Unlike Yadyan, Bingnas does not have a violent temper or a big-hearted character. Most of the time, it looks a little cowardly, like an innocent child, and makes some innocent jokes from time to time. , For example, secretly stab the opponent with an ice tip.

Such a character, although not as high-profile and conspicuous as Yadyan, attracts countless eyes, but at some inadvertent moments, it can capture the details and truth that ordinary people cannot perceive.

Therefore, I suspect that Bingnas probably knows the fate of a fairy like me.

After organizing the language a bit, I beckoned to Bingnas, called it to my side, and asked about the fate of the fairy who was born with ancient characters like me.

Yadyan slapped me in dissatisfaction: "Have you said that, we are elves, how can we know about elves!"

Sparks splashed all around, one of which was shining, fell on a snow petal of Bingnas, sneered, and went out.

Bingnas was taken aback by the sound, turned around and looked up tremblingly, but he could not find the source of the sound.

"It's the sound made when Mars is extinguished."

I reminded.

Hearing this, Bingnas finally calmed down.

"Have you calmed down?" I stared at Bingnas, squeezing out a smile, and said: "Now can you tell me any clues you know?"

Bingnas looked at Yadyan who was still angry, then turned to me, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Brother Szeoke won't let me tell anyone."

"Szuk... Icenas, do you think I'm an outsider?"

I smiled and looked at it. I believe that a smile can melt the ice in my heart and the gap between the two.

"What you said... you can barely be regarded as your own" Yadyan sniffed: "Are you right, Bingnas?"

"Ah? Hmm...yes, yes" Bingnas was weak and weak, his tone was erratic, without any confidence.

"Since I'm not an outsider, is there anything I can't say?" I looked at it with cordial eyes and smiled: "What's more, this is something that is related to me, which may help me solve my troubles. maybe."

Bingnas hesitated for a while, and expected Ai Ai to explain everything he had seen and heard.

This innocent snowflake-shaped hockey puck not only didn't question me why it was bothering me, but it didn't even have the most basic doubts, so it directly believed my words.

It is not surprising that I am called a child with such a character.

At the same time, it is precisely because of Bingnas' innocence and the truth of what he has learned from his mouth that makes me feel even more incredible.

Bingnas told me that that day, it was playing an ice hockey game with brother Schooker. Because it breathed too hard, the ice puck was blown out. That ice hockey was Bingnas’s favorite, and he spoiled him. My brother couldn't bear to see it sad, so he took it all the way to search.

Following the chill remaining in the air, the two elves found the hockey puck far away.

Just when they were about to go back, they suddenly heard the sound of chaotic footsteps not far away.

With Bingnas, Shok quickly found a hidden place and hid.

The reason for this is because the two of them were in a position that was already beyond the category of ethnic groups. Without the protection of ethnic groups, they were likely to be attacked by other races.

Especially some greedy races are eager to catch elves or fairies in order to make a fortune.

Speaking of Bingnas here, he was both furious and shivering.

Yadyan showed only pure anger.

At this point, it thinks that all humans deserve to die, especially those humans who abduct fairies and elves, deserve to be tortured by thousands of swords!

On the side, the two elven girls also raised their fists.

The atmosphere between us once rose to fanaticism.

After calming down, Bingnas continued its story.

It and Szeke hid behind a rock tremblingly, quietly discerning the source of the sound.

Soon, they judged the location of the sound clearly, held their breath, and observed the movement of each other.

Before long, the dense blades of grass were separated from the left and right, and one by one, slender and weak figures appeared in the vision of the two elves.

Bingnas almost yelled, because it found that the figures in its field of vision were all the companions it had seen, and they were all young children of the fairy clan.

Its actions were quickly discovered by Strok, who hurriedly stopped it and motioned not to act rashly.

Just when Bingnas was puzzled, a shocking scene appeared.

Those young children, as they walked, disappeared one by one!

In the end, only the adult fairy who led the way was still there. He looked around and made sure that there was no one before leaving quickly.

Bingnas felt scared at the time. It didn't know why those young children would disappear one by one. It wanted to vote to go out to find them, and find all those former partners back.

However, its impulse was once again stopped by Schook.

It didn't take long for the departed fairy to return, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, did he really leave.

Schook meant to go back quickly, as if nothing had happened, but Bingnas cared about the whereabouts of the little friends and wanted to find them back.

In order not to let his younger brother leave any regrets, Schooker compromised again.

However, this time the experience has become a psychological shadow that Bingnas can't erase.

At the place where the young boy disappeared, there was actually a transparent magical barrier. After passing through the barrier, Shrek and Icenas came to a strange space.

There, there are countless stars twinkling, there are also galaxies like silver ribbons, and countless shining stars.

Just when the two elves were about to sneak around, a misty voice rang in their ears: "You don't belong here, leave now."

Then, the two of them were expelled.

When I wanted to enter the barrier again, I suddenly realized that the barrier had disappeared somehow.

"Have you seen those kids?" I asked Bingnas.

Bingnas shook his head: "No, it's so wide inside, as if you are in the night sky."

"What happened then?" I asked.

"Later..." Bingnas said: "Later, I slipped back together with Brother Schooker, and my brother told me that this matter should not be told to anyone, otherwise something bad will happen. "

Looking at Bingnas's somewhat horrified expression, I felt very funny.

This is probably an ambiguous nonsense that Shokk deliberately fabricated to scare Bingnas in order not to disclose this matter.

The naive Bingnas will not consider whether this is true or false, but will only regard it as truth and keep it in his heart.

After all, it was said by its dearest brother, Shoek, and Brother Shoek would definitely not lie to it.

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