The tingling irritated my nerves and refreshed my view on the individual strength of the hollow bone fish.

I didn't realize that hollow bone fish could be so flexible, and their teeth could be so tough and sharp.

While cutting the shoulder armor, it can penetrate deeply into my flesh and blood. It is like an enchanted weapon, sharp and deadly.

Clenching the teeth, without a painful grunt, I tried to use the tip of the demon sword to pierce the neck of the hollow bone fish-I want to remove its head, see it is not ferocious!

The sharp sword is full of killing intent. Accurately stabbed at the same position on its neck again and again. At first, there were bone fragments falling down. However, as time went by, the number of bone fragments dropped gradually became less, hollow bone fish’s neck The bone quality also seems to be gradually strengthening, which makes me feel very surprised.

There are really monsters that get stronger as they get hurt?

"Hey, you stupid, take his mouth open, don't let him drink your blood again!" Not far away, Yadyan was so anxious that he breathed fire: "Your blood is full of magic. For it, it is equivalent to a tonic, and it is the most powerful one!"

It suddenly dawned on me, no wonder the hollow-bone fish got stronger and stronger, and the co-author was because I drank my blood.

Knowing the reason, I couldn't make it wishful again, and with a fierce blow, I dug my hand into the empty bone fish's mouth and slammed it outward.

The greater the breaking force, the deeper the teeth that pierced the back shoulder will sink, and the more severe the pain will be.

The sharper the pain, the clearer my mind, so I want to break the empty bone fish's mouth more urgently.

Yadyan said that the weakness of the hollow bone fish lies in physical attacks, which is correct at all.

Don't look at the unique and terrifying appearance of the hollow-bone fish, but its bone piece outer armor is not hard, and the bite force is not strong, anyway, there is no strong bite force of the forest king.

It is not easy to break its mouth, but it is not difficult.

After only listening to the snapping bangs, cracks appeared in the jawbone of the hollow bone fish. Although the cracks healed quickly, it gave me the motivation to continue riveting.

Just work harder, the big mouth of the hollow bone fish can be broken by me!

The teeth rattled, I tried my luck, and when the hollow bone fish’s jaws cracked again, the power of my whole body burst out instantly, just listen to the click, the hollow bone fish’s big mouth was completely broken by me Open, several white teeth broke and floated out.

The severe pain made it look like a frightened caterpillar. Every section of the body was twisting frantically. The sharp bone spurs hit my back again and again, but it still couldn't penetrate the thick breastplate.

The force of the percussion became weaker and weaker, and the golden eyes of the hollow bone fish gradually became dim. It didn't take long for it to stop moving.

This creature that feeds on magic power is so dead.

I am quite puzzled, why does it hang up after breaking the jaw?

Could it be said that the jaw bone is the lifeblood of the hollow bone fish?

However, when I glanced at the hollow fish’s wide-open mouth, I realized that the fatal injury was not the jaw, but because I broke its jaw with too much force, as well as its fragile neck. Up.

Knowing the true cause of its death, I also knew it in my heart.

Before I could deal with the wound, I fought with the next hollow-bone fish that was killed.

The battle was fierce. The hollow-bone fish used its flexible body to dodge my attacks, or use non-lethal parts to lure me into the bait, with only one purpose, to **** my blood and devour my flesh.

I understand their urgent mood well. They have not eaten for hundreds of millions of years, and their bodies have long been weakened. Suddenly I saw five fresh spirits, a living magical assembly, just like a traveler in the desert saw an oasis, and a drug addict saw purple Heart grass.

And when my shoulders were pierced by sharp teeth and blood flowed out, the magic in my blood was like the sweetest fruit, tempting a school of hollow-bone fish that had been hungry to almost madness.

As a result, they lost their minds and went completely crazy.

For them, as long as they can absorb the delicious magic, even if the body is injured, even if they sacrifice their companions, as long as they can be satisfied, it is enough.

The hollow-bone fish that fought with me have not been killed by me yet, and a few hungry hollow-bone fish tangled up like crazy.

They chased me frantically, pestered me frantically, attacked me frantically, and then desperately used their companion's body or their non-lethal body parts to resist the attack of the sword.


Soon, all the hollow-bone fish and giant hollow-bone fish came together, all of them opened their mouths, showing their fangs, waiting for the opportunity to eat me.

The more desperate I was, the more fierce my resistance was. Unless the enemy was too strong, as long as there was a glimmer of life, I would be able to grasp it firmly.

Therefore, even if the number of empty-bone fish schools is large, the offensive is chaotic, and the threat is great, I still have the confidence to defeat them one by one.

A little further away, the four elves formed a group, shivering, but no one would come to help.

Through the gap, I glanced at them, then sighed deeply, somewhat helpless.

The hollow bone fish has limited harm to me. After all, my magic power is hidden in the skin, in the flesh and blood, but the elves are different.

Throwing away the two half-elven girls, Yadyan and Bingnas, most of their bodies are made of magic power. Once bitten by an empty bone fish, they will inevitably cause disability and may even be fatal.

As for the two half-elf girls, the origin of their lives is actually magic. Once the magic is eaten by the hollow-bone fish, they will die because of it.

Therefore, they hide far away and are determined not to help. For me, it may be an invisible help.

After all, with less trouble, I can have more chances of winning.

The process of fighting is very physical, but compared with the duel with the chaser of the sky, this is only a trivial matter.

The latter is a sacrifice of life, and the former hurts a few places at most, which is not a major problem.

It’s not that hollow-bone fish refuse to kill me. They probably don’t have this kind of mercy. They only have golden light in their eyes, and they want to tear me apart and eat them. The reason why they hurt a few places at most is because their strength is very average. , Maybe a magic nemesis, but when faced with a physical attack, he behaves like a weak chicken.

After a few stabs, the bone fragments shattered and peeled off in layers. They might not die immediately, but they looked very embarrassed.

If dozens of knives are slashed in the same place, even if it is a giant empty bone fish, I will be cut off on the spot, and there is no possibility of escape.

In this way, after a full hour and a half of fighting, I wiped out all the empty-bone fish.

While breathing heavily, I looked around, and apart from the piles of bone fragments, there were some still struggling empty-bone fish heads.

The fish's mouth kept opening and closing, making a biting action, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't touch the soles of my feet a few inches away.

In the end, he could only stop his movements unwillingly, dimmed his eyes, lost his vitality, and turned into a dead fish.

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