The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2029: Fifty steps, laugh a hundred steps

With one knife and one stick, it hit the stone giant's head fiercely, with a roar, and the whole hall trembled.

There was smoke and dust everywhere, and the broken stones flew away. The huge stone giant's head was smashed into pieces in an instant, and it was shattered together with the head, and there was a giant dart that had not yet been launched.

When the smoke and dust cleared and the fog disappeared, a crystal nucleus, lying quietly in the gravel, reflected a dazzling light.

He leaned over and picked up the crystal core, shining the light at the magic stone lamp, walked to the front of the package, and took out a broken crystal core. After comparing it, I was a little disappointed.

This crystal nucleus is no different from the previous giant nucleus. It is really difficult for Bakar to be able to use the same quality crystal nucleus to create giants of different strengths.

After sighing, I tried to smash this crystal core with my fingers.

Yadyan floated over suddenly and slapped me on my wrist. The scorching heat and sudden force caught me off guard, and my wrist softened and lost the spar.

Yadyan, who suddenly made a move, was already prepared, and he sank straight down for a certain distance.

When I thought it would just fall to the ground, its burning oval body actually stopped for life, and stretched out its hands to catch the falling spar.

"Although the smelly dragon has a bad character, its magic is quite good. Even if you don't want it, you can't waste it!"

As he said, Yadyan opened his mouth and swallowed the spar into his belly with a grunt.

With a burst of clattering, the flames surrounding it rose slightly.

"Bah, baah, bah!"

Yadyan vomited several times, and some spar fragments sprayed from his mouth: "The smell of magic is ordinary, the smell of crystal is simply too bad! This smelly dragon is really stingy, even if he makes his subordinates, he refuses to use the purest. Magic, no wonder the queen looks down on it, bah bah! Deserve it!"

Seeing Yadyan cursing vigorously, I really have nothing to say.

At best, this stone giant is just a young man in front of the formation. Why use the purest magic to create it?

Even if it were me, I would not do this.

It's a waste.

Listening to Yadyan's complaint, he packed up his things.

The two elven girls who had been indifferent, even helped me out for the first time, surprised me a little, and thought they were following me.

But soon, their motives for helping me were revealed. When I checked the contents of the package, I suddenly found that several giant spars contained in the package were missing.

Looking at the elven girl with her back to me, her head was swaying, as if she was doing something unknown.

I immediately understood. Well, it turned out that they didn't look at me, but the spar in the package. They secretly let the spar out by helping me pack things up. At this moment, they are having fun. Too!

With a wry smile, I grabbed my hair, sat down cross-legged, and took out a few pieces of dry food from the bag. With this clear water, I crunched and ate.

Ya Deyan leaned over, looked at the dry food in my hand, and wondered: "Why don't you eat pterosaur meat?"

"I eat meat every day and the false fire is rising. I have to add some vegetables to suppress the fire."

"Can this dry vegetable taste delicious?" Yadyan was deeply suspicious.

"It's definitely not delicious" I spread my hands, a little helpless: "But what can I do? I don't have a pot, I can't cook it!"

"That's true, but why don't you bring some fresh vegetables?"

"I think, but fresh vegetables are not easy to preserve. They will rot after a few days. The taste is even worse than dried vegetables."

"You can ask Bingnas to help!" Yadyan said: "You don't even know that ice can keep fresh, do you?"

"Heh" I chuckled: "Before I entered the Sky City, I didn't know that you existed, otherwise I would definitely bring vegetables, and not only vegetables, but also fruit juices, fruit juices of various flavors. Give those juices to Bingnas and ice them, they will taste good."

As I said, I laughed, stretched out my hand and patted Bing Nasi, and said: "You are like a mobile refrigerator!"



After the elf girl finished eating the crystal core, I carried my suitcase, carried the red pterosaur head, dragged the pterosaur corpse, and stepped into the portal.

After a short period of blindness, the eyes suddenly became clear again, and we entered the next level.

It is still a spacious hall with no features.

At the end of the hall, there is a giant...No, that's not right, it's an outrageous giant!

It has a triangle-shaped head and is covered in gold. Its sturdy arms are comparable to the stone pillars supporting the main hall, and its fists are astonishingly large, almost as large as its head.

"What a big giant!" I couldn't help feeling.

"It's probably the Golden Demon Platani." Bingnas trembles slightly: "I can feel that there is a terrible magic in its body."

"I can feel it too" Yadyan's tone became more cautious.

Then it turned to me and asked, "Is there a way to get out of here without confronting it?"

I looked around the hall for a week, but did not find the portal, so I shook my head: "I'm afraid I can only defeat it."

"I really don't want to fight such a monster" Yadyan sighed, "My magic will be exhausted."

"Isn't there still me?" I comforted: "I can fight it with physical attacks."

"You can't touch it," Yadyan said: "Unless you can keep that terrible black-red energy from dissipating, and hit its fatal point continuously...but we don't even know it. Where's the fatal point of this!"

"It's probably the neck" I said: "The previous giants had crystal nuclei in the neck."

"But this giant has horns," Yadyan said, "And three in a row."

"I guess those horns are probably just decorations."

"Can the smelly dragon be so stupid?" Yadyan whited my eyes: "It won't. It's the most cunning. After confirming that it can't exchange the Queen's favor, it turned to Faer's trick to lure the Queen to the bait, and the queen was caught. I have no choice but to send four of us to help it station in the city of the sky."

"I agree with this," Bingnas whispered: "The smelly dragon is cunning."

"That's it. For a while, I will test the giant's horns first, and you will assist you. Once we are sure that its horns are okay, we will turn to attack its neck..."

"Does it have a neck?" Yadyan stared at the giant for a while, and asked in confusion.

"It's... the thick and short golden pillar that connects the head to the body."

"Oh, that's its neck." Yadyan sneered, "It's really short."

I thought it was better than you. You didn't even have a neck, and you laughed at it. It's just fifty steps and a hundred steps.

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