
The muffled sound, roaring into my ears, not only dull, but also mixed with the strange noise when stones rubbed, which shook my ears slightly.


Another voice entered my ears at the same time, with a hissing noise in the hoarse.

"Humanity, annihilate" the stone giant raised his fists high and hammered heavily to the ground. Suddenly the floor tiles shook, and aftershocks continued.

The dragon man stared at me with a pair of bean eyes, stared at me for a moment, vomited the letter, and said coldly: "It's not a Celestial Clan, but it's not a Dragon Clan. The invaders are undoubtedly eliminated."

After that, without giving me a chance to explain, he rushed over.

When approaching, the halberd turned around in the dragonman's hand, and suddenly a few dazzling electric currents were generated, and then took a glance, lifted the halberd and stabbed.

Before I can think about it, I hold my knife to block it.

The current is like a creeper, climbing all the way down the blade, and finally sinks into the handle.

Rao was so shocked that I was in a cold sweat.

"Fortunately, the handle is an insulator," I secretly rejoiced.

"It will be gone soon" Data said: "Your palms start to sweat. If you continue this way, the sweat stains on the handle may become a conductor. At that time, hehe, you can experience electrotherapy for free Pleasure."

"Probably not at that time." While dealing with the dragon people, I secretly said: "I will kill it as soon as possible."

"It's a bit difficult" Otadao said, "Although its martial arts are not as good as Lukas and the Destroyer of the Sky, it is much stronger than the average dragonman. You can be considered evenly matched with it at best, and the outcome is in the middle. Time...No, if you add hundreds of millions of years of consumption and the strength of your teammates, you should be a sure victory, but you don’t know how long this destined battle will last."

I didn't say anything about Odachi again. This guy is just like that. I like to tease me when I fight evenly matched opponents, and I still say some angry words that will make people lose confidence.

So at this time, I'd better keep silent and let it sing a one-man show there by itself, sing and sing, and it will shut up because of boredom.

Otherwise, once you talk to it, this guy can talk to me for a day without repeating the words.

After working around for a while, I found a flaw, stepped forward with a knife, and directly opened the left shoulder armor of the dragon.

However, unexpectedly, this turned out to be a deliberately sold flaw by the dragon man. At the moment I deceived my body and handed the knife to the armor, it picked up the halberd in his hand and slammed it down my back.

This move combined the three elements of quickness, accuracy and ruthlessness. I had no time to hide, so I turned around, holding the back of the knife in my hand, and moving forward.

Before the halberd touched the knife, one of my hearts was cold.

What an oversight, this halberd, live!

There was a crisp sound, and my body convulsed uncontrollably. Although it was only a short period of two seconds, although the four elves were entangled with the Golem and no one noticed me, I was still embarrassed.

During the battle, it was always when I took advantage of others, and it was rare for others to take advantage of me. However, this time, for the sake of a small advantage, I actually suffered such a big loss, which is really shameful.

In shame, I jumped up, and when I landed, I stepped back and came to the side of the package. I threw the demon knife aside, and pulled out the hollow fish spine. I held it in my hand and turned it twice out of thin air. Circle, gritted his teeth, and rushed over again.

"Have you not named it yet?"

Odachi's question rang out from the abrupt self, which immediately distracted my attention: "Yes, I haven't named it yet... Ouch!"

There was a miserable howl, and I was convulsed.

The dragonman seized the opportunity of my horn, and rushed straight forward, giving me a halberd. The head of the halberd was electrified and my whole body was numb with electricity.

"I'm fighting, you ask me this, isn't this sincerely distracting me!" I shook my shoulders, shook my legs, recovered, and glared at Odaka, "I will wait for the end of the battle. It's never too late."

Immediately he lifted the empty bone fish spine, and rushed towards the dragon again.

The yellow-green dragon people are obviously more knowledgeable than the ordinary dragon people, knowing that the empty-bone fish spine is not easy to deal with, so it did not rush like a mad dog at all, but stepped back and handed out the halberd again.

The halberd drew a straight line and pierced my chest accurately.

The speed of this halberd is not fast, and the strength is not great. At most, it will delay the time for me to approach it... to his grandma, these are not the points!

The halberd is electrified, this is the top priority!

I quickly converged, and habitually raised my left hand weapon to block.

It wasn't until Bai Huahua's empty bone fish spine was exposed before my eyes that I suddenly remembered that the weapon in my hand was no longer a demon sword, but was replaced by this bone stick!

This coincidence can be described as a stroke of magic!

Because bones are bad conductors!

I grinned, shaking my spine and hitting the head of the halberd.

The electric current only climbed more than ten centimeters, and it weakened consciously. When it climbed onto the meteorite guard, there was only a tiny amount of electricity that was so weak that it could not be counted as electrotherapy.

I didn't expect that the product I made because of my boredom would become a weapon to suppress the enemy!

No longer afraid of electric current attacks, I waved the knife in one hand and the stick with the other, driving the dragon people into defeat.

When I was fighting smoothly, suddenly, I heard a whistling wind rushing toward me, and I subconsciously turned my head to look at it, and I was surprised.

I saw a high-speed spinning dart slicing towards me at a very fast speed.

And the flying position of this dart happens to be my neck!

Looking at the dragon man again, I found that it was looking regretful, and stabbed at me with a halberd heavier than a halber. This was forcing me to stay where I was and be beheaded by a dart!

As soon as I gritted my teeth, my left hand spine swung a halberd, and my right hand dagger closed to my side, my feet exerted force and rushed forward.

The black and red killing intent turned into a shield, blocking the halberd's chopping, and the aggressive forward momentum forced it to retreat all the way.

The howling wind passed me by, and the spinning giant dart finally pierced deeply into the stone pillar.

This time the joint attack, if it weren't for the excessive noise of the high-speed rotating darts, I might have been in a different place.

I swallowed with lingering fears, and I launched a fierce attack on the dragon people again, and at the same time shouted at Yadyan and the others: "Hey, you guys have taken a lot of time to delay it! Don't let it have another chance to vomit. It's darts, it's so scary!"

Yadyan’s fierce roar sounded a few meters away: "Aren’t you bullshit! If we didn’t bother to delay, this stone giant would have supported the dragon people long ago! Can you still survive now? And, can you? I can’t just go ahead and get rid of it, so I can come and help!"

"Help?" I wondered: "Does it have such high magic resistance? You still need my help? You won't let Icenas freeze it first!"

"Frozen? Are you teasing me?" Yadyan roared: "If it freezes, will my flame breath still be effective!"

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