you have newly met a powerful existence called Shilock."

I was startled, then smiled: "Did you read my memory?"

"No," Taita said, "My consciousness was also drawn into that space, but it didn't take long to be driven out."

I suddenly remembered that Di Ruiji had said to me twice, ‘you should go back’. Is it the first time that he said it to Odachi?

"You guessed it right" Datadao said: "'You should go back', these words are indeed an eviction order against me."

"How did Di Ruiji know about your existence?" I asked in amazement: "And I don't even know about it!"

"It's normal for you to be strong enough to not be aware of it," Taitadao said: "Di Ruiji's strength is quite powerful. It is not an accident to be aware of me hiding in your consciousness with ideology."

"But Shilock didn't seem to notice your existence" I hesitated before saying: "Is she not strong enough?"

"It's a lot worse," Otadao said, "Although I don't know why the two, whose strengths are so different, will become equals like friends, but I can vaguely feel that Shilock's consciousness is very unstable."

"Is it unstable?" I murmured, and at the same time Di Ruiji's previous words sounded: She almost died before, her temperament changed slightly...

Is her unstable state of consciousness directly related to the fact that she almost died?

As I guessed, I shuttled between several giants, the light of knives dazzled, and the sound was constant, like a grand heavy metal concert.

This battle lasted a total of an hour before it finally ended.

Crushed stones and massive bronze scattered all over the ground, forming an embarrassing picture.

I leaned down and searched among the stones and massive bronzes, and soon I found a whole or broken spar.

They are the centers used to control the actions of the Golem, and they have great scientific research value. I will submit them and the previously accumulated ones to Master Dewey for research.

The premise is that I will break them all first.



What's the most in the lower level of Shiparota?


This answer is too general. For me, all the creatures in the whole sky city are monsters.

Let's change to a more precise answer, puppet knight.

I don't know if it was the reason why Tyrannosaurus King Bakar loved the puppet knights for ten minutes.

In the next two halls, there are densely packed figures of puppet knights.

White helmets and white armors, with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, stepping on a neat pace, they walked towards us arrogantly.

This aura was shocking, but they were not strong enough. Bingnas appeared, and after a few mouthfuls of ice mist, the group of puppets was frozen into ice sculptures.

After that is my personal performance time.

With a slash, the puppet knights quickly turned into a pile of unrelated metal parts.

I discarded the broken breastplate and replaced it with a more complete set.

"You stole the puppet's equipment and wear it!" Yadyan expressed contempt for my approach: "It's shameful!"

"My previous equipment has been shattered into rags in the battle, and it doesn't even have the least blocking effect. I can't fight them alone."

"Clothes are just decorations to block the cold and beautify themselves," Yadyan said: "It's not cold here, and there are no artists who know how to appreciate. It seems that there is not much difference between wearing clothes and not wearing clothes."

"That's not the same." I raised my finger to the breastplate, and said, "With this thing, I can at least take a few more attacks."

Yadyan didn't look at the breastplate, but fixed his gaze on my guard.

"I've always been puzzled," Yadyan said: "You pair of gauntlets, shouldn't be something on the puppet knight?"

"Huh? Did you see it?" I gave a thumbs up and praised: "Good eyesight!"

"Why do you keep wearing it?" Yadyan's eyes flickered: "Aren't you hot?"

"There is a breathable net, it is not hot," I explained.

"Really?" It snorted and questioned: "I'm afraid, you want to hide something that can't be seen."

I was surprised: What a keen observation!

Forced to be calm, I smiled slightly: "Why, don't think about it."

"Is it crazy to think, it's not necessarily?" Yadyan turned to Bingnas: "Do you remember that there are some strange symbols and words on the bodies of some fairies."

"Remember" Bingnas said while recalling: "The Fairy King will always send fairies with strange symbols on them to a certain place."

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"Where do I know!" Yadyan blanked my eyes: "We are elves and not fairies. Besides, we cannot have strange symbols on our bodies. Only the king can have them, or Forehead position."

After hesitating for a moment, my heart slammed, took off the handguard, handed my left arm to Yadyan, and asked, "Is it similar to this symbol?"

Bingnas was taken aback by my actions. Yadyan was not taken aback by my actions, but he was taken aback by the ancient words on my arm: "Why so many!"

Hearing what it said, I immediately knew that the strange symbols in their mouths were ancient characters.

Moreover, there are ancient characters in my body, and I am not the only one. Among the ancient goblin tribe, there is a considerable existence.

"Excuse me, do you know what happened to those fairies?" I couldn't wait to follow up.

"I don't know!" Yadyan snorted, "I have said, we are elves, how can we know about elves."

Although Yadyan's attitude is very disdainful, it does not seem to be cheating.

I had no choice but to sigh deeply.

Just at this moment, Bingnas' expression of hesitation and silence rekindled my hope.

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