The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2025: Spine of hollow bone fish

Rao Shi's school of hollow-bone fish has become a dead fish, fish carcasses are everywhere, bone pieces are piled up, the four elves are still trembling, not daring to take a step closer.

They began to hesitate and leaned forward when I started to fiddle with the bone fragments, looking for any treasures to fall.

At a distance of three to five meters, Yadyan snorted, and the hot breath burned the bone fragments, making bursts of crackling noises. The nearest bone fragment was too hot to withstand the high temperature, and it clicked a few times and burst.

Seeing this, Yadyan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "It looks like he's really dead. I almost scared me to death. The stinky dragon really didn't feel at ease, and even caught this thing. Maybe it was just to prevent it. The four of us, don’t let us escape from the city of the sky and defend it with peace of mind!"

For the first time, the trembling Bingnas agreed with Yadyan's words to smear Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

Not to mention the other two elven girls, they were full of resentment towards Bakar.

"Fortunately, you are a fairy. If you are an elf, we have to hold it here today." Yadyan patted my back with satisfaction.

Suddenly, a burst of heat poured in, burning my back.

"Since the hollow-bone fish is so damning to you, how did you resist it before?"

Yadyan didn’t even think about it, and blurted out: “Of course it’s up to you. Fairies and elves belong to the same clan. Elves focus on magic, and fairies also practice martial arts. Generally speaking, most of the troubles other than hollow bone fish are caused Our elves come forward to solve it. Once the hollow-bone fish is involved, your elves will fight unilaterally."

"But having said that, your fairies are also a hard fight against the sky bone fish."

"Why?" I pulled apart the piles of bone fragments, rummaging for it, and said: "Don't be kidding, I can easily cook these empty-bone fish, not to mention the more powerful ancestors. ."

"There are two reasons," Yadyan explained: "First of all, the empty-bone fish that you killed are all weak and weak chickens. They are in full condition, whether it is speed, flexibility, or bone fragment hardness. , Are quite terrible. Secondly, your magic power is sealed. As long as you don’t get hurt and no blood flows into their bodies, they can’t absorb your magic power, but other fairies are different. Their magic power is as abundant as ours. When using physical attacks, you will unconsciously attach magic, these magic, all will be swallowed by the hollow bone fish, and absorb the magic power in it, repair the wounds, and strengthen the physique. Therefore, for other fairies except you, The hollow fish is the most difficult opponent."

"...Then should I be grateful for the seal that restrained my magic?"

"At least this time, yes" Ya Deyan said seriously.

After turning over the bone slice fish head for a long time, I didn’t find anything of value. When I stood up, I saw a thick, hard, white, and angular thing at the corner of my eyes. It was a complete hollow. Bone fish's spine.

After thinking for a moment, I leaned down, picked up my spine, and waved twice out of thin air.

Since the hollow-bone fish was dead, its corpse gradually became rigid. Just now I waved it two times, and there was no sign of the spine shaking at all. It must have been rigid.

"Nice blunt weapon" I nodded in satisfaction, wrapped it with bone fragments and rope, and carried it on my back.

When I left, I broke off many hollow-bone fish's teeth as a souvenir. As for the hollow-bone fish's eyes, there was nothing to collect, and the taste was not good, so I don't want it.

After packing everything, I happily moved on to the next level.

The four elves followed me cautiously, no longer daring to rush to the next level in front of me as before.

After all, no one knows whether there will be a hollow-bone fish on the next layer. If one hits it, it will be swallowed directly by the hollow-bone fish, but it will be cold.

When I got out of the portal, I saw a familiar figure at first sight. It was a dragon man with a halberd in hand. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to have the wisdom and friendship of Lucas. They just met with the halberd and rushed over. .

Behind the dragon, there is a green-armored knight holding a battle axe and a small shield.

Seeing them, I feel very cordial: the armor on my body has been damaged in many places, and it is time to change it.

In addition to dragon men and knights, there are also several bronze giants and golden giants. Their only characteristic is that they are more resistant to fighting. Besides, they can spray out some messy things from their mouths as hidden weapons.

However, none of these poses a substantial threat. As long as a few key parts such as the head and neck are well protected, even if the other parts are pierced and injured, they can heal in less than ten minutes.

Especially now there are still four elves to assist, it is not too easy to destroy them.

Seeing that there were no hollow-bone fish, Yadyan began to stiffen up, and said to me arrogantly: "Leave the left to me, and you will solve the rest!"

It refers to the golden giant and the bronze giant.

Although these two monsters are more fleshy, their actions are slow, and even ordinary attacks can't be evaded, let alone Yadyan's ranged breath.

Thinking of this, I nodded, agreed to Yadyan's request, and turned to Bingnas' request for assistance.

Bingnas didn't have Yadyan's high-profile, nor its arrogance, coupled with the threat of the hollow-bone fish to it, made it resentful, thinking that mobs was also a way to vent, and immediately agreed to my request.

Bing Nasi took a mouthful of ice mist, freezing most of the puppet knights into ice sculptures, and the rest were also slow to act like old people with inconvenient legs.

However, the dragon people were not affected by the ice fog. What movement speed should be, what movement speed should be used, the only difference is that a lot of frost and ice crystals hang on their limbs.

"How come they seem to have nothing to do?" I frowned, puzzled.

"Dragons have high magic resistance," Bingnas said: "Except for the hollow bone fish and us, they are the most magic resistant race I have ever seen."

"No wonder" I glanced at Yadyan of the BBQ Giant: "It mostly knows that its flame breath has no effect on the dragon people, so it assigned me this part of the dragon people."

I sighed slightly and curled my lips: "Forget it, it's all about fighting anyway, just use them to verify my strength as taught by Lucas and the Destroyer of the Sky."

After thinking about it, if you turn your wrist, you must draw a knife.

A voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "Why don't you try it with an empty bone fish spine?"

It was the voice of Odachi.

"The spine of the hollow-bone fish...It's okay, but you have to take apart the bone pieces, it's too late," I said in my heart, staring at the approaching dragon man.

"Then don't open the package and use it as a pillar. In other words, you seem to have never used a pillar-like weapon?"

"Well, I really haven't used it." I nodded, glanced at Odachi, and then at the hollow fish spine lying on the side, suddenly showing a smirk: "Since you have said everything, then I am just going to try it. Try its fineness, and if it does well, give this spine a name."

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