Many people believe that giving a good name to the equipment is not only a good omen, but also equivalent to giving the equipment a meaning.

However, for me, naming the equipment can be sold for a good price on the auction floor, and on the other hand, it can be used as a gift, or it can be casually made up of stories to fool each other.

As for the special meaning hidden in the name, haha, with all due respect, I am not interested in that kind of vague things.

This can be seen from the name I call the weapon. I rarely call Daidachi the Leopold Blade, and I am more accustomed to calling it Daidachi.

As for Xilan's Demon Sword, I like to call it Demon Sword. After all, these two words are very good and sound very flavorful.

Although hollow bone fish existed hundreds of millions of years ago, I didn't see it until I entered the shallow sea of ​​the sky.

Moreover, I have never read about the empty bone fish in the Royal Library of Moonlight City, and even the ancient documents and historical materials in the forbidden area of ​​Fort Witchh have never been recorded.

I guess that this creature is likely to end up in the same fate as many ancient races, otherwise they will be able to devour magic, they will definitely be recorded in historical documents.

Of course, there is another possibility. They were not actually extinct, but the part of the historical documents that recorded the hollow-bone fish was so badly damaged in the melee at the end of the elven reign that they could not be passed down.

In short, no matter what the situation is, the hollow-bone fish has become a legend buried deep in history.

If this hollow-bone fish spine can be used as a weapon, if it still has the effect of absorbing magic power, it will definitely sell well!

To take a step back, even if you can't absorb magic power, but have a fairly high resistance, you can still sell it, and the value is at least not worse than the general enchanting equipment.

if it is like this......

Thinking of this, I couldn't help showing a wretched smile.

Without further ado, just use it!

I lifted the empty bone fish spine and aimed it at the dragonman who had smashed up close.

The spine of the hollow-bone fish with spikes all over it looked like a mace, ferocious and murderous, and when I looked at it, I felt that my back was chilly, it was really hard to be a dragon, and I still had the courage to rush over.

A muffled sound hits his head.

The head of that seemingly smooth lizard suddenly turned into a rotten persimmon, and it spun around in midair before it fell to the ground with a snap.

During the rotation, flesh and blood flew wildly, as well as a few sharp white teeth, which also flew out together, hitting the dragons who followed them.

This stick can be said to have used my strength to eat milk, but the effect is also quite outstanding, directly knocking out a dragon.

Seeing the results are great, I am so excited!

He yelled, pulled the empty bone fish spine, and slew towards the dragon people.

The dragons were all startled, their eyes filled with confusion, probably they were stunned by my fierceness.

For a few seconds, the dragon people came back to their senses one after another, and rushed towards me with a low growl.

Compared with my hollow-bone fish spine, their halberd looks very elegant and slender. At first glance, they are weapons used by Confucian generals. They are exquisite and sophisticated. Then they look at me, hehe, pure martial arts.

However, the strength of strength has nothing to do with the gorgeousness of the weapon. After the meticulous teaching of the dragon lord Lucas, these dragons are at best a bit tricky, but they want to defeat me, but they are idiotic dreams.

Unless I am blindfolded and tied my hands.

After a fierce smash, all the dragons were killed.

Not far away, all the puppet knights were frozen into ice lumps.

On the other side of the battlefield, one giant was counted as one, and they were all burned into a large hill of bronze and a large hill of gold by the flames of Yadyan.

Especially the golden hill, shining brightly under the light of the magic stone lamp, dazzling people's eyes.

"As expected to be a full-body elf, strength is strong!"

I gave Yadyan a thumbs up.

Yadyan slapped his hands triumphantly, and sparks appeared.

"If I can evolve into a middle elf, I can melt this little golden mountain into the floor!" Ya Deyan said with regret.

But its expression is obviously proud and showing off.

Looking at the end of the main hall, there was no portal open. It must be the frozen puppet knights, but they were frozen into icy lumps, but they didn't really die.

That's okay, otherwise I want to give up the idea of ​​changing to a new set of armor. After all, it is quite troublesome to chop up solid ice.

Chop it hard for a while before smashing all the ice.

As soon as the ice here shattered, the puppet knights over there couldn't wait to move.

But because of the freezing, their movements are very slow. I don't intend to give them a fair chance to fight. Before they have regained their ability to move, I will cut off their helmets one by one.

The puppet knight without the helmet is still moving, but the movement is slightly messy.

"Vitality is really tenacious" I sighed inwardly, waved the knife again, and unloaded them into sections according to the joints.

In this way, they finally ended.

I picked up some relatively sturdy or relatively brand-new armor and put it on my body, moved the joints, and made sure that it was not affected. Only then did I satisfactorily pack up and walk towards the opened portal.

"You stole the equipment used by the smelly dragon!"

Ya Deyan's disgusting voice sounded behind me.

"Didn't I say that before, I don't have any clothes, so I can only wear this set of shame."

"I don't see it" Yadyan curled his lips: "When you pick the armor, you are not looking for shame, but for judging whether it is strong."

Hearing this, I couldn't help stopping, turning around and asking it, and said, "How did you know?"

"How simple?" Yadyan pointed to a gorgeous-looking breastplate that I discarded aside, and said, "That breastplate is much more beautiful than the one you wear. Why did you want to discard it? You are really trying to hide your shame, so why don't you pick the pretty one? Instead, you picked this one with rough workmanship?"

Huh! What a keen observation!

I gave Yadyan a thumbs up: "Awesome! The analysis is very well done, but you have made a mistake. Tenacity is only one of the necessary conditions, and the other is indeed to hide the shame."

"Deadly!" Ya Deyan said angrily.

Ignoring it, I strode into the portal.

In the next hall, I only saw two monsters, one stone giant whose whole body was made of stones, and the other one was a yellow-green dragon man.

Although there are only two monsters, the feedback they give me is very bad.

I vaguely smelled a familiar smell, that is, a dangerous smell.

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